What did he mean by this?
Louis Rossmann Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>uploaded 37 minutes ago
Hi Louis.
Not him, watch the whole video, he seems pretty worried.
I don't understand why Louis spends so much time on his muscles but doesn't try to fix his haircut
He seems like the type of self aware guy who would give a damn
I remember him reading some of the comments from his videos and laughing when one was like, "you apple cuck collecting sheckles."
so it doesn't surprise me that someone is stalking him by posting the url to one of his videos from a half-hour ago.
lol, you guys are fucking losers.
He's losing it
poor little tech wop
They're shutting him down. Make sure you download any videos you didn't watch and wanna see later.
omg he just never stops whining and bitching. He's so fucking annoying. He's a two bit retard electronic repairman. He really needs to get over himself.
This is what happens to cat owners.
It sounds like apple is trying to hurt his business directly. He could of been handed a gag order and a dmca for the board layouts.
The only Apple product I ever bought was a Ipod 3rd gen.
Give me one reason to take what this preachy fucktard says serious.
He's a pretty knowledgeable about business/street smarts and his talks and rants are enjoyable.
Take whatever he says as seriously as you want. The guy doesn't have any more or less authority than anyone else speaking their mind on the internet.
so apple's going to shut him down?
lmao Hi louis, hows it going?
Things have been better, yourself?
It seems like it. That's why he was talking about youtube vid downloaders.
Time to archive everything then torrent his channel archive!
To me it sounds like he was handed a gag order directly from Apple.
Reddit is gonna fucking flip tomorrow.
Not him but,
reddit? Is he popular on reddit?
How do you feel about this picture?
He just did an AMA that got a zillion comments and upboats. If it turns out Apple is tossing lawyers at him, the negative publicity won't be pretty.
Someone sum up the video please
After his ama, he blew up. He had like 60k subs then in less then a week had 110k.
It was front page on reddit. This shit if Apple does something as stupid as gag Louis would be wrist slitting.
He's being threatened by some unknown company (probably Apple) about his repair videos. He's advising people to download his videos.
>I grew up facing a lot of difficulties and survived them, was made stronger by them. By the way, I'm about to face a big difficulty right now but I'm not going to say what it is, but here are some hints that my Youtube channel and my business are both under threat.
Is he white?
Mixed parents.
I'm only downloading his ThinkPad videos.
exactly. I doubt apple would go after him. To much that could go wrong there.
My money is on him simply going bankrupt and getting strikes on his channel (that happens to everyone now a days thanks to youtubes retarded system)
Is this the one that Steve Jobs was trying to get permission to build in one of his last public appearances?
Ayyy, Eliot, how you been?
I haven't.
Was is Crapple or Lelnovo that shut him down?
Sorry to hear that.
rip in pepperonis
What case would anyone have against him? Does he even have ads on his videos?
He's probably the only motivational speaker I've ever been interested by
I feel like a retarded teen girl for saying that he helped me with my depression but it's the truth
How do figure? So what if a couple thousand people make some buzz, apple has enough money to pretty much not give the most miniscule fuck about pissing off a small percentage of people. Little Lisa will still get her iphone and recent college freshman Joey will get his macbook.
You people are delusional if you think shutting this dude down is going to screw apple's company over in any way. I feel for the man, I really do, but the reality was this was always going to happen eventually.
>exactly. I doubt apple would go after him. To much that could go wrong there.
You severely overestimate how much of a fuck Apple gives.
so are there any programs that can download an entire youtube channel since louis thinks he will be kill?
also turning off ads can be the difference between youtube removing your account and not when it comes to "grey area" things
JDownloader 2
I dunno. I really hope apple isn't behind this. I don't like Louis but I respect him. I guess we'll find out tomorrow. See ya on the front page of reddit :^)
> Not expecting to be slapped in the face with lawyers
He could have totally uploaded those videos, but should have done so under an alias and not associated with his business.
His fault desu senpaitachi
That wouldn't explain why his business is under threat of being shut down.
Fuck man. This guy single handedly got me my business.
I bet tomorrow he turns up dead.
Just like pic related.
youtube-dl youtube.com
Someone should make a torrent of his videos.
Can I get a tl;dr? I can't watch videos due to data allowance issues
It's not clear
From what I can gather someone is doing something to force him out of business. As you know that guy uploads videos of the schematics and proprietary and private apple servicing tools. Could have something to do with that.
Best guess is that Apple either is suing him or threatened to sue him if he doesn't stop making videos. Must be big because he's even shutting down his business.
good idea
I'm about to use jdownloader to download all the files, and I have a good internet connection so I could host it.
How would I go about making a torrent file? I've never done it before.
Apple Jews can fuck themselves off so hard Anne Frank feels it.
Kikes I tells ya
He along with other NYC repair shops are trying to pass a bill that allows citizens to repair electronics. That would mean schematics, manuals and parts directly from the manofacturer or something like that
He went to congress to talk about it but the Apple lobbyist refuted his claims by stating "when you repair a mac you turn it into a pc"
They are turbokikes and I hope they get gassed.
