Why is tech marketed towards poor people? Why isn't there an Armani of technology that is just head and shoulders better than everyone but costs 5x as much?
Why is tech marketed towards poor people...
nvidia & intel
that's what the titan lineup is for.
If you are not a brain dead normie cuck, you will find out you don't need an i7 for posting memes on facebook
Because companies want to make coin, 80% of all humans survive on 10$ or less a day and the remaining 20% is made up of mostly middle-class people. These people still have a budget of about $1000 max for electronics and usually still buy the best value products because they spend money wisely (else they wouldn't be middle-class hurrr).
Anyway if companies expect to make profit then they must cater to mostly poor people so they must come up with products in the $100 range which still take most people months to save up to.
With that said you should be very thankful you live in a house, sleep in a bed in your own room, and get to have food in your belly 3 times a day. Like half of humans on earth don't get those luxuries.
>implying high end brands are better in clothing
Apple, High-end Intel, High-end Nvidia, High-end Samsung, etc..
The startup cost and R&D of manufacturing very high quality electronics is much higher than making high quality clothing
OP said Armani so he's talking about suits so yes high end brands are better in clothing. Most adults don't wear vans and t-shirts
You almost had me there. Apple is definitely marketed towards the masses. Not so much the high-end segment.
Then why does apple show up at fancy upscale shopping malls?
Because they're literally a fashion brand.
>Why is tech marketed towards poor people?
It's a result of the race to the bottom. PC makers trying to compete on price and make up their losses with volume.
The poor are the target because there are so many of them.
because unlike other mediums where things are fairly subjective, tech is not subjective. it's either better or it isn't. companies try to go the premium route to squeeze more shekels out of people, and that works for samsung and apple, but the majority of people who use tech have to at least know what the shit does. the tech market is much smarter than any other market, even if normies by it in droves, if it's not better than the last, they sell significantly less.
>because unlike other mediums where things are fairly subjective, tech is not subjective. it's either better or it isn't.
Of course!
That's why we have endless discussions over which video card is superior.
>pentium 2 user detected
apple is tongue in cheek marketed towards teh masses.
yeah many poor people have apple, but no rich people have non-apple
To name a few that come to mind. One could have said IBM and Sun at different points years ago.
Dell, HP, and Lenovo all have their premium workstations which are quite expensive.
The economy of scale prevents it. You can't just make a small run of CPUs and expect to be profitable unless you are literally charging a million dollars each. It's costs hundreds of millions for the tooling processes and research that goes into a product line.
But there are some brands which take the highest quality components out there and build their own bespoke products out of it. There are custom workstations you can buy which are made to order and have strict quality control.
They're not exclusively marketed towards upper-class, you ignorant nigger.
also, get
/fa/ggot please go
>mommy why aren't the grown ups wearing sketchers and metallica t shirts wahhhhhh
Apple is literally poorfags: the brand.
>they're literally a fashion brand
kek, sure thing kid
I would assume because hardware is functional and not grounded in aesthetics . Feel free to not reply to this post Also, take a frog .
>Armani of technology
most rich people arnt this smart
>head and shoulders above the rest
Only businessmen and wannabe's wear suits. Good luck trying too hard and shaming yourself amongst your peers.