Slackware 14.2 released, who loves some Slackware?

Slackware 14.2 released, who loves some Slackware?

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CRUX is better


6 months of checking the changelog daily and I hear it first here.

This or Sabayon

Awesome, slackware is the final boss of GNU/Linux distros.

Why don't you just subscribe to the announce mailing list?

Good to see this distro still going strong.

>now with pulseaudio


Good to see they still have a reasonable naming convention, unlike fedora where everything is a major release

Pulseaudio is cancer like Systemd and should die

You can easily uninstall pulseaudio and go back to the one 14.1 used, right?

>yfw we will live to see Fedora 100

That's, like, a week on Tuesday

I don't use Slackware

>actual meme/fedora tipping distro
>have to hunt down dependencies for everything
>corrupted itself with pulseaudio
>ancient on release
Why would anyone waste their time on this POS?

since crap like pulseaudio is so interdependent with everything it might not be easy

you definitely have to downgrade bluez since that's the whole reason pulseaudio was included in the first place

0/10. Work on your shitposting.

>hurr it cant resolve package dependencies XDDDD

stick with ubuntu

>look at me I am being an 31337ist ass hat!
No, it doesn't make you look cool.

If you want to do a better job shitposting, you should act like you know what you're talking about.

>No, it doesn't make you look cool.

And this is how I know that you are fucking clueless

So tell me, how is it like to run an OS that belongs in the 90s?

Try harder kid

Let it be man, cuckware is like roaches, can survive anything with a little dignity.

It's was never alive, you don't have to kill it

Fucking faggot tryhard, install arch linux.

With Architect

>faggot tryhard, install arch linux
I agree with you there, that is definitely the best distro for tryhards

Slackware is for cucks. Arch is better because I get the absolutely latest updates and doesn't pretend to be from the 90s like a hipster faggot.

What's tryhard about Arch?

Should I use this or debian?

Nothing, he's just a stupid slackware cuck. It takes him an hour to install anything.

their users for once, see , , ...

I like how arch is smart enough to resolve dependencies on their own.

Slackmeme is a pointless distro. The only reason it still lingers is because of the homoerotic cult surrounding Patrick.

good for you i guess

Debian. Nobody here but newfags use slackware, it's a meme. You should use arch Linux. It's what most everyone here uses.

>What most people who have no job or life or a need for a working PC use


>I like how arch is smart enough to resolve dependencies on their own.

amazingly this is something slackware can do

>its stuck in the 90s though!

call me when slackware doesn't include a bunch of retarded shit

Stop hating on slackware.

Like what?

it includes like 2 DEs by default, it has NetworkManager

i don't feel like disabling all this shit every install

all i want is a slim linux base with no package managers or nothing so i can use pkgsrc on it

>hating on Slackware

Stay ultra-pleb, Sup Forums. You stand around yelling "cuck" at the top of your lungs, when in reality it is only you who are the cuckold. Slackware is as pure as you can get without going full LFS. But keep taking those enormous black distro cocks in every orifice—ear canals, nostrils, piercings, surgical stomata if you've got one...

Oh, and you wonder about >Pulseaudio? Just don't install it. It's only there because Blueman needs it for Bluetooth audio. Everything else that can work with plain ALSA, does work with plain ALSA. Dumb shitposting nignog ricers, all of you. You should learn how a computer actually fucking works. Maybe you'll learn something that doesn't obsolesce after 3 years and a bonfire of cash.

>it includes like 2 DEs by default,
it doesn't

>all i want is a slim linux base with no package managers or nothing so i can use pkgsrc on it
sounds like you want lfs

Really? Because XFCE and KDE4 were both enabled by default last time I tried.

There's still a BUNCH of other shit.

# /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager stop
# chmod a-x /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager
# vim /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
# /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 restart

And don't fucking install the kde or xfce packages.

Or better yet, just use LFS.

Holy fuck, is this level of fail typical of Sup Forums?

Does it matter? Like does it honestly matter?

>Or better yet, just use LFS.
I don't have enough time on my hands for that.

>Holy fuck, is this level of fail typical of Sup Forums?
Sadly yes. It's just the results of Sup Forums being in/v/aded.

