Small Questions Thread


Other urls found in this thread:

How do I write a shell script that reads an argument when it's ran?
Something like script argument

I have an old Dell Latitude running a 32-bit linux, and I want to use it's hard drive in my Asus laptop that is 64-bit. When I put the Latitude hard drive in my new laptop, I don't even see the Asus splash screen. I know the hard drive works, and I wouldn't expect the 32-bit OS to load, but I would at least expect to see the splash screen and be able to go into my BIOS/boot from USB.

Do I need to wipe the hard drive before I can use it? Or does Dell have some strange DRM that will not allow me to reuse this hard drive?

>wouldn't expect the 32-bit OS to load
Why not? AMD64 processors can run IA32 software.

Is there any command arriviable like ALT+F1 to change workplace

Why not Stupid Questions Thread?

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

No, there are plenty of stupid questions

too offensive

Sup Forums is a safe space now

In bash? Look at the environment variables $1, $2, $3, etc. Those will contain the various arguments, or nothing if there wasn't an argument.

Neither. I suspect a power issue, or you have a connection not making full contact someplace, notably the drive data and power connectors.

And yeah, I would fully expect it to boot the 32 bit OS, though it might come up missing some drivers.

For what? Do you mean like having ctrl+alt+left/right or numbers switch virtual desktops? Most DEs do something like that, and most let you configure it if you don't like the default.

How do I make one of those white boxes in my post on Sup Forums?

>In bash?
No, sh

if i shrink a partition can i re-enlarge it?

These? Use the tags.

Alright, /sqt/.

I like to download imagedumps from /c/, and what I do to download them is open all images in the thread, save it as a .html page and then choose what I want to keep and what I want to delete from the folder generated along with the .html page. The thing is, this isn't as much effective as it should be, because I still have to delete the thumbnails.

Is there a script that would download all the files in a thread?

Here, use mine

>safe space

ahahahah, retard

Fuggit. [ code ] ... [ /code ]

Same deal.


Sup Forums-dl


Could you speak up? We can't hear you.

Thanks, I'ill be using DownThemAll.

Ello bros.

I haven't had an issue since I put my PC together (surprising because I beat the shit out of my PC, dont have internet so I lug it around to do dev coops with friends and people I meet in college) but last week I bumped the power cord and lost power.

It would not boot afterwards so I swapped in my server PSU and got it to boot. My Windows 10 partition was boot looping but booted after a startup recovery. Every one of my GNU/Linux distros booted normally. Upon startup in my Win10 drive I noticed that certain characters were shifted and figured my SSD was going bad. Ran checks and the disk came up clean but got corrupted again after about 10 minutes.

Also the USB periphs were very spotty in terms of power, off and on with dimming LEDs.

I put my PSU tester to it and the PSU is fine. I am pretty sure I can narrow it down to the mobo at this point but I think I have run out of ways to definitively find the issue.

Tl;dr PSU is fine, SSD checks out fine, but USB and SSD data are spotty. Most likely a mobo issue but just want some input.

It has been a few years since I have had to troubleshoot a thing so I am rusty and hate going through Toms Hardware bullshit.

Thanks in advance, reddit gold for any information leading to the arrest of the zodiac killer (its mitt romney)

Does anyone know how to get the fucking microphone working on a thinkpad x230t? I've googled and tried all of the basic shit they suggest but nothing works. the camera works just fine its the cunt of a microphone that doesn't

4chanX for firefox doesn't allow me to see the replies in chain, like pic related, which works in chromium. It just redirects me to the reply in firefox. How can I fix that?

Does it harm my hardware if I defrag a RAM disk on Windows?

No, but your post harms my brain. Why are you defragging a RAM disk?

Accidentally by not unticking it.

You try messing with these settings? It's under "script."

What's your preferred program to burn music CDs? It's for my car.

Thanks user, this what the problem, now it works.

yes there are, and that's a stupid answer

Is there a way to run emulators on iOS without jailbreak?

i mean knowing the OS might help...

