Why are audiophiles so smug and happy? Do they realize they are getting cucked?

Why are audiophiles so smug and happy? Do they realize they are getting cucked?

They are usually wealthy retired [insert subject matter here] engineers who have tons of extra cash and time to appreciate the finer things in life. Why would they ever care about what some miserable 20-something poorfag has to say about their hobby?

You don't seem to understand anything about sound engineering.

>tfw your grandfather was an audiophile and he left you all his high-end gear
Thanks pappy

Naw they aren't engineers. Most engineers I know (I work with tons on a daily basis) are the kind of guys to hold their shit together with duct tape, bits of string and solder and use or modify cheap stuff that they know is good enough because they know how technology works and aren't fooled into electronic witchcraft bullshit. They're almost always function over form, practical types.

the kind of guys to fall for this shit would be architects or designers of some sort who are almost always faggots and think that because something looks good it means it's good.

With that being said the placebo effect is "real" and if they think it sounds better and makes them happy I don't really care how they spend their money. At the end of the day it's good for the economy so whatever, live and let live

Those fucking cables make me lose it every time

>mfw USB is one of the most noise prone interfaces ever and these guys use them.


They're smug and happy because they know the power of placebo. They don't care about getting financially cucked, because obviously if it costs more, it sounds better.

not if you use a low noise cable
its because they drown out the nagging from there wives with the HIFI sound

What if the artist records directly to mp3 and never has any high fidelity copy?

This guy buys oversized cables.

Take a look at what musicians record on and realize how dumb you are. You can never go beyond the source.

What audiophile do you know who listens to music made by niggers?

Not respecting all artists and their decisions hardly sounds like an audiophile.

Literally 90% of that pic is placebo. Those jews really know how to scam retards out of their money.

That blank smug expression is just a sign of autism


I hate wires and cords, motherfuckers.

No... No we dont.


I am an engineer and i can tell u thats totall bullshit. Most engineers i know own like 2 apple products average and buy the most useless expensive shit

dude shut the fuck up with your rational free world bullshit. nobody cares or wants to hear it

audiophiles are complete nigger-faggots

This. Engineers are just as retarded as normies except they buy the shit that costs twice as much because it's tagged pro/advanced/whatever


10/10 rekt m8

I want to shop a twitch stream in that pic

Engineer here, I only held shit together cheaply when I was in university, fantastic now that I am out and have lots of money to burn on expensive shit

Less time spent fucking about being a cheap cunt and more time spent enjoying my shit

Stupid nigger

and yet you are here.
why don't you just kill yourself you lying sack of steaming shit.