Oh look, it's another "poor linux user gets triggered" episode.
Oh look, it's another "poor linux user gets triggered" episode
Just let it pass
I use WInblows actually. Can't you idiots just use one thread for your manchildren-tier gayming components??
Again. Let it pass. Also, just accept mods hate this board and it will never get better.
Mods do their job. I know it. But I think this might be beyond their capabilities.
>Mods do their job
Becuse Sup Forums is for more sophisticated people like myself, who like to discuss the best way to download cartoons and post pictures of where we spend our unemployment.
No user, mods put the bare minimal into their job and even that is too much work for them.
it's mostly shills battling it out to try and sway the opinion of Sup Forums
Graphics card ARE technology therefor its fine.
You fuck off while me and my Sup Forumsansta's discuss the latest news in the GPU world.
Once you're mature and stop taking anime-websites seriously, you'll realize that most people just come here to shitpost for fun. They don't even care about AMdead or Jewvidya. And since a lot of people have fallen for the shill meme it's funny to pretend to be one.
>mods do their job
Anime website
>that Australian thread
Your frustration gets my kitty purring :3
you seem to h posted your reply on the wrong bo
Nope, I know exactly where I am baka~
>when i see an animeposter breaking >>>/global/rules/6
Announcing reports is a banable offense baka~