Post your speedtests

post your speedtests
residential only fags

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out of the way, you slow fuck

residential not uni, dumbass

>isp: ayy
ayy lmao

private connection. stay jelly

is this good enough ?

thats pretty good for maple syrup land

How the HELL do you increase your speeds?

You pay more money for better speeds.

>curious about my speeds
>go to this site
>download speed= 3.5 mbs
>upload=4 mbs

Oh.. I mean, I live in the country, but still



I'm paying for 100/100 mbit/s :)

oh my god that's terrible.

good ping though

>good ping
but its the worst ping posted so far...

>faster than 90% of US

Overclock your router dumbshit

Yahoo it, it's quite easy

>mfw i'm paying for 100mbit

arigato sensei

Is there a lot of fixed ISP competition in Swedistan?

Halo from pajeetland

show your isp nigger

I got you senpai:

my ping and upload are shit i know

Did you go back in time to the early 00's?

I think a lot of it comes down to how many ISP companies there are.

I could choose from 12 different ISP's when my neighborhood had its fiber line getting installed.

But before the fiber, we only had shitty ADSL and two ISP's to choose from and those prices only got more expensive over the years.

The installation of fiber lines aren't ISP exlusive either, so maybe one ISP gets the job to dig the fiber and either the neighborhood pays for it (if enough are intrested) or the government will. But all ISP's can use the fiber line.

I pay for 150/150mbps

Which ISP?

Verizon FiOS I pay $65/month.

I like how these threads are always started by people with connection speeds nearing the 1Gb/s. I get that you want to get some perks for all the excessive money you pay for your compensatory Internet speeds, but does that perk have to be Sup Forums's approval and envy?

Look at this. I pay $40/month, no data cap. All that money you pay over this price is money you'll never see again. Whatever I'm doing almost never gets bottlenecked by my internet connection, and when it happens, well there's always shit to do around the house.

i only pay 60 a month for my Gb


Where do you live? Canada kind of has it hard for telecommunications compared to the US and Europe. Huge country, sparse population.

I live in the seattle area

Must be something wrong with your wiring. Call a technician and get them to replace the wires outside.

I pay $33 a month for this. I wonder when Comcast will offer cheap gigabit internet in my area.

Paying $60/month for gigabit internet with Rogers. Where do you live in Montreal? There was a deal that Bell was offering Gigabit for $90/month for two years.

A bit east of mount Royal.

I know it says Bell but I'm actually just dealing with an ADSL provider that rents Bell's phone line. I would rather drink a piss bucket than purchase services from Bell. They fucked over people I know way too often.

I might look into getting a faster connection eventually but if it requires giving up the no data cap, I'd rather stick with ADSL even if it's slow as shit. (My provider's most expensive package is 20 MB/s)

Check out

sad boy

bill is about €53 for this

what a retard, censoring an ISP, fucking kill yourself.
You're shit-tier country is NOT monitoring this thread.

i pay for 20mb/s
this is at fucking midnight

Through A WISP

sonic is gigabit internet for $40 a month+ tax but what is this shit?

EUR 30 a month, I pay for 100/6. Good enough I guess.

i think we pay 45 bucks, not sure.


$116 CAD per month for this baby.

I hate my lyf, senpaitachi.

>only unlimited option available
>state isp controls all bandwidth in the country so no competition
it hurts to browse

>faster than 50% of LB

There's a possible FTTP rollout in a few months, which would mean 330d/30u. Otherwise, this is what you get in rural Scotland.

feels bad man

It should be fucking illegal to advertise "fibre" connections which are actually copper. If you subscribe to a "fibre" service here in the UK, and you aren't one of of an extremely small number of properties with a real fibre line installed, you actually have a plain old copper phone line connection (VDSL) to a cabinet. And this cabinet is not on the side of your house, it's anywhere from 100m to 2km away. You can be MULTIPLE KILOMETERS away from actual fibre, with speeds well under 20Mbit, and still pay for "fibre optic broadband".

By this standard, literally every connection should surely be called "fibre", including ADSL and cellular, because it all connects to a backhaul eventually so whythefucknot adpajsPj2 REEEEEEEE

I assume all the fast connections here are uncapped? A capped connection is not a good connection.

Mine is uncapped.

>tfw this is the fastest package the jews at AT&T offer in my area

>tfw you literally have dedicated satellite internet by that logic

Not sure why you gotta shit on it.

DOCSIS stuff is very accessible, pretty sure like 90% of Rogers (cable company in Canada) have access to 250mbit + speeds

I pay $100/month for gigabit (or almost gigabit ) internet + a great tv package.
You're only saying your relatively shitty connection is good for you because you've never had anything faster.

Faster than what I used to have.

>faster than 69%

Because im on my thinkpad with wireless-n, im pulling a max of like 50mbps, but over ac or wired i get around 175mbps down/10mbps up (cumcast).

I would but I'm torrenting about 50gb of anime and my speed is like 3mbs download and 1.4mbs upload atm, usually get 15mbs dl and 5mbs upload. At&T btw.

Yep, its a vpn. Who cares about residential speeds?


(other chicago-in reporting)
If Comcast offered a premium, you would have to pay for that premium

LOL I pay 30€/mo for 110/110
Slow fuck

i know the feel bro

Verizon DSL. It's the only service available that isn't satellite

this is good?

Measured over wi-fi, not ethernet

I work at Frontier technical support, which took over a large portion of Verizon's FiOS customers. You may or may not have yelled at me over the phone in the last 3 months. Hi. I'm sorry your service is shit. We know it's shit but unfortunately we can't say that over the phone , at least not directly.

Chutiya kahi ka bhaag bhosdike. I bet you are a bhakt.

I've had to live with shitty ADSL for 25 years of my life. Not even a gf could make me happier right now

I get the privilege of paying $65 a month for this. I'm actually lucky to get service out here in the boonies, my other option is satellite or 4G from Verizon.

It just works I guess.

aussiefag here