/fag/ - Friendly Apple General

People who are OK paying a small premium for:

Higher build quality
Higher quality software
Better looking devices

Get the fuck in here

>Only true if you buy prebuilt

Apple is a brand like any other. It used to be special.

I love apples!

>Higher quality software
This is patently false.

I just brought a mac mini so I could develop with Swift and holy shit does this thing suck ass.

t. XDA-CurryRom 6.4 "NO BUGS" user

lol, admit it OP, you just created this to make fun of apple tards

running sierra beta. if I format the computer, will I have to download it and resinstall it again?

t. faggot.


nice bait

Goddamit I wish I had money for an iPad Pro 9.7 right now.

downlaod and reinstall sierra, man. I want to get rid of this beta. too much problems agains el capitan stability.

Anyone using the new universal copy/paste? How well does it work?

>premium software
>using other company's browser
you can't fool anyone Rajeesh, the currymonger

Apple develops Safari

Why use Google's Chrome them ?
look at the pic

Testing how bad it is compared to Safari

why so win10 users dont use edge?

Why are friendly apple generals needed?
I thought Apple's shit was very friendly already. You don't need these threads.
Get out.

20 GOTO 10

reportin' in

jelly af

I'm not an Apple fanboy. I mean, I would LOVE to have products from different brands (samsung/sony/etc) but after using MacBooks and iPhones buying anything else just feels like a waste of money.

Anyone else feels like that?

Should I get an ipad mini 2?getting discounts on it,need a table to browse the Web and read pdfs and epubs.


Haha fag!
Because appel is gey xD
Pc mustard rice!

Exact same with me

I never want to touch Android or Windows again. They're so fucking ghetto compared to iOS and OSX. Same thing with other laptops.

nah i could probably never leave windows completely, apple computers may look nice, and have great build quality, and nice screens and all but they lack power.

android phones are a joke though, it was either iphone or a lumia, and i need snapchat, so.