makes you think...
Makes you think
Not really.
If you still believe America went to the moon in 1969 you are a fucking idiot.
It's clearly been proven it was all staged just to upset the Russians and destabilize the balance in powers in the world superpowers.
Proven by who? I need credible sources.
>people today have more advanced tools than people did 47 years ago
>this is supposed to be profound
Youre mom, loser.
Why has russia never claimed it was fake? Don't you think they'd have tried everything under their power to prove it was bullshit, if it was?
I'll tell you why: Because the russian space program isn't stupid. They tracked the shit out of the moon landing.
It's not like whoever Ashely is created the tools
Fucking this, the USSR would immediately call the US out if they thought they were lying.
Or maybe they are in on the charade as well.
The US and USSR willingly being in a conspiracy that nobody has discovered yet is like Sup Forums willingly working with the jews.
Please disprove the space pendulum.
quints tell the truth
Russia knew calling the US out on it would have meant nuclear war, I'm wholly convinced US would resort to that to protect this secret. Also, America really did achieve it in 1971.
But 1969, that live event watched by billions around the world? Greatest con job in history. Nobody landed on the moon that year.
>pocket calculator prior to the moon landing.
That's Facebook historians for you.
This. Only North Korea has been to the Moon.
>the average person uses tools created by someone else in $CURRENT_YEAR
>this is supposed to be profound
Maybe they are.
The more people believe Sup Forumstards, the more scary and powerful jews appear to be.
This thread made me think I was on Sup Forums for a minute there.
If Americans were able to land on the moon nearly a half-century ago, why haven't they gone back since then?
Because you don't go to the moon just because you have some time to kill. It's expensive and there's really no point.
I think his point was that Gus accomplished way more than Ashley despite having much simpler tools.
>there's really no point
Then why did they go in the first place?
What makes all the other manned space missions more valuable than the moon?
Are you serious?
We knew very little about the moon. We went to the moon. Suddenly we knew a lot about the moon. We didn't go back.
It was a dick size contest with the USSR.
Isn't this from a movie or something