Some fresh OC for Sup Forums

some fresh OC for Sup Forums

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not bad m8, what exactly is the point of the 6 pin anyways? I guess the card is so cheap that they want people with cheap PSUs to be able to run it?

>when overclocked

don't OC it then, obviously

lmao raja he is such a nongamer, how could he not know? mlao

ikr? real gamers use 8 pin

Nvidia shills still this mad....

Not a shill, but you can buy a 970 for the same price, more perforcmance and without the risk of burning down your pcie slots.

In Europe the 970 is only 249,95 now, same price as the 480.

delet this

Rajesh using self-deprecating techniques to shill for Nvidia.

>nvidia shills mad that amd released another poo product

seems reasonable


Not this shit again.

Nvidia has been pulling more than the 75W PCI-express spec since forever.

Where are all the dead motherboards caused by the GTX 960?


The 6 pin is out of spec and it still draws too much on the PCIe slot.

I'd rather have a burned PCI slot, than a burned down house from upcoming driver updates from nvidia.

Also, a stock 480 beats a stock 970 75-80% of the time, and has much better VR performance.

Yeah, those two extra ground pins will totally make the card function correctly

Nvidia payed them to shut up :^)

>we all live in europoor
>Pricing is that fucked up in everyone elses region

>In Europe the 970 is only 249,95 now, same price as the 480.
Why would you buy a card with only 3.5GB of vRAM and significantly worse performance than a Rx 480?

Also see

twitch tv /buildzoid/v/75850933 from around the 55min mark

>dx12 argument
>before any notable dx12 titles exist
Half of the AAA titles out today are still dx9 or are barely using dx11's features

Nigger, I've had radeons since forever, now running a 6950 double crossfire. But since Pajit took over it all went to shit.

As a consumer all I'm seeing is a card that was announced to beat 1080, but in reality lands between 960 and 970, while having a fat chance of burning your motherboard.

I'm now really considering waiting for the nvidia price drop and getting 2 970s.


I don't like having a surveillance botnet on my pc, thank you.

>As a consumer all I'm seeing is a card that was announced to beat 1080, but in reality lands between 960 and 970, while having a fat chance of burning your motherboard.
Nobody ever said it would compete with a 1080, this card is only $200 are you retarded? Also it actually beats a 980 multiple times especially in DX12 games.

freetard, enjoy linux shitting itself every 5 minutes on you.

>Nobody ever said it would compete with a 1080
They said it would on 2 occasions. I remember that part clearly.
That's what supposedly was so special about the card, it would outperform the top range for only 200 bucks.

>Also it actually beats a 980 multiple times especially in DX12 games.

No DX12 games exist.

>b-but there ar-aren't any dx12 games out yet argument

It's like you losers don't need any more than 640kb of ram.

If it only had PCI-E 6 pin out of spec, I doubt most people would even care. That's what they should have done.

>No DX12 games exist.
I really really love this meme, can I save it?

You do realize that the whole DX12 performance is a matter of driver optimization, don't you?


>inefficient, bloated, and inefficient

It's like you don't know what you're talking about.

>It's like you don't know what you're talking about.
You clearly don't. Why would they create DX12 if DX11 was so fucking perfect?

>why would they create windows 8 if windows 7 is so fucking perfect?

damn can't argue with this AMD logic. Guess I better start shitting in the street

Because you don't want to break compatibility with old games once new hardware with overhauled architecture are released?

You know if DX9/10/11 worked like DX12/Vulkan or any other low level api do, every game that isn't supported by the developer would have stopped working correctly in new hardware.

>damn can't argue with this AMD logic. Guess I better start shitting in the street
How much is Nvidia paying you?

Nothing, shitting in the street is free. Another perk of being with team AMD

>You do realize that the whole DX12 performance is a matter of driver optimization, don't you?

You do realize that the whole DX12 performance is a matter of driver optimization and architecture optimization which AMD owns nvidiots with, don't you?

>Everyone will play old call of dooty games until the day they die


Pick one.
The company is notoriously infamous for shitty drivers.

>Why would they create DX12 if DX11 was so fucking perfect?
because AMD can't into drivers

and btw I never said DX11 is perfect, just that it's not automatically inefficient since the extra work it's doing is what every DX12 app will have to do by itself now

People still play the original Call of Duty.. so YES.

>The company is notoriously infamous for shitty drivers.

Yer, but just look. The 480 outperforms the 970 and 980 using DX12. All with "shitty drivers".

Nvidiots BTFO!

maybe you don't realize this, but the underperforming part of AMDs driver is gone in DX12. It's shifted over to the app.

If you want to see how poor it can be in DX11 look at project cars or something.

>project cars
>sponsored by nvidia

Oh yeah sure.

