What do I tell my friend who fell for the xbox one meme?
What do I tell my friend who fell for the xbox one meme?
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top kek
Enjoy 30fps pleb kek
Just ask him why. There's even less games on it than the PS4, and the PS4 has, what, maybe 2 games?
Tell him to hang himself.
>Piss 4
>Not just building a custom desktop
Why the fuck would you get a console AT ALL when you can do an X4 845 + R7 360 build for ~$300 and get better CPU AND GPU performance compared to the piss 4?
Exclusives. However, as I said, PS4 doesn't have many good ones. I'm shitting on both consoles family.
tell him to enjoy his console and have fun, that's the whole point isn't it? I mean, can't he be happy?
Also, play a game with him and enjoy his company. Kinda the point of a console is to have it in a large room where many people can interact. Or shitpost on twitch pretending those people like you, up to you I guess
Tell him you accept him and his imperfections
Tell him to go back to .
Why the fuck do you need a console when there is, what, 30+ years worth of games avalable on PC.
Just fucking why.
Even a poo-in-loo $100 box will play 25 years worth of them too.
>Falling for the AMD meme
>not playing superior (if...)
Tell him to fall for the steam meme instead
You tell them 6 terraflops + 8 cores of gaming power
Are you brain damaged? Do you even know what the X4 845 is?
>How does it feel to be a beta tester.
That he can enjoy crossplay with you in upcoming games.
>concave sticks
it's comfy
also games on consoles usually work
It does TV well. Dont buy back catalog games, Live has free or discounted stuff regularly.
Also, NBA 2K, Madden, FIFA are the only reasons to have a console.
muh exclusives.
what a retard, can't even think about this one reason? really?
>Enjoy your vidya user.
Literally the only thing you have to them. You elitist fucks.
xbox is fine. the platform war memes are boring. just play your video games and have fun.
>no nno no u don't get it, his friend will be playing games at 900p when he could be playing them at 1080p! omg!
who cares
he didn't XBONE are solid
he can be naive though, PC gaming is more cost effective than any console
You will be playing them at 4k with scorpio
They're swappable retard
Who the fuck has a fucking xbox hHAHAHAHA xd
Enjoy Halo/Forza/Sunset Overdrive. It's not bad if you just use it for exclusives.
tell him to return it and get the xbone s, the cheapest 4k player on the market
i use my ps3 for movies more than games.
uhhhh what?
You...you guys don't actually bring Sup Forums shit outside and talk autistically toward eachother?
yeah that's just social awkward as fuck. I'm glad I'm not friend with any of you faggots who spout this shit like new found gospel.
Laptop/desktop technician was my last job. Go oem or go home
I cant play edf 2025 4.1