Is Arch Linux really that much of a timesink OS or is it just a meme?

Is Arch Linux really that much of a timesink OS or is it just a meme?

I was thinking of installing it, but not if I have to spend a bunch of time to maintain a working system

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How can she be that thirsty for the d?

on topic: no, it's not. Install it, use it, see if it fits you.

People call Arch timesink because they don't know a DE can be installed in one command.

#pacman -S kde-desktop kde-applications meta

t. KDE master race

dude, it literally takes 10 min to install
30 min to an hour to setup what u want with the programs u want
e.g. xmonad with whatever or cinnamon with whatever
and after that, the only thing u'll ever have to do is sudo pacman -Syu once a week
bretty easy

It's not a timesink. I'd say it's as popular on Sup Forums as Ubuntu

It's easy.
Install gentoo.

just use manjaro. fast and easy setup, stable repository, and you can still use the aur/arch wiki/etc

Gai. Just do it properly.

Frankly it's saving me time. I used to run CentOS on my dev boxes, and half the shit I wanted to try out wouldn't even compile and run with the old environment.

I deployed the EC2 image so I couldn't honestly comment on the install - but everything has been smooth sailing from there.

Just use debian testing instead
Legit stable system
Using it for like 8 years already. Never run into any problem with it

Why do you have that saved haha

Can we just discuss this webm for a while

just use manjaro if you want pacman without the hassle

Slackware is the real timesink OS. If your OS can't automatically resolve dependencies, it's shit.

it's stupid easy to use
pacman breaking x is a meme as old as woodscrews

That's not why. Arch packages are more unstable then Debian sid packages. The only good thing arch has is aur that's literally all. Opensuse tumbleweed is pretty based if you want a good rolling distro.

Manjaro is also very unstable to be used as a desktop main pc unless you know what you're doing to fix the problems. I currently use a rolling Xubuntu variant.

Is that lia from kids react?

Is her life's ambition to be pumped and dumped by some rapper and live off of child support?

And her yt career.

>Arch packages are more unstable then Debian sid packages
the only thing I ever had problems with was libreoffice-fresh, which crashed when I tried to save things

Antergos has been excellent.

The package manager is the main difference between distros and pacman has been great: faster than apt by a small amount and has just the right amount of options to either completely reverse an install or leave the dependencies and reinstall a seperate package.

I also really do like the AUR - it has some popular configs for things like zsh and other things that don't have sane defaults (although zsh has an initializer script) along with other cool and helpful things that are harder to find/nonexistent in Debian/Ubuntu repos.

Don't listen to the "Arch Way" bullshit either. If you want to really learn do LFS or Gentoo. Computers should do the hard work for you and there is no reason not to automate an installation.

>Manjaro is also very unstable to be used as a desktop main pc
care to elaborate? im a linux beginner but i've been using it for the last couple months on my desktop and laptop and haven't had any problems. the reason i switched was because xubuntu 16.04 was buggy as shit on my machines

muh dick

I ran arch religiously 2 years ago but packages were crashing my machine literally every other upgrade. The only feature I miss is the aur. There are other rolling distros out that only crash when dependencies act funky which is 1/1000 since most packages are made to be compatible with previous versions.

I started to realize I value stability over bleed edge. A rolling stable distro with unstable userspace noncritical packages is my sweet spot.

I use a Xubuntu testing variant on my laptop and opensuse tumbleweed on my pc. I build most of my programs by hand and I made a script to move and configure it all automatically.

Feels gud tho.
Once you depend on linux daily you'll know my feel.

I sometimes envy gentoo users with their package manager and ctags and flags. I wish the gentoo package manager could be set up on debian, red hat, and suse based distro to handle userspace packages but let apt handle system packages.

Oh god that webm is disgusting
Look at that wretched whore

Nice body, but her breasts are too big!


You know how I know you're gay?

the real flaw is that butter face

Nah, I don't like 'em totally flat, I prefer B and C cups.

i used it for a month and can confirm it is in fact a time sink.

you spend lots of time doing trivial shit that other distros do automatically like checking for updates or mounting drives and shit.

you spend lots of time ricing and tweaking until your entire day basically becomes terminal busywork.

Ubuntu if you want the latest and greatest
Debian if you want the most stability

Anything else, you're retarded or a ricing fag. You'll get the most support with either of those two distros and they'll do anything that any other distro will.

There is literally no point in Arch except to rice. Anything in the AUR is also in a PPA.


But they are great for face fucking!