The whole idea of turning a mac into a PC is kiking on a whole new level, making Mr. ((Rossmann)) look like a saint.
people on ribbit are already on it
We need to put jews in an oven tbqhwu my famallama
>He says that there is something big that is happening g tomorrow
>He implies that this thing may put an end to his business and his videos
>He says that if he does stop making videos and shuts down his business, it's not by choice, but because he has been forced to
>he implies that viewers should use YouTube downloaders and such to backup his videos just in case they go down
There is a lot of implying in this video. The consensus on what is going on seems to be that there is some sort of lawsuit against him, and that he is under a gag order. It is unclear who is suing him, and for what purpose, but most people assume that the suing party might be Apple.
This is all speculation though, so the real situation may be completely different.
Link to the thread on reddit?
>mfw some faggot got mad about his novidia graphics card not working when he stuck it in his oven
They're likely suing him because every dead board he brings back for the 2-300 shekels he charges is at least $999 someone isn't giving to apple, and that's the bottom line.
So, anyone got 300GB of download to spare? I would if I could.
The Right to Repair bill failed and now they're going after the companies that supported it.
>It's illegal to turn a PC in to a PC according to Applel
4th Reich when?
Oh mb I thought the video in OP was already posted to reddit and people on reddit were already downloading all of his videos
When reddit finds out about this video they'll be pretty pissed off though, given how he made it to the front page.
>people told politicians that if someone that isnt apple repairs an apple device it turns into a PC
>they believe it
>Annoying as fuck guy
>Can't even record a video without fucking up the audio
>Had to suck Linus dick to get subs, literally zero charisma as a youtuber, blogger
>Cringe tier tech experiences
>"I'm le mac god, pls sux my dick to get your mac fixd"
>Complains about apple service, when he literally accepts that he will reject to serve a costumer if he doesn't want to
He had his 5 minutes of fame after blowing up Linus dick and he wasted them uploading his shitty "fixing apple mac keyboard" 50 min long documentaries.
oy gevalt, macs are not pcs
ban dis filth
>we need to keep the schematics private to protect our intellectual property!
>schematics constantly leaked and freely available on the internet
>no real macbook clones based off these schematics exist
>even if they made their schematics available that wouldnt undermine their rights to their IP
Serioiusly, just fuck Apple.
People in the comments section of the video already claim they're on it.
For the record, reddit propelled him up to fame more than Linus did, although Linus did give him the initial push.
I liked his videos desu, is anyone here making a torrent?
>pay $2000 for apple product
>breaks easy as fuck
>their own updates fuck the devices like error 53 or what ever
>repairs cost $800+
>all data is gone
>their SSD's are soldered to the motherboard
ive never owned an apple product and never will
oy vey gevalt
solder fumes gibs me tayrible gyeaass.
>literally the top in the field of repairing macs
>even without schematics or diagnostic software is still better than Apple at it
>basically every video talks about how shit he is with academics
>>le mac god xddd
You're a mac god. A Big Mac god. Fuck off and die you fat NEET fuck.
torrent clients have the feature to.
all you need is a tracker and the directory.
I wouldn't know which are the least fishy, but I've at least heard of this one before.
Oh god all those fucking shills defending apple
Someone in the comments said it was 320GB for all 703 videos ;-; I don't have that space
only 302GB?
i could download that overnight
oh, and there are online tools to make a magnet link, which is what you would post here.
>literally the top in the field of repairing macs
Not really, there are probably another couple hundreds of people fixing apple shit next to him, he just happen to have a retarded fanbase and a camera.
>even without schematics or diagnostic software is still better than Apple at it
>basically every video talks about how shit he is with academics
Whatever you say Louis, must be hard to become homeless, I'm sorry about you.
>tfw JUST found this channel few months ago
>use his videos kind of like podcasts
>max comfy
Internet speed isn't the issue, but the hard drive space that would take up is
I am but a poor pleb with a shitty laptop
hard drives are cheap as fuck now
sheeeit even a 128gb usb drive was on sale for like $30 CDN
JUST get a hard drive dock or something
Is that filtered to a single resolution? If you use jDownloader it will usually give you multiple files per video, different resolutions and audio only options.
I doubt we need more than just the 1080 or even just 720p files.
>live in third world country
>1TB hard drive is like $90
>can't even afford to spend $90 on a hard drive rn
Some other user is on it anyways, i'll let him do it
hue land?
apple is fucking him
he's fucking angry
angry doesn't care
There are others that are listed here openbittorrent.com
They recommend using multiple
The best thing about Louis isn't even that he fixes Macbooks that Apple can't or won't for cheaper than they offer but that he calls them out on their bullshit .
When he starts seeing multiple 2014 /2015 Macbooks come in with the same problem that is some shitty design/manufacturing decision that Apple doesn't acknowledge as their fault, Apple must be seeing magnitudes more of these cases, but they won't issue an extended warranty on these devices for another year or more, until the complaints have risen enough they have to do something about it, and by then they will have scummed hundreds of people out of thousands of dollars.
>not become an hero
Remake it.
dun worry eh's figiting the zog
no wait this is g not b
whocares about epic macbook man, he's more a legend not a person
he doesnt need our worry
>>their SSD's are soldered to the motherboard
Seriously? I didn't know that.