Is Programmer still a good career option for someone who just wants to be left alone by normies in peace...

Is Programmer still a good career option for someone who just wants to be left alone by normies in peace, sitting in my cubicle for weeks unbothered, chilling and blaming other programmers for being slow? it's always been by dream job, but then i gave it up after everyone saying it's far from what you see in the movies.
How hard is it to find a job like that? where i'll be alone most of the day, sitting in a cool hacker-type dark room or cubicle, playing halo or browsing the net, maybe once a month the supervisor will check up on me, and i'd tell him it's not my fault coz i've been fixing bugs made by the other programmers(which i didn't coz there are no bugs or i'll make up a fake report), then i'd go back to chilling.
is it a relic from the past or do such jobs still exist?

No, you work at home 4.5 days per week and only come in for scrums.

wow that's even better.
should i apply for computer science college program then?

>tfw this is every autist's dream

Really makes you think

Sure, but your amazement underlies a lesson you need to learn which is not offered in school. It derives from the whole Pareto principle thing.

Only 20% of your success in this career will depend on your ability to do (or fake) work. 80% is about your ability to impress your personality upon your boss and coworkers in a positive way. You're seemingly not familiar with the realities of remote workplaces and Agile and those are likely to still be relevant as you enter the workforce. They're not going to teach you how to be a good team player in school. Get it out of your head that the coding is what matters. It's just the busy work. Get as much experience as you can in the corporate environment and learn how to fit in. Only then will you get paid for doing nothing. School is just your route into internships.

bait thread, op can't be this retarded

i swear it's not, it's been my dream since i was 13, it all started with the matrix and terminator movies.

>School is just your route into internships.
wtf? will i have to work for free for like 6 months? i hate this new post 90s system.

and i don't want to be a team player, i dont wanna interact with degenerate normies, i just wanna be a programmer and make cool programs to revolutionize the world.


>and i don't want to be a team player
> i dont wanna interact with degenerate normies

Not that user, but...

... this is why you'll be un-employable.

like what?

i have no idea what kinds of shitholes people here are attending, but as a grad student i made something like 30k last summer at MSR. undergrads made less, but not that much less.

internships for people in CS are not equivalent to internships for journalism students and the like. the only way i can fathom conflating the two types of internships would be if you were wholly informed about the outside world by movies and television, where "intern" means "unpaid student worker".

i've literally never heard of a university CS student taking a tech internship and getting no salary from it.

and how is that a bad thing?
you delusional wretched slave.

>i just wanna... revolutionize the world.
i seriously hope you talk like this in interviews. i'd be fucking furious if you made it through interviews and i heard you talk shit like this in the first few weeks.

>using "wretched" seriously in 2016
lol okay.

you're lucky i don't go to interviews(since i value myself as a human being and will not humiliate myself to slave begging like you losers do it), or else you'd be the first i'd spit on.

Keep telling yourself that...

no point in talking to a blind degenerate slave. bye.

i mean as a troll you're doing it too hard. but for a comedy bit i guess it's funny. it would be funnier if you interspersed pictures of dwight schrute or something. really drive the message home that you're parodying aspergers or something.

i will, and i will always be a much happier human being.

>i just wanna... revolutionize the world.
To his defence though, most egocentric and narcissistic company owners believe that they and their company are revolutionising the world.

In my first programming job, the boss sincerely believed that his program would revolutionise the database monitoring industry. My second boss sincerely believed that their product was revolutionary and that photographers all around the globe were sincerely thankful to him personally because of his image sorting software. At the last company, the four guys that owned it together sincerely thinks that the IPTV industry knows absolutely nothing about diagnostics and networks and that their product is making their life revolutionary better.

if you think i'm "trolling" or jokin, then i pity you people even more, because of how brainwashed you are.
It makes my both disgusted and angry, but i should not, for it is vanity.

Guess the answer to my question is a NO....based on the all the hostility from wageslaves.
Therefore i shall continue living off with their tax dollars stress-free forever. Amen. This concludes the thread.

>look at me i'm so edgy
Too bad you wont get unemployment bucks unless, you know, actively try to get a job.

>School is just your route into internships
Started working as SE and haven't finished high school

not him but i get neet bux without having to look for a job because i have 'depression,' of which its symptoms consist of 'an inability to do anything outside of watch anime and play video games all day.'

What you are describing is pretty much the average SysAdmin.

Godspeed, OP.

>look at me i'm pretending on the internet

what makes you think i'm pretending?

This is Sup Forums, and he's coming here for advice about one of the most societal-centric role we take part in; working.

It's obvious the advice is all going to be cynical trash from people who probably don't work at all.

If you're in CS, as in you have a degree, it literally doesn't matter whether it's an associate's or a doctorate, you'll fine you're easily hired and paid, and you'll move up the ladder in a timely fashion so long as you keep yourself going.

People apply to four jobs, all of which want a super computer of a person and reject most everyone else. Then they go on Sup Forums "YOU'LL FIND IT'S HARDER, YOU GOTTA BE AN UNPAID INTERN FOR 80 YEARS I WOULD KNOW"

CS is one of the best career fields right now. And it's not being filled up because for most people computers are scary. Take advantage, get a paycheck you can live off of, find you can suddenly afford housing, a car, luxuries, and you don't work for 90 hours a week like some fools. Or whine on Sup Forums, your call

did he say school is your "only" route?
You started working as SE but you obviously miss some core reasoning abilities, retard

This sounds like a motivational speech for a Middle Management job.

Everybody in the entire fucking world, disregard everything in .

It is absolutely about how you code. It's not about speed. It's not even about efficiency unless you're specifically micro managing.

Jesus fucking christ.

>Getting NEET bux for depression
Depressed American taking my morning shit before going to my code monkey job. How'd you manage that?

Basically everything requires social skills these days. Computers do all the loner work now

>And it's not being filled up because for most people computers are scary.