>opensuse tumbleweed
This has great potential to become a goto roling-release distro for normies and powerusers alike, but somehow they still manage to fuck up their marketing.

man how i wish that bitch had gotten fat and dumpy so i could laugh at all the people who fawn over her

What's there to talk about?

I've used it for years and can confirm it isn't a time sink.

I spend little time doing trival shit.

By discuss I mean fap

Yes, it's going to make people upset and reply because of all the idiots in denial that they were at fault for fucking up their own system.

>Oh and I never even used Arch (I mean Linux) btw, I'm just a Sup Forums trash posting memes ITT :-DDDDD

I've been on arch for ages and have had so few issues. It's not hard to maintain the system to avoid breakages.

However, you are correct, portage is the tip tops of packet managers and is the only reason I switched from arch to gentoo.

I use arch as my daily driver for getting actual work done.It is not a time sink at all if you install one of the mainstream desktop environments.

If you start installing unusual (usually tiling) window managers with no DE then it does start to become time consuming because thing won't just werk — e.g. you would probably have to manually mount a USB drive or setup auto mounting. However, that being said that kind of thing is only an initial time sink. The first 6 months of using arch I was ricing it constantly in my spare time. Ricing is a time sink. But now that I am happy with my setup and I haven't riced in about 2 years. So it hasn't been a time sink them.

Also arch being unstable is a meme. Perhaps it was worse when arch was younger but these days there is rarely any issues with the distro itself. Bleeding edge doesn't mean untested, it just means you are getting packages as they are release rather than waiting for some official repo update. The slow update cycle of say Debian packages means they will skip releases that turned out to contain an issue. Hence, with say arch you are more likely to find a buggy release because you always get the latest version. Don't update every single day and you probably won't run into any issues.

>archfag got triggered
wew lad

Can you call ricing a timesink? Isn't that just something fun you do with your computer? It's a choice, no one forced you to make your terminals pretty. It's how I spend my weekends.

>>memefag got memed
>wew meme.

Commit seppuku

Yeah. It does suck ass. For real tho. Does anyone else think this is a good idea.
>I wish the gentoo package manager could be set up on debian, red hat, and suse based distros to handle userspace packages to have the latest and greatest but let apt and such handle system packages.

Arch isn't "bad" or the "wrong choice". Stability is a real struggle in the world of linux and foss. I think a distro that can have rolling but stable system packages and hot off the press on the edge userspace packages can be a great compromise to stability and bleeding edge.

I work to much and wanna make this distro come true. It would be pretty kickass if I can get it to work.

Yes OP, give salsa

Lia Marie Johnson.

The older she gets, the cuter she ain't.

>no porn
>shitty subreddit full of muh snapchats

Fuck off pedo
She is unattractive though

She was objectively hotter a few years ago, and perfectly legal for me to plow even back then where I live.

Like you neckbeards will ever get close to a girl of her caliber so you're stuck trying to find flaws

Projecting much, familia? I could easily bang the chick if I had the social occasion to know her.

>Is Arch Linux really that much of a timesink OS
Install arch on baremetal for 4th time on a decade. Lasts a week before it stops booting after an update. Lol some dipshit decided to disabled Linux software RAID in the kernel.
>Didn't even waste my time to enable the module, booted ubuntu and ssh'd the few flies I needed to my laptop.

yeah arch is bad

Lol I'm going to be 28 and make $90k in portland. Oh I couldn't keep my dick dry if it tried.



She was definitely cuter when she was 16. And no, I'm not a pedo because that's perfectly legal where I live. Hell, I could even bang a 14 year old if she wants to.

Anyway, she didn't really look like she was 16 back then, either - but that's probably due to the weird food full with hormones that americans eat.


As a 30-year-old, bedding teenagers is literally the easiest thing in the world. Much easier than it was when I was that age in fact.

Ubuntu's a fucking time sink because it won't just let you do anything. It's like Windows in that you don't have permission to do ANYTHING

Yes I think you can — ricing is a hobby and hobbies by their very nature are timesinks :)

>Hell, I could even bang a 14 year old if she wants to.

Germany best many

I use BSD because I am an adult who knows how to operate a computer and doesn't care for gimmicks, but there is nothing timesink about Arch and I would use it if you forced me to taint my computer with a Linux distro.

You probably spend more time unfucking Debian/Ubuntu than you do setting up Arch.

Yes I agree that stability vs bleeding edge is a balancing act. I would add to this point by saying you can have the benefits of both if you say you a bleeding edge distro but don't fall for the update it every day meme.

