My laptops wifi doesn't work Sometimes I get 20 mbps but usually I can't even get 1 mbps any idea on what's wrong...

My laptops wifi doesn't work Sometimes I get 20 mbps but usually I can't even get 1 mbps any idea on what's wrong? All of my other devices get 40-60

Other urls found in this thread: usb wifi

You've been hacked

Who says that Islamazation is a terrible thing? Look at this cutie pie! I will all grills looked like that! ^.^

She's going to become a terrorist or have 10+ kids and make the government pay for them.

I wish we had a hitler for Muslims that would gas them all already.

It's very sad to see this brain damaged Japanese be turned into a muslim.

Really depends man, If your using Wi-Fi there will always be loss depending on how much depends on your the distance from the source. I would also reinstall the network drivers in case they weren't installed properly or are out of date. Last think in do test to see if it's the network card itself.

I'm on a small ass phone please ignore the terrible grammar.

>I wish we had a hitler for Muslims that would gas them all already.
We've heard your concerns and are addressing them.

aya is so cute ._.

>We've heard your concerns and are addressing them.
Nah, this guy's just an incompetent dumb fuck who couldn't run a casino. Maybe he will gas all the muslims but he'll also drive America into the ground.

Kinda prefer all muslims gassed with america still standing.

Install gentoo

Your wifi card is a piece of shit and dying working on laptops is a pain in the ass buy a new laptop or take it to a repair shop.

Oh that's what this terrorist is called? She looks gross by the way, kinda makes sense she turned into a terrorist if nobody wanted to look at her for more than 1 second before vomiting.


He won't be able to so shit without Congress' approval. I don't understand why Murricans think that he will have any power at all. It simply isn't true.

Go back to syria and blow yourself and terrorist buddies you fucking terrorist. I've never even been to Sup Forums

>he doesn't want to genocide people

What are you...a non republican?

So I'm fucked? I don't even have $50 so a new laptop is out

1. She's probably just visiting a country that rapes, then excecutes women for showing their hair
2. this:

>implying the president actually has the power to ruin the economy
Let me guess, you also think our votes for president matter.

Would one of those wifi usbs fix anything?

What's your PayPal? I'll send you a few hundred bucks. I feel generous today.


No but this clown can piss off the wrong people

Go back to syria you fucking terrorist.

A wifi adapter I mean

>I wish we had a hitler for Muslims that would gas them all already.
Muslims already do it to each other

Aww look burger is mad

Seriously? I don't have a PayPal but I have a old Facebook that I can receive money on

my waifu

This ugly 3DPD terrorist is your waifu? Are you brain damaged? Honest question.


Looks like she has down syndrome too. lmao


here's a fine specimen more to your liking (pic related)

Yeah that will work try this one usb wifi

Just remember to disable your primary network card after you install the drivers for this one


How do you do that exactly? On windows 7


Kill yourself you fucking filthy muslim scum.

What do you mean? I kinda suck with technology

Just blow yourself up and your terrorist pals you piece of shit.

Fuck off autist

Fuck off you fucking muslim. Can't you fucking see nobody fucking wants you around? Just fucking kill yourself you fucking sub-human.

>Sometimes I get 20 mbps but usually I can't even get 1 mbps

It's because you're using wifi...

Jesus Christ you are so autistic it hurts
You Sup Forumsfags are so lacking in self awareness that you think people want to hear you talk
Literal autism
Not even a Muslim faggot