>using bloated, slow, proprietary image viewers
>not using Jpegview as your default image viewer

Please tell me that Windows users on Sup Forums aren't all plebs.


Other urls found in this thread:


nothing comes close to irfanview
i even use it in linux

>Please tell me that Windows users on Sup Forums aren't all plebs.
but, all Windows users are plebs


jpegview is superior

Why would I need this when the default image viewer just works?


HoneyView or bust

>can't play animated gifs

>gif in the year of our Lord twenty and ten and six

Honeyview is bloated and slow

>download it to try it out
>mousewheel doesn't change picture, but zoom instead

lol, dropped like I dropped you at your birth. If you can't even get default bindings right you might as well just kill yourself

Image Eye master race

you can change if it you want. nobody uses the mousewheel to change images.

Stop advertising your shit here. Everybody changes images with the mousewheel

But I do.
Too bad it can't display some gifs but, it's still a great software.

>Everybody changes images with the mousewheel

uh no, we use the keyboard for that, pleb.

Is use Firefox as my image viewer


afaik this uses GDI to render images, and since MS moved the GDI component into kernel, you can't get any more faster or lightweight than this.

>worrying about bloat on your image viewer

1998 called they want their cpu back

>upload to facebook

gifs and quick crop/edit

every sane person i know uses the scrollwheel to fucking zoom in or out in an image viewer and next/previous for fucking image change

>using osx fileicon for windows programs

What's bloated about it?

if it takes more to open up than irfanview it means it's bloated
been using irfanview since windows had no jpg support

What shitbox of computer are you using? Mine opens instantly, ssd of course.

In what way?
I used both and jpegview is crap compared to IV.
Id say it has around 75% of less features.

If I'm viewing a picture, can I right click the picture and hover over "open with" and select from different programs there to launch it in photoshop or paint? Default windows photo viewer does this, I've never seen another do it, but I haven't looked very hard.

dual ssd, fucko
it's about the principle
irfanview is fine


>it's about the principle
>I have severe autism
There, was that hard? And you can make honeyview as minimalst as irfanview if you're not a retard.

windows didn't have jpeg support?

Irfan is a hack


I use jpegview. Shit's great.
would use it in Wine, except it doesn't show gifs properly there, which is half the point of me even bothering to use it

used to use irfanview, but it's fucking awful with gifs

IV was the first to have multi GIF support on windows.

desu it seems to me that everyone is trying to copy what IV does but in a bad modern bloated way.
IV has features and will get more features over time. It started in the mid 90's.

XnView is decent.

The shell extension is goat.

Why his sourceforge project still using the same screenshots since 2007 ?



>not just using mpv as your image viewer

It's so sleek and simple.

i think with win95 there was no out-of-the-box jpg support. paint only opened bmps and there was no "picture and fax viewer"


use ffplay instead as an all in one media viewer

>not using feh


It doesn't even use the latest libjpeg-turbo 1.5.0


It's shit

Jpegview is feh for windows

jpegview is too hard for me to use because i am dumb
so i just use honeyview

i just tried it out, it's pretty good

no, no they don't

Still using nomacs.

You don't know many sane people, do you?

>give it a try
>like it, but want larger buttons, larger minimum window size and buttons to show less
>all these settings are easy to find in the .ini

not bad

I still use impression eyes and it's all I ever wanted from an image viewer

>no built in uninstaller
straight into the trash it goes


I rike it.

I know it's not free software

Why would you need an uninstaller for a program you don't have to install?

>Irfanview is somehow less bloated than honeyview
Heh, had a good laugh

I use mpv. Why do you need an additional image viewer? Get on my level, pleb.

I use Honeyview for images and comic files. I use Irfanview for WebMs.

Nobody cares about you, tripfag.

>Using an image viewer with the name of a shitty lossy image codec in it's name

Why use a computer when mail and pen & paper just work?


I can only remember Total Commander that I still use even today. The other is IrfanView.


Are you 15 years old?