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>Learning material
youtu.be/JxAXlJEmNMg?list=PL7664379246A246CB - "Crockford on JavaScript" lecture series.

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started
youtu.be/pB0WvcxTbCA - "WATCH THIS IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A WEB DEVELOPER! - Web Development Career advice"
youtu.be/zf_cb_Nw5zY - "JavaScript is Easy" - If you can't into programming, you probably won't find a simpler introduction to JavaScript than this.

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you guys please help me out?

I work a shit customer service 9 to 5 and wan to learn web dev. I know HTML and CSS. I've messed with Javascript/Ruby before.

Is this a good place to learn Web Dev: The Odin Project

I'd like to be employable as a junior web dev in the next year. Please help.

Leaving this here again, just in case...

I recently placed a website on RedHat's openshift platform which uses git to maintain changes.
Once I git push on the server it instantly deploys the changes live.
The website lets users upload images on an image folder... the problem I'm facing is: once I git push my changes, the content of images folder gets wiped on the server (obviously, since my local repository has an empty images folder).
Is there any way to leave the "images" folder untouched?
.gitignore doesn't help

Place the images folder outside of the git repo?

Like in ../images


Odin is pretty good. After you finish, you should also try some other web frameworks to get a better handle on how they work, since rails does a lot of magic shit for you under the hood.

>I'd like to be employable as a junior web dev in the next year.
That's possible, but you're going to have to stay dedicated and put the hours in.

This crossed my mind but I pressumed that it won't be accessible from the web-browser since the folder will be on an upper level of web-root.
Let me check though

Thank you for the reply!! That's not a problem at all, I have the drive and hunger to get out of my shit situation.

nope, I have no permission on that directory

Oh my fucking god, I can't stand ASP.NET anymore. I was using the following code in my ASP.NET MVC project last night:

DatabaseWrapper dw = new DatabaseWrapper("database.sqlite");
var x = dw.Select("* FROM table WHERE x=y").ToArray();
var y = dw.Select("* FROM table where y = x").ToArray();

and the second Database query wasn't working. "Well, tickle me fuckin bollocks, I've got to debug yeh" so I fire up the debugger... Lo and fucking behold, a SqliteDataReader object was being left in HEAP and fucking with it. You literally could only fix this by manually calling the garbage collector.

GC.Collect() should have wiped out the entire ASP.NET framework with it, because it's fucking trash. It took me forever to figure out why the fuck the database was locked, and that's a stupid fucking reason why it was.

I'm not that familiar with openshift, but I assume it uses some kind of transient file system thing like heroku, which means that if you ever want to spool up multiple instances of your app, you'll run into problems since some images would be stored in one container, and some in the other (thus not being accessible to users being directed to the other container), and they'd be lost when you kill / clone the app (which is essentially what's happening now).

If you're just making the app as a personal project and don't expect to monetize or have very many users, the simplest solution is probably to just put the images into a db. (I assume openshift has some kind of persistent db option? And hopefully it has a free tier? Again, not that familiar with it.) If openshift doesn't have that, or if it's cost-prohibitive, the next best option would probably be to use a cloud storage provider like aws.

Alright, thank you.
Yes openshift provides persistent db (using MySQL tb.h). I guess I'll have to figure out a solution.
To be clear, it's just web-developement using git to push the changes on the project (instead of ftp).
I know it's stupid because Production Server and Project Server should be on a separate machine...

I'm working with forms for the first time in node.js

I've never really had to use forms before this actually, because I was only ever messing around with front-end js.

I want to have a form that can make a post request to my server, running on app.js. I have a file upload module (multer) that can handle file uploads, and the fundamentals of its implementation I'll figure out later.

Right now, I'm just wondering: is this correct?

// more html

There's a route in app.js for handling post requests to the root (app.post('/', etc)).

Does the action attribute need more info in its value than a single forward slash? Sometimes I see people placing the entire localhost address in there, other times it's literally just a route, or in the case of a w3 example for php, it was an entire filename.

It's a bit of a bummer that there isn't that many "you're an absolute backend scrub" focused tutorials for node.js, they all seem to assume it's your second or third backend technology.

