>he owns both a tablet and a phone
He owns both a tablet and a phone
Other urls found in this thread:
i have laptop tablet phone
i dont use any of them cause no friends and i never leave my house
>he owns a tablet
>he owns a phablet
I don't have ether
the joys of being poor ;_;
Different devices for different purposes. Different operating systems too.
>5,5 inch phone
>7 inch ereader
>10 inch tablet
>12 inch surface
>15 inch laptop
>17 inch desktop
>55 inch tv
>phone has higher resolution than all the other devices
what fucking phone? 4K sony?
Probably 2560x1440
El Gee gee four xD?
>Enjoy le bootloops
I have a drawing tablet, can't do that on my phone. (can't afford a Cintiq)
>His phone isn't 1440p
>his phone is 2560x1440
>mfw my phone is 5:3
>mfw 1:1 masterrace
Is there even a 1:1 phone?
You can't comfortably read manga or comics on a phone. My eyes are awful even with glasses.
>mfw own desktop, laptop, tablet, phone
>mfw not a poorfag
What if I still use a flip phone? Can I own a tablet (i don't atm)
What the fuck? Where are they? I need to see them
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Classic
BlackBerry Passport
I thought you mean the entire phone was 1:1, that would've been something
But I don't
>he cant afford cheaply made chink electronics
don't bully my nico
Now that, is funny.
fugg :DD
is this really a thing ?
Eh, I have a tablet/phone/laptop/desktop.
>Laptop for work/any independent projects and when the tablet is going slow/need to write a more in-depth email.
>Tablet for multimedia/streaming/casual internet browsing/not having to carry around a bulky laptop.
>Phone for obvious reasons and podcasts/movies.
>Desktop for gaming/everything else.
wow that phone really made Sup Forums flip out
I want to be a good consumer whore and I need to consume media whorishly while in bed. I have a manlet phone and I need something bigger. Is the Shield K1 a good buy?
>thought you mean the entire phone was 1:1
Maybe read what he was responding to?
The flip is 67mm x 67mm
>using anything other than symbian or J2ME
Just like computers are for computing, phones are for making calls.
have you ever held a tablet up to your ear
shut up
I never said it was 1:1 dumbass
Nice meme faggot
>have you ever held a tablet up to your ear
Nope. The speakers are loud enough.
I have a Note 5, an iPhone SE, and a Surface 3. They all do different things and excel at different tasks. I don't see the problem.
If you're one of those retards that has two smart devices of the same brand (i.e. iphone/ipad or an Android smartphone/tablet) then you're literally retarded.
>he is too poor to own a tablet