>he doesn't use a business grade Latitude or Thinkpad laptop
>he can't replace every single individual part on his laptop in case something breaks
>his battery is non-removeable
>he doesn't carry his laptop in a leather bag like a real businessman
He doesn't use a business grade Latitude or Thinkpad laptop
I work at QVC in a job unrelated to tech. All of this is a give in, and yet:
>gaming laptop
>everything except for processor and motherboard
>Kenneth Cole reaction backpack
>Gaming laptop
Businessmen have no time for games.
Oh, right. I forgot businessmen are supposed to have shit hobbies. Like granite collecting.
>a give in
Businessmen have no time for hobbies, Only business.
>no time for games
Yeah fuck being a businessman. My uncle's a programmer who throws money out the window and has plenty of time for games. I'd rather be him than you
>a give in
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
>he cant beat to death attackers after his gahnoo
I'm gonna that pasta again, you know which one.
New hp elitebook every year.
Kenneth Cole backpack.
Muh nigga. Fuck these poorfags.
is the girl on the right mixed race or it can be considered black?
My dad has an HP laptop for work. It looks almost exactly like a MacBook. I'm not judging the other aspects of the computer, but I hate how laptop manufacturers can't stop riding Apple's dick.
Eh, they are building what the public wants. There is a reason we are no longer using a soapbar mobile phone form factor user.
The thinkpad praising Sup Forums is giving us Latitude owners some love for once. I love you OP.
Latitude e6400 representing
Don't have a leather laptop bag because I use this thing as my laptop for classes. Need a bag with enough room for notebooks, textbooks and whatever else I need on a daily basis.
samefag, enjoy your 480-tier housefire
>hp laptops
Spotted the butthurt poorfag
2710p reporting, got it for 20eur
It's nearing ten years of age but is not slowing down.
If Apple does something good, I don't care if someone copies them. But there's plenty of good ways to design a laptop without making it look like a carbon copy of a MacBook. Also you have things like Asus making underpowered laptops with a single USB type c port (and no other ports at all besides the headphone jack).
..and yes, much housefire, very overheat..
I used it till I got the 810, I've had to replace a battery, thats it. Shit now lives bolted to a wall in my workshop streaming media, running my CNC, and hosting a few uC based light and power controllers. I love it.
You literally said you are not judging other aspects, just the looks.
Apple merely followed the trend of all devices, be it phones, TV's or MP3 players. Thin and sleek as the aesthetic around tech modernised and people demanded smaller form factors. You're not about to make the argument tat something like pic related would sell today, are you?
>like a real businessman
I have four Thinkpads, three of which are still useful.
Ok, I'm going to leave now.
No, obviously that wouldn't sell today. But there are tons of modern laptops that don't copy Apple. I hate when laptop manufacturers get lazy and just copy them. I mean look at the computer at the far left here
If it weren't for the nub on the keyboard and the track pad, you couldn't tell it wasn't a macbook besides the logo.
>Latitude e6400
We have these at work. They're old, heavy, and the build quality is shit. I assign them to people I hate. The E5550 isn't so bad, but it doesn't have the trackpoint, which sucks.
I don't know anyone that intentionally gets a Thinkpad. The business people I've dealt with usually care about aesthetics and will get a Mac instead.
Oh shit, I have 3 of those. Hell yeah man. Currently using the 840 g2. I'm using my 8460 as a tv media box and I gave the the 9470 to my live in GF so she do her Facebook bullshit.
>points out uptime
I've had a shitty acer laptop run for 130 days back when I couldn't afford a decent laptop
What's the best business grade laptop for $1200 then? I'd prefer battery life over portability, and a good, high resolution screen.
I don't have a laptop lol
>doubles advocate
This is my favourite pasta.
>kids Nsync
That was just in case some faggot went "hurr you've only just turned it on, no wonder it's not going thermonuclear". Uptime means noting to me otherwise.
> giving the missus the 94 and keeping the prev gen unit
..I was about to ask why but I really love the chunky functional look of the 8 series, it borders on industrial. Mine is my road laptop, because having worked helldesk for a company that used 8470's and 6550's, I know how much of a beating those things can take. Very underrated in terms of ruggedness IMO.
I also have a Spectre XT with a fucked LCD I got on the cheap sitting behind my TV running media. Pretty happy with my horde right now.
But can you categorically say that apple invented the aesthetic, or just noticed what people wanted and got there before everyone else? Because even macbooks used to be pretty hefty toys. To me, it's a chicken/egg question, sure plenty have slimmed their shit down just like apple, but is that a response to apple, or a response to broader user demand?
Is that a fucking nightlight built into your screen? If so that's the tits!
Almost all Thinkpad have a built in keyboard light.
Keyboard light. Tonnes of laptops had them before backlit keyboards became a thing, though the HP ones tend to be pretty fucking useless because low power on glossy black keys with white lettering. How do the Thinkpad ones go?
Well, matte keys with a nice keys ink, they work well.
Jesus Christ you really are autistic. First off, Apple copied a lot of individual components from PC makers, like iirc Sony used the chiclet keyboard first. LG put out a candy bar, all touchscreen phone before Apple. Apple rarely invents anything, they just package things together more attractively than most PC/Android manufacturers. And secondly, plenty of laptop manufacturers take inspiration from Apple without making carbon copies of macbook like HP. Why don't you respond to that point?
Jesus wasn't real. #rekt
Because I don't understand the point your making..?
> hurr y dey copy appel?!
> hurr appel copied everyone, they just made it pretty!
> plenty of laptop manufacturers take inspiration from Apple without making carbon copies of macbook like HP. Why don't you respond to that point?
Because thats a lie? Here's 4 manufacturers doing the same thing. Whats to respond to? Try logic instead of rage user..
Defend your plastic shit all you want, Apple is the motherfucking King!
>doggy dog world
Gets me every time
Enjoy throwing your laptop away because the battery can't be replaced without sending back to Apple for a huge fee.
My point is that you can copy individual aspects of a laptop that are good without making a carbon copy of that entire laptop. A minimalist, unibody, thin and light laptop does not have to look exactly like macbook. Ironically, I want laptop manufacturers to be more like Apple, they copied what was good from other manufacturers and made it their own, so that their products were not a carbon copy of their sources of inspiration. Like Apple did not make the macbook look like Sony's laptops when they copied their chiclet key oards. Like the LG Prada came out before the iPhone, but Apple did not make the iPhone look exactly like the Prada. Is it really this hard to understand my point?
That fee is $450 because the battery is glued to the case, so they have to replace the entire bottom case that includes the track pad and the keyboard. At least that's how it is on the late 2013 rMBP.
t. Own one because it was a gift and cracked the track pad. Luckily they bought Apple care for it so the repair didn't cost me anything, but it still astounds me that Apple didn't just use screws instead of glue so you don't have to replace all those parts at once.
What kid of self proclaimed tech enthusiast can't change the battery in a Mac. You fucking clod, you take out the screws and change the battery you fucking peasant. If it's out of warranty who cares.
Heat gun, done.
>he doesnt own 5 thinkpads
>he doesnt have more in the mail
>he doesnt own an original IBM 14" laptop bag from the 90's
I totally would if I had the money.
Kek. Apple prefers to use glue to make them that much thinner. But even then, there's the risk of the heat damaging the batteries or bending them while removing them.
That's what I would have done if I didn't have the Apple care.
user i make 10$ an hour
its a cheap hobby