Serious bugs tend to be resolved quickly so by not updating every day you greatly reduce you chance of getting caught out by a serious bug.

Teach me your ways, sensei.

get a van and park outside the nearest high school. when school lets out and most of the people have left snatch one of the stragglers. it's much easier as a 30 year old because you are a lot more stronger than them

Made me remember this

You can rice any distro so there's no point to Arch at all.

>You probably spend more time unfucking Debian/Ubuntu than you do setting up Arch.

I've been using it for 2 years already.
Yeah, it does broke "out of nowhere", but it's always when I do something stupid, like changing libraries paths, updating libraries explicitly without updating configs for them etc. But it took me maybe 12 hours to fix all these bugs in total. It's way less than fixing problems on Windows 7.

Of course, if you know nothing about linux and are ignorant to wiki/irc/error messages you are going to spend all your free time fixing same mistakes over and over.

Who is this? Is this that bitch from kids react?

>Is this that bitch from kids react?

Yes. She's a country girl trying to get big in Hollywood so she has become a massive whore that everyone takes advantage of. She'll inevitably get disowned by her family.

It takes a while to get up and running, but it'll run forever afterwards. I no longer appreciate the capability of the AUR so I just use Ubuntu.

When is she going to do a video for facialabuse?

>configured it for 2 hours
>used it for about 3000 hours with no aditional config needed
Once you feel comfy with what you built, just use it.
Also pro tip:
Pacman does NOT break your config files.

>I value stability over edge
Just use Arch LTS and never worry about anything.

That would make me so happy

>implying it's not her mom who set her up in the first place

So it seems to me that my xubuntu distro has gotten increasingly more unstable has time goes on. WiFi has gotten wonky, it tosses me an error whenever I boot up about something missing) can't remember, it's not a big deal) and it seems like whenever I update something, something breaks.

I've been interested in a rolling release like Arch or OpenSUSE tumbleweed. I've had a good experience with openSUSE in the past, but settled on xubuntu because my understanding was that the repository on openSUSE was barren and I would have had to compile a lot of things from source.

So which do i go with? Arch or openSUSE? Will I enjoy stability on my school laptop, or watch everything fucking burn?

Can't run Windows on it, Windows runs like shit on my x220T.

ubuntu 16.04 is buggy as fuck. you could just use 15.04 until 16.04.1 is released. or check out manjaro. it's rolling release, main flavor is xfce, and arch based but they have their own stable repositories where packages are held back so it isn't as bleeding edge as arch, but you can still use the arch aur which has tons of shit. i haven't tried opensuse so i can't speak for it

If you need babby's GUI to install an OS just use Antergos.

>stable repository
all they do is delay packages for 2 weeks, they don't do any fixing

What? This xubuntu is unstable meme isn't even funny.

it says they do on their wiki
>This software may therefore be subject to patching by the Manjaro developers prior to being released to the testing repositories.

This. If you're installing to a laptop with Intel graphics, this especially important. The latest kernel introduced an assload of bugs. Previous kernel was virtually flawless.

If your new to Gnu/linux try manjaro or opensuse before Arch.

Another plus with Manjaro is that you can easily install and switch between kernels

It's a meme. I use Arch every day on my desktop and the time that goes into maintaining the system is the time it takes to type pacman -Syu once a week or so.

I actually haven't upgraded from 15.10, but I've had similar problems on 15.04. I honestly like the rolling release mindset more. (Well actually, I prefer the Windows model myself, small updates with one big update if it's warranted although as we've seen Windows is spiraling down pretty quickly.)

I might look into Manjaro. Cheers, user

Wow, I expected people to shit on me for defeating the "purpose" of Arch with an LTS install.
Because a LOT of people think Arch is only for people who like FULL bleeding edge, which is obviously fucking bullshit.

It's still and all around unstable distro.

Everyone has their preference. Thx for telling me your opinion, but I'll stick with Arch.

I'm going to need that folder famalam

it's easy as fuck to install if you use a fifo script.

it goes like this

git - Version Control System

once you have that you're basically set for life. enjoy!


If you're such a power user, why are you creating standard users, and not changing permissions, or adding your account to a group with the correct permissions? Dunce.

you rice and tweak for about a week, tops
mounting shit is super easy user, literally just
$ lsblk
$ sudo mount /dev/sdX /mnt/usbstick

You mean the wiki that loses their SSL certificates every other week and requires you to change your system time to view it?