/Networking General/

/Networking General/

>but moooom, I need 2 48 port switches and a 24 port switch!

poorfag ;)

>don't have 2 entire empty Cisco switches
ok. Take a better picture, I bet those aren't even PoE or gigabit.

>needing more than 2 hosts for a lab
w e w

they are PoE, not that I need it. stay mad poorfag

>PoE fast ethernet
wew, what did you pay like all of 100 dollars on Ebay for those? I'm impressed.

poorfag confirmed ;)

Just completed CCNP R&S on 2x 3550, 2x 3640 and GNS3

Are you just using this to practice for the cert, because I can't think of any other reason why you might need this set up at home.

You want 3 hosts.

How do I get a job in networking without a college education. Im American, so Its a little bit harder compared to anons living in third world countries where standards are lot lower and they can just learn everything from a youtube video and then apply for the job.

Learn the shit online and take the certification exam.

Yep, it's just for my cert. Nope, 2 is perfectly adequate.

I got my first netcuck job at 21 paying a little over 60k base salary / year + benefits and shit with 0 experience and a CCNA. I lied about experience but I knew my stuff pretty well, USA here.


Nah you want 3. You want a PC to function as Host A, one to funtion as Host B, and one to function as a simulated Web Host. You also want two switches and a router on a stick.

>You want a PC to function as Host A, one to funtion as Host B, and one to function as a simulated Web Host.
>babies first loopback
>Router on a stick
Hey, the 90's called, they want their topology back.

>Hey, the 90's called, they want their topology back.
Da fuck you on about?

>>You want a PC to function as Host A, one to funtion as Host B, and one to function as a simulated Web Host.
>>babies first loopback

The point is to practice configuring ACLs.

>The point is to practice configuring ACLs.
Which you can practice perfectly with two hosts.

>Da fuck you on about?
Nobody has used Router on a stick on an Enterprise network in 20 years. Hello, and welcome to the world of MLS.

We aren't talking about that. We are talking about CCNA.

>We are talking about CCNA
I never mentioned I was studying for my CCNA, I already have that cert. All I said was "Yep, it's just for my cert." Even if I was studying for it I would use MLS, not some 20something year old bottleneck technology. .

What cert are you going for then?

>even if I were studying for it I wouldn't practice the shit that's actually on the exam


How safe is hosting a site using a Virtual Machine on your main computer?

I don't want to get haxed bros, and the VM has to share my wifi card and thus my home network.

>avoiding the fact that not only were you wrong about both your points, but you also have extremely poor reading comprehension and make poor inferences

Shouldn't you be studying for you A+ or something?

dodging the question, eh? Yeah, didn't think so.

Also, I wasn't wrong. This is wrong:
>>needing more than 2 hosts for a lab

Even if you don't need it for your lab, that doesn't mean you don't need it from any lab.

That topology I posted was from: Cisco's net academy. Feel free to keep shit posting though.

>I'm not shitposting, you're shitposting!
fuck off, retard.

MTCNA/MTCTCE here. How's everyone's evening.

this level of shitposting tonight...hilarious...


JunOS master race.

But srysly I've switched to VyOS for my core routing since a two E5 dedicated cores will easily handle 10GbE line rate on on a pair of trunk links with some fairly complex routing rules. The SRX I have in my home setup is now an edge router since updating the security rules is so painful everything is locked down really well.

Anyone else virtual routers?

>Nobody has used Router on a stick on an Enterprise network in 20 years
WOW! Really? This post changed my life. No one would've known this until you brought it up. Thank you oh wise wizard, time to get my 100k a months nebwurkin engineering job

>Anyone else virtual routers?
Well, if you mean an SVI, then yes of course I virtual router.

>tfw know how to do layer 2/3 networking with just some linux VMs

literally kys

>being this buttblasted over literally nothing

why are these threads always about the certifications?

Because the certs are watch get you hired.

shitass basic question here about a clusterfuck network

there is a router( connected to another router([]dont ask why), which gets its net connection from another one(, i sent a tracer package from a workstation on the 5.x network but for some ungodly reason instead of it going straight to the 2.1 it goes to 1.1 and gets lost there

thanks for this thread. i failed the icnd 200-101 cuz of my lack of ospf/eigrp & lab prep (800 outta 825).

I need to start studying and pass before they roll out the CCNA v 3.0 tests in september

u wot m8

clusterfuck network at where i work
trying to connect 2 workstations for an ftp
cant because shits fucked

>3 routers
literally why

Is there someplace official I have to take the exam? I don't really know much about networking but I have a general idea. It can't be too hard right

Never confirmed gigabit.

when you pay to schedule the test through pearson vue you select where and when you want to take your test (at official pearson vue certified test centers) . you can also reschedule the test as many times as you want for free, so long as its done more than 24 hours from test time.

So what does Sup Forums think of The Division 2?

I have 2 wifi cards. 1st is usb card which I would like to have on my Host os, and second is pci wifi card, which I want to connect to guest os. How can I configure virtual box to have working wifi on host connected to other router?

Save yourself the hassle and into GNS3

Why are you guys saying this is expensive. On eBay it costs less than new consumer stuff and is better quality

Am I imagining your setup correctly?
You are trying to connect from pc1 to pc2?

Check the routing tables on router 2. I think there's just a route implemented that directs all traffic upstream, in direction to internet.
If that's the case, you will need a static route on router 2 for 192.168.2.x routed to the left interface of R2.