Someone talk me in/out of a Mini-ITX build. I'm doing an i7/1080 VR build and I keep having a nagging feeling that I will go SLI when dual GPU performance works like nvidia says it will. On the other hand, I'd like to have my PC on top of my desk and not take up a bunch of room.

yes it will make your random access memory no longer random and will hurt performance of random number generators








THE WORST PART IS ALL I GET IS ''Works fine on Winjew 8 and 10 :^)''


u used to be able to set your date back, idk if it still works

Jesus I'm sorry but I don't know where else to go.

There's a Yes song that has a lyric "a million miles away." Both are too fucking common to find in a search. Hopefully one of y'all still listen to this great band. It's driving a hole in my skull. Thank you.


How far back do you set it? All the way to Jan 1, 1970?

Have you though about installing Windows 10? You're using old, unsupported software, of course there will be compatibility issues :^)

no if u go back that far i think it breaks.
just before 2000 or something

Works on Ubuntu.

My connection to Sup Forums keeps cutting in and out.
Any other website works perfectly fine, but my connection to just Sup Forums will disconnect for like half a minute every 5 to 10 minutes or so
This has been going on for a year, and I only realized this problem is exclusive to Sup Forums today.
Anyone have any idea what's going on?

Deep breaths, calm the fuck down man.

Are you trying to use a wired or wireless controller? I think the wireless ones required a proprietary wireless base unit since they don't use any standard protocol. The USB port on them is just for charging. The wired ones are the sort that just work -- you plug them in and Windows says oh it's a gamepad and lets you use it.

The only solution seems to be reinstalling winblows 7 and don't update at all.

I'm trying to get a wireless one to work. Before I made the terrible and grievous mistake of updating windows, I could plug in a Xbone controller with a USB and it would just werk and install the drivers no problem.

Now nothing works, not even a official wireless adapter. It just absolutely refuses to download the drivers.

Uninstall some updates maybe. Try to narrow it down to one that makes it not work.

I uninstalled all the updates yesterday and tried, nothing works. There was like 3 updates I couldn't uninstall though(wouldn't let me select them.)

Download the driver manually perhaps, and install it through "update driver" in device manager.

Also try another USB port so Windows treats it as a new device.

Should I buy a 1070 or should I buy a 980ti for a bit less?

Yeah it didn't work. This computer is literally possessed.


How's this for a Facebook/Netflix machine for my mum? Is 8gb of RAM overkill?

my 1070 is amazing I'd buy it again any day

Does she even need a computer?
A 200$ tablet might be good enough, if she wanted throw in a smart TV that could make it better.

Are iCloud blocked iPhone 6's (regular 6, not 6S) still impossible to unblock?

Give it back, Tyrone.

The whole thing's overkill. 4 GB RAM and an even lower SSD or HDD would do. Also look into cheap AMD CPU and mobo combos. Or go with a small-board computer with a soldered-in Celeron.

get a microatx mb for 50$ with an i3 6100

Can you guys judge this build? (I plan on getting a 1070 when they become more available)

>that case (pic related)
Get a CiT Spectre, they look way better + have 2 fans already installed

otherwise it's pretty decent fpr 1080p

Recently updated my Chinaphone (Huawei P8) to stock/official 6.0
And to my dismay the USB mass storage mode is apparently gone ;_; (no longer an option in the drop down)
Means I'm stuck with the stupid "media" mode which lists directories slowly as fuck, can't browse through pictures from the PC with IrfanView because when I "open" a file, it is first copied to some temp folder, then half of the thumbnails aren't showing in explorer, can't perform WinDirStat on it any more etc etc
Anyway to re-enable it in some hidden settings or is it only possible to get direct SD card access back with custom ROM?
Because physically removing the SD every time is a major pain in the ass

How can I play this piece of shit file in any audio player?

goddamit forgot the image

tried windows 7, no luck, now on 8.1 and still nothing

convert it to midi

Do I need to use dosbox for it?

what does dosbox have to do with this?