How do I make this?

I want an image slider where you just cycle through thumbnail size images. I don't want the capability of any fullscreen modal shit when you click on them, I just want them to stay small. So can anyone point me in the right direction?

If you can point me to some already existing javascript code, or maybe a tutorial, or maybe come up with something yourself, I'd appreciate it immensely. I'm really lost

Bump for MEME stack

That is typically called a carousel. You should be able to find plenty of examples of them on github, etc.

I'd like to build a web app that performs a reverse image search exclusively on images hosted on my server. Basically, I only want the search results to be images on my site.

Does an API exist for this? I know TinEye has an API, but it only seems to work for searching through its own image catalog.

Can you help me find one that looks like what I want? I already knew they're often called carousels. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to make exactly what I want

I'm having some trouble conceptualizing my models. I'm making a site where you can make/join a room, and chat with people in the room, and upload files to them. Should the users belong to a room, or should the room belong to a user? And do the files belong to the user or the room?
I tried doing room>user>file but I'm not sure it's the best, because of room switching complications.

I feel threatend when I see normies learn web dev in a year and get a similar job as me who have a degree in this. Mind you, it's not just a web development, but I had like 5-6 courses in it, it's not CS either though. Fug :^(. Idk if masters in Software eng. is worth it given that it's mainly about mobile apps, some more Java and business. To me it sounds disgusting.

Guys, I'm going through Angular docs and am wondering - why does it have all those functions that can be written in pure JS, like foreach, is(x), etc.?

Looks like Angular's forEach method with iterate through object keys and arrays.

But I agree. If you can write vanilla JS over opinionated shit, choose vanilla.

will iterate*

>Can you help me find one that looks like what I want? I already knew they're often called carousels. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to make exactly what I want

In other words:

>Can you do for me? I don't know what I want, but I can't be bothered to actually look for it myself. I'll definitely know it when I see it though.

The answer is yes. Yes I can do the thing I literally do for a living for some random cunt on the internet. The question is, can you afford my hourly rate?

I'd do that for sure, I'm just "worried" that maybe when writing Angular in a team environment, I should be using those functions because it's the "Angular way of doing things". But maybe it will depend on a team, idk.

just use phash and generate hash for the uploaded image and then compare the hash to hashes in the database by calculating hamming distances between them

Can users be in more than one room at once? Are the files visible to everyone in the room? (e.g. Discord)

One room at a time, but the files are visible to everyone. Each room is created by someone and then anyone can join it.
I'm not sure if room>user>file or room>user + room>file makes more sense. I need to keep track of which user the files are tied to though, so probably the former?

Not that user, but would that work if the test image is of a different size/resolution to the database images? Or would you have to downsample first?

room>user + room>file makes more sense to me, but either way could probably work. What does your db situation look like? Presumably you're storing the image path somehow? Just store the user's id along with it. (And also other potentially useful metadata like timestamp, size, etc.)

Any decent library to use web workers or should I just make my own abstraction for it?

Is just going through a whole docs a good way of learning a language/framework? Keep in mind you are talking to a genius who remembers everything without practicing it (proven in programming classes) :^).

Not that user talking about phash, but yes, it works even with images with different sizes. Look for an implementation in your favourite language and see the examples.

What's up with meta and role html tags? They seem useless but they're in every page source I look at.

Any good books for learning node/express?

A lot of the stuff out there seems to be a bit out of date, and they've only been published for a 12 or 18 months.

Fast moving field, I suppose.

Yeah, terrible. I have to learn Angular 1 for my job and it is already deprecated. It sucks to waste my time on this. I don't know if I will get anything useful from this later.

>Using books for web development

Docs + tutorials + practice

You should basically never bother with web dev books, they're obsolete before the ink is dry.

Meta tags give - as one might expect - meta data about the website. Two most common meta tags would be for the character encoding header, and the one for mobile-readiness, which I can't remember. You can find it on Google by writing "html meta mobile".
Basically it's info for how the browser should interpret the data for the page.

Not sure about role. Surely useful, if often used.

