Tfw I saw some teenage autist browsing Sup Forums and shitposting about gpus on a park bench

>Tfw I saw some teenage autist browsing Sup Forums and shitposting about gpus on a park bench
Does it disgust anyone else when they see what fellow Sup Forums users really are?

usually when i look in a mirror

We're here for a reason

Yes but its much worse when you see someone else and realize theyre exactly like you

Any semi-normal person wouldn't shitpost on any Sup Forums board in a public place like that. That kind of shit requires some special level of autism/retardation.

My friend saw somebody browsing Sup Forums when he went to see a movie today. Mobileposting is more prevalent than you think.

Why didn't you report him for being underage?

That was me

Kill yourself you degenerate weaboo

I was riding a train home and I noticed someone browsing clover on the seats next to me. I muttered "install gentoo" and this fat dude just gave me the smuggest look on his face.

Anyway both of us being the awkward train wrecks we are we both rode the whole next 5 minutes in silence glued to our phones until I got off my stop.

Good times, good times.

>expecting "normal" people to be using Sup Forums

Depends what board they use
If they use Sup Forums or Sup Forums they are a cringey edgy teenage autist
It takes a special kind of tinfoil autism to use Sup Forums
Other boards have different variants of autists
For instance /x/ is shizo paranoid faggots

>this happened

You should've watched for which company he was shitting on and whispered in his ear that the other's better

Keyword: Semi-normal.

>Anime website

>tfw you knew 2 Sup Forumstards who were both Jewish autistic wrecks yet still posted Jewish tinfoil hat conspiracies all day

Good to know even the Jews are behind the "it was the Jews" posts

this desu baka senpai
surely youre first thought when youre /out/ isnt hmm i better get on Sup Forums

I knew Sup Forumsfags were bad but come on

I love browsing Sup Forums outside. Why would I restrict myself to my room when I can tether my netbook to my phone and go wherever the fuck I want?

Whats even better is that they were both annoying college students that bitched about things all day but instead of the Patriarchy they bitched about the feminists and muslims.

Just goes to show what the alt right really is

Yeah it is a big circle jerk and they play mental gymnastics to say it is different because they are right.
And a lot of them are bootlickers yet they love their c.uck buzzword. Bunch of fags

youre tethering yourself to neet life
why not enjoy the flora and fauna or be on some other mission instead of being in your basement mentality

What neet life? I mean sure I'm currently a neet but I've been doing this for years, most of which I've had a job.

Sup Forums kiddies are ruining Sup Forums. All windows browser agents should be banned

>tfw you browse Sup Forums on your phone in public because youre just too addicted and have no one else to talk to
>tfw try to hide it with Mimi
>once an user shitposted a loli image and someone saw the thumbnail and gave me the most disgusted look ive seen

each to theyre own ive only gone through phases
where I might want to do that but at least read a book or something Jesus have some dignity man are we living in some dystopia already? feels ok i guess

How is this technology?
Fuck off

It's not like I'm deciding to browse Sup Forums because I'm out. I'm out because I'm browsing Sup Forums. I fail to see why I should restrict myself to my home when I can do this literally anywhere I desire.

Dude was browsing Sup Forums
great knowing all those GPU threads really are autistic teenagers though

desu I use clover at work when I've got nothing to do pretty often

Well it's not like that's surprising. I think that is the major stereotype. It's a political movement based on angst and masculine insecurities.

You can put fucking emojis as filenames but not slashes, question marks, or parentheses?

Hes probably using OS X

Emojis are just Unicode characters, same as asian moonrunes or arabic scribble.

>tfw knew a real life Sup Forumstard in high school
>it was a Jewish girl who was fairly normie
She obviously didn't hold the anti-Semitic beliefs from Sup Forums, but still, that's fucking rare.

I mobile post on Sup Forums.

I do it because I like this board and fuck what other people think, they shouldn't be looking at my screen.

Underrated, have a (You)

>tfw using ehviewer in public

Maybe all of Sup Forums is just self hating Jews