/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

curry edition

old thread Not sure what private trackers are all about?

Check out the wiki and update it yourself if you want more instead of complaining like a fucking faggot.


How to get into private trackers (and survive): pastebin.com/ecGRiQhk

What.CD Interview Notes: pastebin.com/Wgz6T7ta
Protip: if you are a redditor, take the reddit private tracker's interview instead.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread or Sup Forums.org/g/ptg

Remember the following:
>staff read these generals and have posted here before.
>staff pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>people report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope

Other urls found in this thread:


How do you get to the leddit private tracker interview? Is it an irc channel?

How the fuck do I get into Asian dvd club?

I have all the other trackers I want

Hope you know somebody with an invite :^)


>How to get into private trackers (and survive): pastebin.com/ecGRiQhk
But not posting
>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
OP is a faggdy fag with no direction!

Unless they have changed it (which I'm pretty sure they havent) interviews are closed for the foreseeable future because they went over cap. You can still get invited because they dip under most days but you have to be quick on the timing because they normally recap in half an hour or so.

I just copied the last op

Just got into PTP, what now?

Bansky doc FL on TehC?`This any good. I keep hearing about Bansky, is he a tumblr artist?

grab recent GPs and seed for as long as you can
go to the forums and sign up to the contests that give you free BP
maybe upload some shit you might have?

Permaseed all the FL for BP and be /setforlife/

Thoughts on BeyondHd? They have open sign up atm...


I don't get it.

They're curry

Might join MTV now

>I just copied the last op
Like a newfag?! I c, I c...

Will you cringe for me user?


When you pronounce BHD you can even taste the fucking curry.
wtf you talking about?!


it's an IRC channel but they are not open for interviews anymore and probably won't be for a long time.

So its a shitty tracker?

>So its a shitty tracker?

A midsummer night's kek to you my friend

>racist and homophobic

Sounds like my kind of tracker. Who likes niggers and fags anyway?

Wow. Racist much?

Back to faglur with you, kike worshiper.


They're ratioless with shit retention. Their elite(6mo acct 1tb )up invite forums are unofficial and only has curry haram like gay torrents and waffles.

I heard they changed domains again. If that's true I'll likely never use it again.

>how much do ScienceHD invites sell for now?
I'm interested to know.

is downloading freeleching torrents after 4-5 days worth it?? what do you guys think? also any tips for good ratio?

Download as much freeleech as you can and seed forever.

might be OK. he's a little edgy sometimes but has some other OK things. here's an interesting short he made: youtube.com/watch?v=3e2dShY8jIo

>tips for good ratio
depends on tracker. be more specific.
as for dl'ing freeleech - also depends on tracker. sometimes, yes. if you'd enjoy the content, definitely. in any case you might get a tiny amount of upload from it, so i'd say do it.

Just apply and don't be a moron.

What are the best setting for Deluge?

One of the WCD staff picks got nuked and re-uploaded. Check your clients to verify it is not registered with the tracker anymore.

Day Wave - Headcase / Hard to Read [2016] [Anthology]

Get it before everybody realizes it has been nuked and re-uploaded.


The person who made the OP is a memer faggot.

You mad, Laser?

Are there any trackers that specialize in subtitled tokusatsu content like Super Sentai and the like?

Shit, pretty much every new GP is a good pick. I need more space.

>is he a tumblr artist?
kek..might be an accurate description..he's really a street artist that does some "thought provoking" pieces..but really it's all
>hurr i'm such a contrarian

>quoting yourself in your own post
>wanting to sell invites
haha fuck, you must be estonian

reported , both of you!

> Adventures in Babysitting [2016]Vote 7.58 GiB 2,735,594 227,563 2,508,031 (Details) 91% syncretic
What the fuck? What kind of weirdo spends that many points to make some shit movie FL?

Ptg-private-tracker-general a mi drunk as fuck what do

>tfw /ptg/ nigger cucks will never be on emp
Ohhhh I'm sorry!

>nigger cucks
KEK! It's always the white men who are the cucks

But it could be a nigger getting cucked by a WHITE :(((

haha in your dreams :^)


watch this before you're looking up wikipedia for some user edited crap

New golden popcorns dropped

Do you think there are enough songs to make one of those faggot Sup Forums themed albums?

What do you think, Sup Forumsuys?

Was asking for more if that wasn't clear enough..
like this:

>Nearly 2 hours old
pffft good picks tho.

>Many points

p-please no bully senpai
Joined: 2 weeks~
Last Seen: Just now
Uploaded: 23~ GiB
Downloaded: 32~ GiB
Ratio: 0.50~
Average seed time: 1w14h
HnRs: 0
Points: 13,000~
Points per hour: 50~ [View]

I've been a member for 2 weeks and I have 300gb buffer and earn 5gb from bp per day alone. What the fuck are you doing?

Downloading what I want and don't have yet, from a shit connection.
Should I be replacing my entire collection?


>money with a nice bow around it
that's how i'd also like to receive my free money..

How does one gain any form of rank in PTP given that the seeder to leecher ratio is outrageous and I don't watch movies?

Download a few fl to get some buffer and points. Then you're set for life.

what tracker?


I'd actually use it if they changed their name to that


>bothering with CurryHD
>not signing up for カレーHD and being done with it

so clever..


how safe is invite selling? what sites do people buy from?

>selling invites
kek, what a faggot


>no torrents posted in these threads
>links to wew


kek, HDB staff trying to find the reviewer :^)

>he needs to frequent invite forums because he's too shitty to get into trackers the good way

150$ for one BTN invite does not lie my friend
and i have no friends to share em with either

kiss your BTN account good-bye :^)

is it that unsafe?


There is a reason they go for 150$. 95% of the time you will be banned within the month.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

problem? :^)

As soon as you sign up for BTN and look at the rules you'll see the warning that says don't buy accounts. BTN has a special deal where they will let you keep your account if you rat your seller out, and they even try to help them get the money back.

They also, allegedly, "have ways" of finding out who bought accounts but I assume most of it comes from people ratting their inviters out. You really think the currynigger/hue/slav you're going to sell your invite to isn't going to rat you out in a second? They would get to keep their BTN account AND possibly get the money back if you do the transaction through paypal, which can refund for abuse in some cases.

Alright you convinced me. I was going to use the money to get into hdbits but obviously it just isn't worth it.

How hard is it to get into HDBits?

>using the smiley with a carat nose


half of the general is on hdbits, it's not hard if you're not retarded or not from a banned country.



thats a lie


>not being on hdbits.org

>not inviting me to hdbits.org
[email protected]

>implying i'm a dedicated seeder

WHERE do you even sell an account?
I have an extra seedbox that I use for my 'empty' accounts, I have two complete pyramids with /set-for-life/ ratios..

Why does one join PTP if they don't watch movies?