>Coincidentally, Project CARS is plastered with Nvidia logos in-game. Initial reaction from gamers was to lash out at Slightly Mad, claiming they were paid off by Nvidia to deliberately gimp the performance of AMD hardware.

Try using a non-gimped game next time to prove your point.

I know, reddit, but: good thread on the whole nvidia shadiness

>no proof

even if that's true what is preventing AMD from profiling the game and optimizing any poorly optimized code?

Gameworks is just standard D3D code. AMD can profile it and optimize just as they are probably doing with every other game.

There is proof. Here >The game runs PhysX version It is a CPU based PhysX. Some features of it can be offloaded onto Nvidia GPUs. Naturally AMD can't do this.

This is just for starters. Read the rest.

>So, in short, the entire Project Cars engine itself is built around a version of PhysX that simply does not work on amd cards.
>Most of you are probably familiar with past implementations of PhysX, as graphics options that were possible to toggle 'off'. No such option exists for project cars.
>If you have and AMD GPU, all of the physx calculations are offloaded to the CPU, which murders performance.
>Many AMD users have reported problems with excessive tire smoke, which would suggest PhysX based particle effects.
>These results seem to be backed up by Nvidia users themselves- performance goes in the toilet if they do not have GPU physx turned on.

Nvidia are dodgy bastards.

and it's been shown that forcing physx to run on the cpu doesn't affect performance for nvidia users

if you want the video i'll try to find it

the problem is that rx480 has constant mobopower usage over 75w

and some more detailed benches

That article is painful to read. Some of it is pretty decent, but some of it is tinfoil hat snake oil pitch level.

Like "muh lanes". What the fuck does that even mean?

it's just pathetic that so many people are falling for this reddit tier conjecture

Where did all the AMD shills go after the 480 launch? They were telling everyone this was the next coming of Jesus. Was it suicide?



>massive current problem with all AMD cards
>some buttblasted AMD fanboy turns an ASUS problem on a single card from last gen into AMD vs nVidia

Every time.

Do you even know what average and spikes are you retarded amdrone?

Those two extra pins add another 75w to the slot, iirc.

they don't

No it hasn't you moron, that has been debunked.

The 480 is the ONLY card that pulls this bullshit.

Read this:


>60 seconds

yeah okay bud.

Yes they do:

"Optional connectors add 75 W (6-pin) or 150 W (8-pin)"

>not an nvidia shill site

>What the fuck does that even mean?

It means the 480 is drawing too much power through the pcie slot, which can and will destroy your motherboard.

What destroys hardware?
Is it voltage spikes?
It's heat from too much current flowing through the motherboard.

Even AMD are addressing the issue as an overcurrent problem. Keep strawmanning with the sam shitty graphs that show a lower average for nvidia pajeet.


warn me about what

I hope the AMD Zen processor comes with 8 pins

I don't want it to fry my motherboard

Thats the stupidest excuse you nvidia guys always come up with.
I guess we should make hardware based on current software not better hardware so better software can come along huh?

Why do most of the new hardware preform better with DX12?

Oh cool, a website with black background and white text, am I a hacker now?

I don't understand what the red arrows mean....?

How dare you

It gives the buyer more frames per second when he uses Windows 10.


Why is relevant technology always cheaper in America? Is it because American companies offer a Patriot Discountâ„¢ for their products?

It's actually the same in US, 970 is the same prices as 480 and won't kill your motherboard.

>runs slower != less efficient

The D3D11 runtime and drivers are doing more work for you. It's to be expected that they can be slower.

If the card alone is pulling 200W then people with cheap PSUs can't use it regardless of connectors.

Trend steigend / sinkend.



OEM pc builds. Historically owned by nvidia cards like 960/950/750ti. Contrary what amd have you believe nvidia cards are much more efficient than amd.

it shows in the average 55W pull on 960strix and 80W pull on 480.

We'll see 8 pins on other cards, right?

OP here, made an improved version with extra housefire

wrong board m8

>graphics cards are not technology


shhh no more tears, we know pajeet has let you down

>consumerism is technology because I, a gamer, say so
also, reminder: this whole site is for adults.

>Consumerism is technology
user, if nobody buys technology, nobody would make it fuckface.

>graphics cards are not technology


>also, reminder: this whole site is for adults.

>butthurt Sup Forumstard manchildren unable to face reality

>muh install gentoo neckbeard mad he cannot afford any new electronics since mommy cut his GBP allowance

It's sad how Kyle got attacked by AMD drones.

Turns out he was right all along, where are all the haters now?

Fuck off manbaby

Even I thought he was full of shit.

After the truth came out about the 480, turns out he was 100% right.

I'm sorry Kyle. Please forgive me.