
Do yourself a favor, and go fuck yourself




Just get the fuck out of here

I just did today user.

>mfw i'm a mercy

fuck off, we're here to stay.

>Do yourself a favor, get an NVIDIA video card

no thank you, I'm not a child anymore

>teenager skipping his classes to fiddle with lunix and shitpost on Sup Forums
>calls people enjoying some video games after a day of hard work "manchildren"

>mfw my rx 480 is probably gonna explode

Why the fuck are you shitting up Sup Forums instead of enjoying your epik pic related gaymes?

>Do yourself a favor, get a memecard.

Epic b8 m8



video cards for gaming are technology

Video is fake, my 390 looks exactly like his "Nvidia" card. Thats clearly what he's using

this video had a lot of potential but the narrator was a bit too autistic


install gentoo

Well, this certainly is memes

Yes, but the problem is that you and your reddit gaymer friends are tech illiterate as fuck and can only spew out memes and complete shit whenever you post. That is the real problem

What the fuck is this and what exactly is it trying to prove? All I see are terrible outdated memes

>putting XD in random places to prove my point
lol xDDDDD

Nah, I just bought an r9 390 and there's nothing you can do about it.

>Sup Forums

you do realize it's the same user base right

I guess the bigger problem is the newer underage reddit. Once you've been here for ~2 years you can easily distinguish them

not with that price.

This, this so much.
I play gaymes sometimes, I think being a manchild sometimes is allright, but there fags here are just amazing.

The other day there was 14 GPU threads.

got mercy has such a nice rack

They made the German hero the most attractive. Based Blizzard