>watch 45 minute long js tutorial
>near end
>"most people use jquery for this though"
what is vanilla js used for the most? just onclick shit and making the UI look more responsive?

Fug jQuery. You can do all that with JS anyway.

What's your hourly rate?



If it's not the 2017 edition it's deprecated.

On the frontend, its used for AJAX, which is where you fetch data from the server and insert it into a page without reloading the whole page. When you type a search into Google and it suggests shit for you as you type, that's Javascript and AJAX.

Sometimes entire applications are written in Javascript. Ever used Discord or Google docs, or Google maps for that matter? All Javascript.

Javascript is used less for little shit like button animations, since CSS is now capable of doing that shit.

Javascript can also power your server, instead of using PHP, Ruby, Python you can use Node.js. I like Node and think it has some very good features, like streams.

If you want to do webdev, you pretty much can't escape from Javascript. I like it, but many developers hate it because they're stupid, and they refuse to actually learn the language.

ah but senpai, jquery makes element selection and click events and especially ajax a million times less verbose and tedious

So should I just be looking at this (developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/AJAX/Getting_Started) instead of making slideshows and shit in JS?

>this library makes things easier. I'll just throw it on my page
>oh this other library makes things easier. I'll just throw it on my page
>... etc
>I now have a 10mb page weight and am making 230 HTTP requests for meme frameworks, libraries and stylesheets, and my page runs at 15 frames per second while using 8gb of ram... But that's fine
t. Every useless frontend monkey developer these days


Or download node.js and do backend stuff instead, make an application that can actually do something instead of just looking pretty.

>muh slippery slope

jquery is 32kb

unless you're on dial-up it'll be alright

As also a design-cuck, I always find these posts so triggering.

ty for saving me some time :)

jquery is more than 1000x times slower than vanilla js

The primary web-browsing platform these days is mobile, because normies don't spend all day at home in the basement shitposting on a Tibetan Yak butter churning enthusiast BBS. So shitty unreliable connections and metered data plans are a reality and your page should be as tiny as possible.

What do you expect from bartenders and housewives who got into web development over night? Do you think they really care about performance?


have fun wringing hands over a 32kb footprint, tweaking ms-difference performance times, solving cross browser issues and writing shit like .getElementById

Job interview in two hours for a junior dev position using drupal and "developing in javascript/html/css" what do I need to know going in? I'm a student and it's a school affiliated position so competition is not easy. Please give tips family.

Ok follow these steps for guaranteed success

>open the door
>do not knock, thats a beta move
>if there's more than one interviewer, pick the one that you're going to focus on
>anyone else does not exist and must be ignored entirely for the duration of the interview
>when shaking hands squeeze as humanly hard as possible to assert dominance
>during the interview continuously insinuate that your interview is not qualified to accurately assess your ability as a developer
>ask him an extremely esoteric question (e.g. an edge case in IE4)
>if you don't have a question to ask, just make one up
>once you sense the interview is about to conclude, preemptively get up and leave the room
>this will show your ability to predict phenomena and take the initiative to act before you're instructed to do so

thanks for the laugh. Helped to make me a bit less nervous.

I'm only first year university and i've been casting a wide net trying to get a job doing development or tech stuff. Mostly the market is super saturated as I'm at an engineerning school but I feel like this won't be a hard interview to ace. I've just never had to touch drupal before.

>using drupal

>If I used a SPA framework on these projects they would take me 100x longer to build a MVP with. If the project is viable and gets traction, then you could consider rewriting with a SPA like React or something.

Do you agree?

How do I convert html/css/javascript to a customizable wordpress theme? I think I understand most of it, but I don't know how to handle images for logos or carosels

anyone know a good hovertip script? I've been using powertip but its kinda buggy and it disappears some times and the default jquery has messed up position

you mean tooltip?

>If I used a SPA framework on these projects they would take me 100x longer to build a MVP with.

