How do we solve the problem of sexism in Computer Programming fields? It's time we get rid off this awful "Male Club" shit.
How do we solve the problem of sexism in Computer Programming fields...
0/10 trolling
Give girls lego sets instead of dolls growing up.
girls think this shit is hard cause they get told its hard from elementary school. Quit telling them that.
Get them interested
I don't know a single girl that's remotely interested in programming these days.
In my uni degree there was a few, but in my opinion they were probably going to end up in project management rather that programming.
Install Gentoo.
Install Gentoo problem solved
There isn't any widespread sexism. Females are beyond welcome to join the field and are even activity encouraged.
Females would flock by the droves when they learn how to install Gentoo
Girls are not into programming because they go into a computer class and see a bunch of creepy ugly nerds. We need to remove these nerds and replace them with Chads.
More female compsci gradutes. That's literally it.
Girls are not into programming because they go into a computer class and see a bunch of Centos. We need to remove these nerds and replace them with Gentoo.
These. Also girls are welcome to be programmers, and it looks good for managers to hire them, where's the sexism?
Compsci is not a degree in programming.
Of course not. It is however one of the easiest ways to get into the field.
True, but most CS graduates will work as programmers.
maybe make every computer-programming based job have a kitchen where the women can make the real men sandwiches, but pay them the same. programmers are happy cus they get a bit of eye candy and free sandwiches. women are happy cus they aren't being a burden by doing something they are inherently good at.
I personally prefer having a dick boss than a cunt boss.
made me chuckle
Fuck pandering to special snowflakes. Have more male-only clubs, organizations, groups etc. Watch them demolish your sjw diverse bullshit. If you can't hang with the best, go cuntsplain somewhere else; preferably under the wheels of a truck.
>implying discriminating against good programmers because they are women will mean you can demolish anything
in b4
>good programmer
>Get them interested
you can't force someone to love someone else
No one is discriminating against female programmers at any level.
>most will work as programmers
not the cream of the crop
hire female indian programmers
There is no such thing as "male club" you piece of shit, fucking low-q bait but I'm biting it
There are so few girls in "programming" and not only computer science, but also enginnerings and etc, simply because girls aren't interested in those subjects, atleast here in Brazil, if you go to any college, those courses always have like 40 males and 2~10 ugly girls
except for in his hypothetical "male-only clubs"
desu i don't care what gender someone is as long as their code stands up during review
No, but you can give them more opportunities to find out if they're interested in it at an early age. Why do brogrammers think more opportunity = "forcing" people to do anything?
Please don't. They're good people, but make shit work in the worst of ways
um, hello? the internet?
how do you think anyone gets good at this shit?
Or you can just use the money to hire more programmers.
Anti-SJWism is just as cancerous as SJWism
fucking sage
>more opportunity
more opportunity to what? to show them what programming is? most people that get into it discover and learn it all by themselves
when a normal person realizes they aren't good at something
>feels embaressed/bad, goes and researches the material to master it
when a depressed person realizes they aren't good at something
>blame extrinsic entities for their lack of understanding
notice that the second person never includes a step to master the material
>girl wants to be a programmer
>girl learns programming
>girl is held to the same standards as everyone else
>girl succeeds and gets job
>nobody cares because that's life for everyone
>girl never wanted to be a programmer
>girl looks at the number of programmers that are also girls
>number is low
>sexism, surely
>anti-cancer is just as bad as cancer
is Notch's based word catching on?
>white women aren't interested in programming
plenty of gook, curry, and jewish females are into programming
>implying that they aren't both cancer
>baseless image macros
tfw you will literally never ever be 13 again in your entire life ever
>No, but you can give them more opportunities to find out if they're interested in it at an early age
w8 a sec r u jelly again?
>she didn't start programming before the age of 12
check ur privilege you ageist nigger
Probably the closest thing there is though, no other major will spend as much time programming.
you're cancer, faggot.
Chads can't program tho
They should be doing software engineering degrees, not programming degrees.