You should try another classic minimalistic distro: it's called Suicide. You'll never run another OS again.

yeah i should

still won't change the fact that slackware is bloated

There is a screen that lets you review what sets to enable during the installation, this is before you decide to enable all or select individually. There is nobody to blame but yourself. You really should give suicide a chance if you have difficulties with installing Slackware.


Doesn't change the fact that all this shit is on by default and the list is fucking LONG.

Well duh, you do a full complete install and you get everything.
I fail to see what's so bad about that.

It's enabled by default because manually selecting what to enable is for advanced users who know what they're doing or want a very specific build.

>I'm too stupid to uncheck the package groups I don't want

Mental midget, stick to Ubuntu if you want to be spoonfed.

Why shouldn't it be on by dealt? Slack isn't a minimalist distro kept as slim as possible, you install what you need and then forget about it. Use Void or Crux you want otherwise.
Having it there unused does no harm, this isn't windows where installing programs will eventually choke up the OS.


Who gives a fuck? What new is on the table?

>4.4.14 kernel
>Xfce 4.12.1
>encrypted network
>C stuff
>Web browsers galore!
WTF? This it?
Same old table...

What were you expecting?

Nobody expects anything from Slackware. Its just there, being a history relic.

A lot of people still use slackware because they like it. The biggest change is that a lot of software from current was stable enough to come to 14.2 and the new kernel for newer hardware.

>A lot of people
People use Debian and Arch derivatives. And few other independent stuff. Can't say Slackware is anywhere close. Im sure some people use it but then again some people use Hannah Montana Linux as well. Everything is used by somebody.
This is because Slackware is not ''atractive'' anymore. Boring stuff tend to be last at what they represent. People want fun things even if its for serious business. A platform thats not a dusty brick. Fluid type of shit, you get the point.

But if these people like it, what do i know right? Hey at least its not MS.

I like Slackware but Gentoo is God

If is more up to date, I will switch from gentoo to slackware

Slackware is no longer stable.
Slackware uses pulseaudio.
Fuck Slackware.

The thing is, what do you mean up to date? The slackbuilds don't change much, just get the newer source and drop it in.

package updaters were made to resolve package dependencies because every application nowadays has 25 to 500 dependencies. If your operating system's package manager can not do it on its own 99% of the time, you have a timesink OS.

>tfw OpenSUSE is trying to make "the best linux distribution in the world" by combining Slackware, apt, and a DE that's from the early 90's

lost all credibility recommending arch

>i don't feel like disabling all this shit every install
Why do you need to disable something? If you don't want to use it, don't use it.

PA is no longer maintained by lennartd-poetteringd, and systemdicks is not coming to slackware

>every application nowadays has 25 to 500 dependencies
not on slackware

>everyone uses Arch
I don't even hate Arch, but it isn't all that popular of a distro. Most people use Mint/Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, or CentOS. Gentoo is a meme but a few people actually use it. Probably about the same as Arch.
Slackware feels so goddamn cohesive. It gives you everything you need to get shit done, and it doesn't give you any bullshit along the way. Your computer is set up the way you want with the programs you want, and that's it.

>If you don't want to use it, don't use it.
And have a bunch of shit cluttering up menus?

No thanks, even Ubuntu isn't this bloated.

>And have a bunch of shit cluttering up menus?
Really grasping at straws, aren't you?

>pic related
If it's not using memory or CPU cycles or anything, it's hardly "bloat." If you don't use a piece of software, it just sits on your hard drive, and hard drive space is a non-issue in this day and age.


>slackware now comes with pulseaudio


Nothing wrong with pulseaudio, m9. Works great!

You can easily remove it, only one package needs it.

Install gentoo

I did a year ago, now what.

Install it again

That's not LFS though. Slackware is the old fart that explains you game mechanics you already know.


since there are some nice bluetooth headphones it might be worthwhile to keep bluez & pulseaudio, i think it would be nice to have headphones that is not attached to the PC with wires,

glad systemd is not in slackware,

And that's what every arch/gentoo/BSD users say

Tis a glorious day user

and it will still be 100% SHIT

I could have sworn I could use apt commands on that openSUSE installation I made in a VM once. I just read up and their package manager is completely different. Was it a hallucination or does OpenSUSE just have apt-compatible aliases?

Somebody probably stuck a pepe logo on an ubuntu iso and rused you with it.


what the fuck is a slackware?? where can i download the exe? i use win10 btw