There's only one program that can covert .mus to a midi file, which only runs on dos.

Does sound work at all? Laptop mics are usually simple analog things connected to the sound chip. Perhaps the wire going to a mic is fucked up.

Well then use Dosbox.

Would connecting a switch to a router work? I need to connect both my Raspi and my PC to the network and I don't want to buy a second 10M cable.


What's a good microphone for having on my desk? Preferably something non-USB.

Its mook's shitty data mining servers

Fucking over kill as fuck

I'm using c++.

I have an "item" class that just has some basics setters and getters for a couple variables. I have a "Character" object that has some simple attributes. I want to make my character object able to have an array of items as opposed to just one.

Character::Character(std::string Name, int Age, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g,int h, Item CharItem)
SetAttributes(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);

I can't figure out how to have the CharItem variable become an array so my characters can have multiple items

Get a samsung, they make their parts in house.

also it dosen't have to be an array, i should have said any container

I can't even find any celerons in stock anywhere in my country and the h81 mobos cost the same as h110.

That seasonic costs $30 more than the corsair.

No one sells really cheap small capacity HDDs here. The SSD is a much better deal.

I will get 4GB of RAM instead of 8.

ffmpeg -i file.mus newfile.midi

I dont care about your country.
The build is a solid facebook + streaming 1080p30fps

Whats a lightweight linux distro that will be good for torrenting?

I have an older core2quad. Im lazy and have had windows update disabled since the win10 nags came out. And the updates are a minefield and awful, but im worried im gonna get fucked with a vulnerability.

Figure its easier to just run linux, as its not gonna do anything but torrent and be a DLNA server

I have a 450W power supply.

Is leaving my computer on all day like having 7.5 60W incandescent lightbulbs on all day?

If I don't know anything about linux, how long would it take me to learn to basically use it, not really wanting to customize or anything, just want to get out of Microsoft?

goddammit, I thought I got an actual reply for once
Will my chan browsing hell never end

Is digital hoarding/organizing a real mental illness?

A lot of distros aren't that much different from using Wndows.

It's more of a hobby. You get to build a huge collection for nothing more than the cost of drive space.

450W is the just maximum it can handle. How much your computer uses idling depends on the other components and the efficiency of the power supply.

Im being sincere. It randomly stop working at all, all boards stop for 10-20 minutes, all posting times out. Nothing you can do about it.

Does anyone know if you can still rip iclouds and if so how?
If not, can you actually do anything with an iCloud?

I looked in to what i have. And a good 17TB of it is organized to the tee but i dont even use it.But i dont want to delete it.While all the shit i do use daily is an unorganized mess.

I'm not talking about that
I'm saying it stops for only 30 seconds or so, but this happens every 5 to 10 minutes
10-20 minute stoppages are a completely different thing

Installed new ram, now computer will randomly freeze in windows7. Using intel xmp to sync timings and voltages are correct. Ran memtest overnight (~16 hours) with no errors.

What could be the problem/ what else can I do to diagnose? Do I need to run memtest longer?

Hmm might give it a shot. Tks

Is there any way to install firefox nightly via portage? It's pretty annoying to be stuck on v47.

There should be a useflag for that

Does having two operating systems on a computer cut the resources in half too?

The power you use depends on what processor and what peripherals you have, what you do on them, and how often you do it.

You only use the watts that you pull, you dont sit and eat 450w all the time.

>have haswell i5, 2 monitors, and a switch running from UPS backup
Its pulling ~80 watts from the wall right now with light browsing.

When I play a game ive seen it push into the 300s.

If I set it to do something CPU or GPu intensive all night, its gonna eat wattage. If it idles its gonna sip. If you turn it off every night, it will add up in saved wattage.

Also I have a Bronze power supply.
If I bought a more efficient power supply like a gold or platinum, those wattage numbers would be slightly lower because the PSU is more efficient and wastes less power