Since when did Youtube allow this kind of porn

I remember that a few months ago, I tried searching for nudity in Youtube and the best I could find were videos of girls getting painted nude (they were superficial nudity, no close-ups, nothing explicit) and medical videos (cancer awareness, educational, etc...) and it wasn't that easy to find them, yesterday I searched for nudity and holy shit, I tons of videos of some guys painting on spread vaginas with extreme cose-ups and other videos that were exactly like Playboy videos, the only difference was that they were categorized as ''art'' and not ''sexual''.

There isn't anything on Youtube you can't find on porn, the only step of difference is that the girls are not having sex.

What the hell happened in these last months?

Other urls found in this thread:

Progressives not wanting to "body shame" women. Which makes sense sort of, violence is worse than nudity and you can find tons of violence on YouTube.

Go search "Brazilian Waxing Applying Oil (Phase 2)"

Brace for diamonds.

Lmao, these used to be rare gems, now they're everywhere on the site.

It is like FH18 lol

The Millennial definition of art is essentially a justification for being shocking and/or lazy.

Plus, Youtube is like law enforcement. They like to make examples so the majority keep in line, however, dig past the surface, and you'll find their's many people who get away with worse.

For example, there is a whole underground genre of Nigerian rape/whore movies, all about as explicit as you can get without showing puss. All of this is on youtube, Millions of views and all.

Well, what do you expect? White boys post how-to videos all the time, why would you expect niggers would not catch the hint and start making their own how-to's?


If this is not porn, then I dont know what the fuck it is, I remember I used to jack off to body painting.

If you seach by videos uploaded last hour, you'll find plenty of actual porn

I had no idea

You can even see the guy cumming and it has 32 million views, lmao, Youtube is now officially a porn site.

This is not explicit, just typical hollywood censored sex scenes copied by niggerians.

Yeah they really ban a lot less than they used to.

Wtf kek

Wow the memes keep popping up. The first video from Australia I found has an Asian host.

what the fuck

Oh dear god

Oh no there's softcore porn on the internet someone please stop it!!!

It's also on TV late at night on core channels that everyone has access to, so what?

>they were categorized as ''art'' and not ''sexual''
prove it isn't art.

"user why are your suggested videos...."

When Penn and Teller Bullshit was still easily available on youtube it had plenty of topless women in it

IIRC there are even naked preteens on YouTube.
I know it's not cheese pizza, but come on.

Bullshit there's no way Youtube would allow shit to go that far. They would get shut down by the FEDs so fast it wouldn't even be funny.

Massage videos with little kids in them, medical videos (genitalia inspection), nudist videos (yep).
Though that was a while ago. Might be different now.

All I got when I searched porn were videos about people trying virtual reality porn.

Dunno OP.

Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck is Google doing?

search for “ДЦП мaccaж”

I ain't searching that shit nigga

It's not sexual so it's okay.

The hacker Sup Forums once uploaded porn on Youtube in a big organized event.

So there you have it.

This world is growing more lawless and degenerate by the day. All the sodomites will shout me down but the evidence is all around you.

even too much for big google to handle.

or probably don't care enough to do it. would probably interfere with the ad revenue

Prove it is.

watch this

"webcam video from" yields the best results

nice catch, but whenever I search I only find kids, which is disturbing as fuck

There is already a very overbearing regulation on the marketing of violence to children which the internet has been able to sidestep for a long time because of freedom.

I would argue that violence is not as bad as PORN. The morality of violence and death is easy to preach and many kids get it very easily that it's not OK to do the violent things you see.

On the other hand, when a kid sees glorification of very complex issues like gender, genital stimulation and orgasm, it's very hard to teach morality on those issues, next to impossible.

So I don't agree that violence is worse than porn.

I don't know what the hell you mean by nudity which has nothing to do with the conversation.

sex is bad for you!
it gives you aids!


I'd buy that for $0.99

Don't parents these days have any control over what their kids do online?

Hello Weimar Republic

Let's hope not. The elderly generation has no knowledge about the web whatsoever.
It's learning by doing, always. At everything you do.
It will never change. Just because somebody is preventing you from learning bad stuff, doesn't mean that the bad stuff won't happen to you.

Still no nude kids though

You just like having a steady supply of underaged girls to ogle.



This is really strange

If they fail the brown paper bag test, they get shot automatically. If they pass, it depends what they are doing and how close to my house/car they are.

>erotic movies on yt
old news my-friend, problem is they're not HD

What the fuck did I just watch?

what about 9:10?

Wow, I had no idea such lude things existed on jewtube... It's scary how the jewtube botnet keeps you trapped in your own little bubble by recommending things it thinks you will like, things it thinks you should buy and the same old shit you saw yesterday. CAN'T WAKE UP.


Facebook has a few mexican murder videos.
Sodomize your imagination user!

>looking up YouTube porn
Underage plz go

It's an educational video. No problem with that.

Accidentally saw cp on youtube and it kept showing it in my recommendations

Give it some directors commentary, and anything is considered educational kek

>The Millennial definition of art is essentially a justification for being shocking and/or lazy.

You just described dadaism.

Which is 100 years old.


Hardly. See "Fountain" by Marcel Douchamp

>What the hell happened in these last months?
Feminism, it will change soon enough though.
There is an army of white knight SJW that flag these videos for "sexual objectification of women"
Take ASMR for example, a lot of content creator got their channel closed after being reported.
It's also happened IRL, where I live.
Feminists demanded the women right for "topfreedom" on the beach.
So women was allowed to go topless, yet no one did it.
Now they want to separate the beaches, into public beaches, and topless beaches where men are not allowed to the latter since the presence of men, prevent the women from going topless as it sexually objectify them.

>Now they want to separate the beaches, into public beaches, and topless beaches where men are not allowed to the latter since the presence of men, prevent the women from going topless as it sexually objectify them.
A sect that is actively self-destructive (by segregating itself) is not a thread.


what is it with americans and being triggered by nudity

>he doesnt fap to nude pics of his empress

What the fuck is that above its tits?

angela merkel

It's called 'disgusting'.

She has negative ass.


Kill yourself. Preferably while masturbating furiously, a la David Carradine.


Most likely it gets removed quickly, no website can police content 100% effectively unless it requires EVERYTHING to be approved before it's posted.

Going by the original definition of sodomy, there doesn't seem to be any reason why sodomites would deny the presence of degeneracy, unless they were strongly conflicted about it.

Poll: what part of the body is this?

This is a perfect example as to why I love the internet.


I have a quick question. If this isn't where I should be asking, please direct me to the correct area of Sup Forums to get an answer.

The annotations on this video:

They work on android's YouTube app as annotations and no one can tell me how it works or how to set them up in this manger that works for mobile.

Everyone just talks about the "mobile-friendly cards"...

What were you doing when you were 16, Sup Forums?

Foot imo
Search for that Russian string posted itt

Now I'm definitely not going to.

holy shit thanks for that user

Who is this "Sup Forums"?

do you have any good ones?

Go search for desafio da piscina
Brace for party van


Sup Forums - finding jailbait on youtube

Every time

Fucking pedos, I bet they run ganoo slash loonux

What do you think we use encryption and open source software for? Memes and daily drivers?



I've seen smoking fetish videos openly showing tits

Search for documentary camera inside vagina