He actually uses an android phone

>he actually uses an android phone


They modified their privacy policy to add:

telephony log information like your phone number, calling-party number, forwarding numbers, time and date of calls, duration of calls, SMS routing information and types of calls.

Other urls found in this thread:


good thing i don't have service :^)

>he has gapps installed

I only use an Android tablet, so I'm fine

There's still something you can do. Use a custom ROM on your Android device, preferably one which doesn't require SuperSU (which is a proprietary app). Some of those ROMs are: CM, AICP, AOKP. Use the built-in privacy guard and deny apps certain permissions and disable Internet access for certain apps. Use a throwaway Google account, which doesn't have to contain any personal details related to you at all. Don't install Gapps and or replace your apps with the alternative apps from F-droid. Use a VPN that you trust. That's pretty much it.

Screen taken in march with no gapps on cm 12.1

I tried cm 13 but with the same result

the IPs are google ones

Strange however that the firewall block some system connections. App with root can bypass it easily

Which apps did AFWall+ log? I'm curious. That's quite the amount of connections...

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Cyanogenmod uses Google Analytics or whatever it's called for diagnostics. This seems like a lot to just be that but you might want to disable it before checking again.


Afwall logs all the apps that you put under firewall showing the blocked connections

Forgot to mention a few more. As far as chat apps go - the best options are Signal and Ring (beta) and maybe Whatsapp - it does offer ''encryption'' by default, though it shouldn't really be trusted (Whatsapp is owned by Facebook and obviously isn't FOSS, let alone open-source). If your ROM doesn't come with privacy guard built-in, there's XPrivacy (and Xposed framework module that can restrict Internet connection, deny permissions and feed apps fake data), AppOps and the best firewall app is definitely AFWall+. As far as ''read it later'' and bookmark apps go - the best one is definitely Save for Offline (f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=jonas.tool.saveForOffline). Pocket is obviously the most used one, but it's proprietary, though you can always use a throwaway account with no personal and identifying information for it.

>They modified their privacy policy to add:
No they didn't, that's been in there in its current form since March of 2012:

The change made in the June 2016 version was:
>We will not combine DoubleClick cookie information with personally identifiable information unless we have your opt-in consent.
was changed to
>Depending on your account settings, your activity on other sites and apps may be associated with your personal information in order to improve Google’s services and the ads delivered by Google.

If you are using GApps you are part of the botnet.

The Apple iPhone 6S Plus doesn't have this problem.



If I don't login to Google account, revive gapps, and switch to fdroid, I'm safe right.

*Remove gapps

>tfw got a phone with locked bootloader and no chance of removing gapps


Well, HTC offers bootloader unlocking, not sure about other manufacturers. If it's a carrier specific model, good luck...

s7 tmob

been looking around, and looks like it is pretty closed down.

maybe i should just ditch it and go back to my moto Sup Forums

Should I switch to a dumbphone at this point?

Well, that's what you get with the Exynos SOC and TMobile on top of that. As far as S7 goes, I'm not even sure if the Snapdragon variant is unlockable. That's why I'm getting HTC 10 next (I have an S5 currently).

I use CM with no gapps bs and nobody calls me anyway.


Well I was offered the phone for free, found it hard to be discerning.

Either a dumb phone or a smart phone running a custom ROM without Gapps and carrier installed spyware/bloatware if you're worried about companies spying on your, government is a completely different issue though. I'm honestly surprised that nothing has come out about a company putting spyware on their dumbphones yet.

Eh, fair enough. I would've sold it though :) It looks nice and everything, but ''no custom ROMs'' and a locked bootloader is just not for me.