Fuck parents these days. When I have a kid of my own, they get an n64 and a gameboy advance. Fuck an iPad. Another thing, im teaching my child to use a computer. Im not going to let a school force msoffice down their throat for 5 years. Im teaching my kid how to use a dos machine, teaching them about the hardware, and.how to take it apart/put it back together. Then we'll move up to a newer version of windows. I'll teach them how the GUI works, and once my kid is completely familiar with how computers operate, then ill teach them how to code basic html/vb/c/python. Once they can code, and turn 15, they may have a tablet/smart phone. Untill then they can have a shitty tracphone. End of story.
Fuck parents these days. When I have a kid of my own, they get an n64 and a gameboy advance. Fuck an iPad...
If you don't want your kid to turn into a sad bullying victim fuck like you, let them have modern technology.
What if they don't give a shit about computers and want to play football with their friends?
Im being serious. I want my child to learn how a computer fundamentally works. Not learn to type an essay in ms word. That's easy shit. Not to say I wont introduce the to office tools, but I wouldn't be basing the entire curriculum off of them like some school districts do.
That's fine, but what if they literally do not care about how a computer works and all of your other random bullshit?
so in other words you won't give them what they want initially and hold the ipad over them like a carrot and donkey?
get him a shitty tracphone because it's cheap and kids lose/break shit, not for any of those other reasons
>I want my child to learn how a computer fundamentally works.
teach the fucker C and some asm
Also, what if they get it from their normie friends?
Building my first rig. ~$2k budget on a tower. Feed a please?
That's the first one I built for myself. I've been taking computers apart, putting them back together, and replacing/upgrading parts since the 2nd grade 18 years ago.
>im teaching my child to use a computer. Im not going to let a school force msoffice down their throat for 5 years.
So you're going to force the command line on them instead?
protip: attempting to live vicariously through your child often backfires and leads to the kid rebelling and resenting you
>still wanting to have a child
>still wanting to contribute to overpopulation because of biological urges
>overpopulation meme
When will this meme die? we're not even close to being overpopulated.
I would get my son into sports and try to get him laid at 16 so he doesn't turn into someone like me
No emphasis on computers
None of that information was relevant to what you were responding to.
ITT OP plans to kill his wife's son through suicide by letting his friends have enough reason to bully him
Yes, we are, at least from an ecological and long-term sustainability perspective.
Actually, Nokia quit making windows phones once Microsoft bought out the brand from them. You wont find any new ones with Nokia logos. Only Microsoft ones now.
Also that camera phone in particular was the Nokia Lumia 1020, no longer in production, and had a horrible battery life. Only pro was the 41 megapixel camera.
I wish my dad were more like you desu.
Fucking autocorrect, I meant desu.
hello summer
>let them have modern technology
Oh, so they grow up like a shitty millenial who takes technology for granted and thinks that shit you send on snapchat actually disappears after 10 seconds? So their first and possibly only computing experience is carried out within a walled garden controlled by big business?
Lmao, wtf. Tbh. Tbh. T b h.
I'm a millennial and I don't think that snapchat content actually gets deleted after 10 seconds.
Take your "le wrong generation" bullshit back to rebbit and/or youtube comment sections.
F.A.M and tb.h are filtered into senpai and desu because of Asian moot
You Came To The Wrong Website Pal . This Is Over Age Content Only .
(You) have to be over 18 to browse this side, kiddo.
>Demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and use the mid 1990s to the early 2000s as final birth years for the Millennial Generation.
Congrats on using terms you don't know the meaning of, I guess.
see I'm a millennial and I was born in 1991, lmao.
being bullied developes character, you just have to teach you kid it's ok to fight back.
>being bullied developes character
t. someone who got bullied in school and developed stockholm syndrome
I never got seriously bullied, I was always the tallest kid and everyone automatically respected me and feared me. But I think it's good to build tolerance young, because the world will fuck you over you just need to learn to enjoy suffering
>It's a "couldn't achieve my goals so will force my son to do it for me" episode
You know that Sam Hyde is a troll and anything he says should be treated as satire, right?
Also, nice thumbnail lmao
I'd offer my kids rainy afternoon activities such as installing arch on what would be my now vintage thinkpad Tbh.
Who's Sam Hyde?
Would a thinkpad x201 be vintage in 2022 + 7 2029? Would it still werks?
And the linux install are done in English which won't be their native language.
the guy in your picture, dipshit
Do you like the picture? :OO
Reddit is here
The weak should fear the strong.
>won't be their native language
desu senpai
wow they really are fuck you chinese moot
Because I'm not native and neither is the woman I want to built a family with. And I'm not in an English speaking country anyway.
>When I have a kid of my own
You do realize the trend is toward integrated systems, right?
20 years from now there will be nothing to upgrade or replace. A 5-year-old can put together a PC. It's not a useful skill.
>When I get a kid, I will
My dad tried to force feed me a medical career for 24 years. Didn't work unfortunately.
Am now ccna-degreed with IT job. He's disapointed but who the fuck cares.
I'll believe you know enough to teach a child when you learn to reply to posts on Sup Forums properly.