Looking at the projects mentioned, I seriously doubt it would take 100x, first of all. And secondly, the reason it would take a lot longer to do a SPA for them isn't because a react app would take a long time to build, but because some of the sites look like they were made in like 30 minutes. (Nothing wrong with a site built in 30 minutes, just pointing it out)

In general, I think it depends on the nature of the project. if it's a service that users are primarily going to be accessing as a web app, and it's something that makes sense to use a SPA for, I would probably do it as a SPA from the start. On the other hand if the project is mostly just static content or something, there's really no point in using a SPA, just make a basic HTML/CSS site and put it on gh-pages or something.

write your own you dumb shit jquery faggot kys nigger

I'm terrible at math.
Can I still become a webdev?

thanks that looks good
nah im lazy ):

depending on the complexity, you could also just use css

Good websites to get jobs for entry-level?

I'm on Indeed, Monster, Dice, and have been accepted to LaunchCode; just waiting on the interview for the 3rd month now.

Anywhere else? that angel site doesn't seem to be friendly towards entry-level.

Is PeoplePerHour still a thing?

It's not my business so I'm not going to complain. I just want to get hired and get work experience. I know for a fact that whatever they do I can find ways to improve.

top navigation vs side navigation and why?

>tfw jquery is mindnumbingly easy and there are pre written codes for anything and everything
why do you chumps hate on efficiency?

Top every time. Cleaner and looks better on all displays.

why isn't my html styled when i serve it via an express app? I link to it like I normally do via a link tag in the head of the html doc.

Do I need to specify something in the express app itself?

>tfw you have a sexy voice and get the recruiter super hot for you during the phone interview

Remember to do your vocal warm-ups every morning /wdg/

what is missing? the stylesheet?

I figured it out, lack of a static server declaration in the express file. Weirdly, the recommended way of doing it as shown in the docs didnt work for me

where do you get started with back end knowing absolutely nothing about it? ajax?

look at web frameworks of the language you like most

Read the RFCs, starting with HTTP.

What do you do to work on your voice?

you can buy some special white paste you can gargle for 10 minutes before talking to smooth your voice

I start with some breathing exercises for ten minutes, actively relaxing my diaphragm and trying to lower the breath as close towards the crotch as possible. Then I start to hum, not aiming to make the tone higher or lower than the natural octave my voice settles on, while focusing on relaxing all the resonators and letting the sound spread to as much of my body as possible. After several minutes of this, I let my jaw drop open and it becomes an "ahhhh" for another few minutes, taking breaths where needed. There is a meditative mental component at work here too, ideally you want to enter into a relaxed trance where your body adopts your most natural sound without your mind interfering.

If I'm feeling particularly tight in any of my muscles or limbs I follow up with stretching out those areas. Also useful is a few reps of voicing the highest octave I can reach down to the lowest one, repeated several times.

Do this every morning for a few weeks and you will be amazed at the sound you are producing. Others will notice too.

Sounds like bullshit broscience to me

Can you program a game of solitare? If so, in what language?

It's how stage actors have warmed up for hundreds of years so that they can be heard perfectly by the back row of an 1100-seat theatre.

If you do it regularly, it will transform your voice

First nootropics and now voice exercises. Looks like the old general disease is getting to /wdg/.

>clientside code in current year



I guess that could work as well

OP must be gargling a lot of white paste.

I've spent the past two weeks doing absolutely nothing but javascript and it just took me a half hour to center a fucking div.

>centering divs with js

I'd tap that

Nah, just with CSS. I meant that I spent so much on JS that my CSS ain't up to par, family. Web development is harder than people sell it as. Genuinely surprised so many people just jump into it.

Step 1: Tell them to go fuck themselves
Step 2: Send me their contact info so I can apply for the same position and save you from the burden of dealing with that horror show of a language and framework.

I only care about your sanity, seriously.

>Step 1: Tell them to go fuck themselves

This tbqh familyman

Make projects that seem interesting and learn cool shit instead of rewriting the same shitty code for retards' ecommerce/deal sites.

it's just that centering divs isn't really intuitive...
it was a nightmare centering divs before CSS3's transform was made available,

Someone give me something to test my HTML/CSS skills with.
JS is ass.

I'm a professional, it's 2:30am, bored af.
Helped a few anons here before.