Japanese sysadmin

japanese sysadmin

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Looks high af

give me link to youtube video



It's literally the third result on Youtube when you search for the identifiable thing in the image.

Not that guy. Can't find it either.

Look at the art in the background behind his head.

Not everyone watches children cartoons

Okay. I searched for Anime. Now what?

Not either of those guys. I don't know the name of that chinese cartoon.

little witch academia iirc

it's soul eater, but what the fuck should I even search

oh shit you're right

Wow. I didn't think summer was a real thing.

sorry we don't know the name of your chinese shit, you fucking weeaboo

Fuck off

Here's the link:


lol at all the autists getting mad at people for not knowing about anime on a technology board.


it's not. Sup Forums is always terrible.

>tfw LWA is getting a new series

Based Trigger saving anime

>I only watch mature shows like game of thrones and the sopranos and the west wing


Trigger a shit and LWA a shit.

Stay bitter, faggot, they are taking over the industry whether you like it or not.

Holy shit, the fucking autism

yeah, at a blistering 5 fps


Or you could stop being such a huge fucking faggot and post it with the OP like you're supposed to do dumbass...

>drawing shit by hand

why can't they use a god damn computer with a wacom attached

stupid nips

>doesn't know how anime is made

It's the way of the future, deal with it, nerd.

they still use paper? why?

I don't waste my time with stupid childrens cartoons or video games


lol what a fucking loser you must be

>being a giga autist because you noticed the sauce was from an anime, so the requirements to get the sauce artificially should be inflated
Little Witch Academia

>japanese sysadmin
>mexican intellectual

fucking kekd



Absolute madmen

ghibli does it too. this poor schmuck has to stay after hours and scan each of these by hand.

why they don't just use Wacom tablets is baffling.

They've made more than Inferno Cop.


Pen and paper animation is cheap, simple and ubiquitous system that everyone is familiar with, can be used anywhere and will never have any hardware, software and familiarity issues.

and then after scanning what do they use/do next?

They do everything else after that and it's all done on computers (sometimes backgrounds are hand-painted but mostly not).

clean them up and color them.
what? you just pick up a tablet and go. nothing to it. they're not even expensive now. miyazaki is just stuck in his ways and doesn't give a shit.

Most anime is made by different studios and freelancers working together and everyone needs to be on the same page. Tablets would probably cause problems. They are used, but pen and paper is still the standard.

What Miyazaki does or doesn't do isn't relevant to the industry at all, and he doesn't even make feature films anymore.


pretty good watch.

even if you're not really into animation/anime.

ghbli is dead.

Yes but hows the process for that?
Take it into photoshop and after editing try to make a perfect clean selection of each figure?
I guess it gets easier when you have to do thousands
In Illustrator too you would have countless bits to delete and clean up if you made an image trace/vector

The colors are reduced so the lines become perfectly pixelated and the white areas become perfectly white (for easy coloring), and I guess the images are also made transparent in the process. At some point the lines are smoothed.

RETAS is the program suite mostly used in the anime industry.

I decided to look up Traceman HD and found this.


It's much more elaborate than what I assumed.

looks good, nice clean lines automatically traced from the drawing but I think its not doing anything Ps couldnt do

I doubt PS can do all the same things, let alone as efficiently. This is also part of a series of programs specifically made for animation, from scanning to coloring to compositing to rendering.

I also see that RETAS is developed in Japan, so it's probably tailor-made for the anime industry.

ps is shit for illustration.

weeab school children

Especially the laggy bloatfest that modern PS is. I miss PS 6, PS 7, and CS1.