>not using clover

Hasn't had an update for months, but who cares. Why fix what ain't broke.

Still my favorite Sup Forums app

Good for porn

But I am.

ChanU is better though.

Same here. What the fuck do you want from us OP?

The only advantage it has is the gallery mode. It's worse in every other regard.

Now fuck off with your trip.

Gallery, ability to easily download every image in a thread, better posting UI, Actually gets updated, etc.

Also, you didn't actually name a single thing that Clover does better


it works better.

Clover has gallery mode.

What's a brilliant retort and explanation. Certainly can't argue with that well reasoned and logical argument.

On Fdroid, Clover is more up to date.

looks like pure ass should be ashamed

How do you access it?

Clover on Fdroid has an even worse UI than the one from the store. How the hell did they manage that?

Neither Clover nor Chanu are on the Google Playstore. Do you shitpost for a living? Atleast you give us the ability to filter your retardation by using a tripcode, so thanks, I guess.

>he didn't install Clover from the store before it was delisted

How new are you?

Crashes when I try to upload pictures on my old phone, dashchan doesn't

I used to use chanu but I switched to Clover since it has a better ui, more features, and runs faster.

My browser works fine. I barely ever browse from my phone anyway.

it's on fdroid ffs

I'm using overchan till clover gets updated

>better ui

>more features
Such as?

>runs faster
The opposite is true for me

Clover also use to be on the play store.

I like mimi

You act like this is some kind of achievement.

>Ctrl + F
>No Dashchan

What the? Dashchan is best you losers. Quick, no bugs, and is literally

Clover is alright but it has a weird bug with the captcha. The keyboard doesnt proc. I think it's a bug in stock Nexus 5.


Nobody likes your shitty russian app. Stop shilling it.

Clover (2.1 3) is the only app that works flawlessly on mah old ass Lg L5 (800 mhz single processor and

Anyone have the link to the Fork of Clover with customization options for grid layout

I us a Note 4 so that probably explains the differences in experiences.

>no [math] support on /sci/
Fucking dropped.

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

Floens has known about this issue since november, but has been too busy to implement it himself. If anyone who knows Java was willing to implement it and do a merge, he would be very grateful.

Clover is ~2.89 mb.

Anything for iphone? Please no "iphone le shit" comments.

Is that ios only?

There are no image board apps for iphone other than using the browser.

Meh, whatever. Sup Forums on chrome works fine.

By hitting gallery mode...

Yeah, apple is pretty controlling on what they will allow on their app store and from what I understand they don't like Sup Forums or any imageboard app much for whatever reason. But like you said, chrome works fine since it supports webm unlike safari.

floens will be summoned if you chant his name in a thread.

It kinda doesn't support webms. I can download them, but I need to open in vlc to watch them.


I can't find it anywhere.

For some reason it takes too much time to load images.
And i have a 100Mb/s connection.

Dashchan is best

how the fuck do i get in gallery mode?

Turn the autoload images on

Used to be.

Chanu desuu

I am

Underrated post

>every god damn clover thread some autists try to shill their own Sup Forums app
every god damn time

not that guy, but I use Dash. Clover and Dash are excellent alternatives to using a fuckin browser.

they can't handle how Clover is the best

But I'm using clover user

>not being up to date
>using old and insecure software
lel okay m8

I would never use a browser to use Sup Forums on my phone.

The screenshot isn't even iOS, retard

>implying that's Floens name
>not even having a trip
Fucking pathetic

>Not using clover
>Nigga wot

i like my browser tho, plus clover isnt in play store

>using clover version 1 for ages, the version before it got taken off playstore
>other day finally get tired of the captcha bullshit and google for a new version

It's so much more intuitive after getting used to it for a bit.


>2000 + 16
>mobile posting

>implying most of the user here known the existence of this board not because of the clover's default board set to Sup Forums in the first place

This is me

>Sup Forums on a handheld

>he leaves Sup Forums when he goes to the toilet

>he leaves to go to the toilet
hurr durr

Anyone else got this bug?

I'll write a post and click the send button. The captcha will load, but my keyboard has dismissed itself.

I have to press the back button then click send again and then on the captcha I can tap to get the keyboard back up.

Running stock android 6 on a Nexus 5. Systemless rooted.

Does anyone have a build of the latest git version? I don't want to install the SDK just to compile Clover.
Also when does the f-droid version get updated?

Tap image
Hit settings
Download as album

Imma just use my PC

>browsing Sup Forums on a fucking smartphone screen when one is used to browsing on a portrait mode 3840 x 2160 27" monitor.
Get the fuck out.

>actually browsing Sup Forums on a desktop


>being at home
>not browsing on desktop
Oh right, i forgot Sup Forums is full of neets and failures who can't afford monitors and don't have other responsibilities when they get out of house.
Forget everything i said then.

This is not a gallery mode.

Your logic is flawed. NEETs are at home all day browsing Sup Forums on a fucking desktop like some neanderthal while successful, intelligent people are on the go, browsing it on their company-provided Windows(tm) phone while going out for lunch with their colleagues or while banging the mom of the NEET who lives next door while her failure of a son is whacking off to Stallman.

Oh look it's god King straightonthefilter

>successful, intelligent people are on the go
AHAHAHAAHAHAHAAH, spoken like a true NEET.
Successful and intelligent people don't allow themselves to be treated like slaves who live outside, no different from a homeless person.
Successful and intelligent people figure out a balance where they work intelligently enough that they don't have to over-work, and can afford to actually live a life at home after work.

It takes quite a level of idiocy to grow a superiority complex out of being a wage slave, or should i say a brilliant work of social engineering on the part of the managers at your job.

> t. Cletus the """successful""" MacDonald's employee of the month who hasn't spoken a word with even one of his colleagues in the 10 years since he started there

any possible chance of 4by2chan support in the far future

It makes sense that you haven't spoken to any of your colleagues in the 10 years you worked there.
You were too busy browsing Sup Forums on the smartphone to speak to them.

It's not in the app store. You can jail break your iphone and install it that way, but I'm not sure if it's worth the risk.

but I am

It's good, but clover has advantages like being able to report posts in the app.


>using anything but clover

Clover for windows 10 when?

>windows 10
Deal with it.

Overchan is nice.

For people that dont shitpost: just use Chanobol, its in the playstore

Overchan is true master race. Other apps are for NEETs.

>using clover makes you a NEET
Nice defense mechanism, how's mama's attic?

Overchan is good, but clover is better.

It's going closed source now. Floens announced it

It just werks

The only thing I'm bothered with Overchan is captcha. In Clover you just type 3-4 numbres from a street signs. In Overchan you have to select store fronts till they disappear and click confirm.
Don't know if you can change it though.
I like Overchan because of browsing of other imageboards.