NSA classifies Linux Journal readers, Tor and Tails Linux users as "extremists"

>Are you a Linux Journal reader or use software such as Tor and Tails Linux? If so, you've probably been flagged as an extremist" by the NSA. Leaked documents related to the XKeyscore snooping program reveal that the agency is targeting anyone who is interested in online privacy, specifically those who use the aforementioned software and visit the Linux user community website.

>XKeyscore is a collection and analysis software that was among a number of surveillance programs revealed by Edward Snowden last year.

>Its source code (basically a rule file), which has been obtained and analyzed by members of the Tor project and security specialists for German broadcasters NDR and WDR, identifies two German Tor Directory Authority servers as being under surveillance by the NSA. The code also cites a number of specific IP addresses of the Tor Directory Authority.

>The program marks and tracks the IP addresses of those who search for 'tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System' along with 'linux', ' USB ',' CD ', 'secure desktop', ' IRC ', 'truecrypt' or ' tor '. It also refers to the Tails Linux distribution as "a comsec mechanism advocated by extremists on extremist forums".


O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

>Guys, have you heard about what the NSA is doing? This shit is crazy!

Password lock files and services on windows 10 this shit has to end on a side note Fuck you NSA Fuck you fbi fuck you Microsoft and Fuck you James Bradly

Oh shit. Looks like I'm in trouble. The good news is that I flew recently, so apparently I'm not on the DNF list yet.

Note to NSA: You should be ashamed of yourselves for spending taxpayer money trying to decrypt pictures of my kitties.

Tbqh I just use tor to buy the dank

I don't think NSA has jurisdiction over that

Can i say fuck? Eh... Fuck


like that's gonna stop them with a proprietary OS...

>Are you a Linux Journal reader or use software such as Tor and Tails Linux? If so, you've probably been flagged as an extremist" by the NSA.

>Linux Journal reader
> flagged as an extremist by the NSA

So, would do that? Whats the point?
I can almost understand the tor thing because some pedo's use it, but a linux journal?
fucking why?

>never gone to Linux Journal before
>check out site - nothing special
>tfw on a list now just for that


>MRW im on a list just for being a fucking retarded linux user.

i hope that's true because it's so fucking ridiculous

Back to >>>/reddit/


Which NSA databases do you appear in and how much information do they have about you? Keep in mind that data collection for all of these is passive and doesn't require the NSA to target you for this data to be collected. Also, for US citizens the NSA doesn't consider it to be violating your 4th amendment rights as long as they don't look at the data collected on US citizens without a warrant, even thought there's nothing keeping them (or the FBI that they recently gave access to all of their databases) from doing so.

Stores any data sent over the internet that isn't encrypted such as your searches, emails, posts, etc. for 3-5 days.

Stores metadata for all internet traffic. Possibly including HTTP headers so your entire internet history down to the pages you visited for every website you visit that doesn't use HTTPS and just the more general history of what website if the website does support HTTPS. Stores data for 1 year.

Stores metadata related to phonecalls such as caller, receiver, date/time of call, length of call, etc. for 5 year.

Stores text messages for 1 or more years.

Metadata about cellphone connections to cell towers. Stores data for an unknown amount of time.

Audio recordings of phone calls. Stores data for 30 days.

*only applicable in some countries

Pedos use Linux. You use Linux. Therefore you are a pedo.

I only use Chrome OS and digitize my entire life. I even threw out my filing cabinet. My country will favor me when the culling begins.

Sounds like fine bureaucratic reasoning to me.

So if you don't want all your shit archived for all time is it best to not use any shit like Tor at all?

user, just for saying that, they're going to archive your posts. Not wanting to be spied on is, for the government, a reason to spy on you.


enjoy guantanamo

>mfw new drone's director sents hunter t800 to seek & destroy extremist


user, just for reply to that, they're going to archive your posts

This means things like linux and Tor actually respect your freedom and don't work well with the fucking ridiculous spying. Good.
I'm probably on all the lists by now, though.
Who cares.

>jus b urself
Got me.

I was just trying to enjoy my programming on television until I stumbled upon your post during a commercial.

Why are people like you able to disrupt my patriotism?

fuck the nsa


I'm surprised no one called you pajeet as yet

Only if they watch anime too.
linux+anime=100% pedophile

Do they classify themselves as an extremist organization?

well linux has a habit to make their users say "allahu akbar"

Commenting system is a complete Disqus ripoff hahah :) Still, how does this affect me, here in Europe?

Wait people are using tails non-ironically

>CIA niggers classify freedom as extremism
What's new?

Yeah I am a free software extremist

Dude im muslim improbably already tagged anyway

>July 4, 2014

>secure desktop
Fucking why? All these are words might very well be frequently searched terms of a power computer user, or someone curious to know more.
NSA folks are being the tinfoils this time.

>all supercomputer scientists are pedos
>all satellite operators are pedos
>all astronauts in space are pedos

how's that news?

Pedos eat food. You eat food. Therefore you're a pedo

>use Linux
>get put on no-fly list
>lose constitutional rights

Guess Linux isn't free as in freedoms

>Sup Forums - old news tangentially related to technology

No. They're the good guys; it's okay when they do it.

>land of free
Toppest of keks

In other news, the regressive left continues to justify and protect mudslims. BLM is not considered a terrorist organization.


How is that related?

The right is for more of the stuff in the OP. Fuck the right.

Centrism is best ism

You fags seriously need to read through the NSA docs on EFF site if you care about this shit, this is not even news. Pretty sure it's from the original 2013 leak

>flag basic search terms as "possible terrorism"
>monitor most if not all of the internet's traffic while (rightfully) claiming that you only monitor traffic from possible terrorists searching for specific keywords

These people are evil, not stupid.

I kinda hope hillary wins the election just so the alt right have an autistic temper tantrum on the internet.

Centralists are pussies who can't make up their mind

Everyone here, including the OP, knows it's not new news

You mean centrism is boring and doesn't feed into your innate tribalism like ideologies do. Trying to be rational does seem to be rather at odds with human nature.


>all astronauts in space are pedos

Yeah they're looking for some underage space niggers to fuck

>look up IRC on jewgle and they put you on a list
>meanwhile terrorists are using WoW to coordinate the next 9 11 and nobody dares to suspect because that would be racist

I'm gonna enjoy it when the shit hits the fan.


It has nothing to do with patriotism, patriotism isn't about loving your government. Government in every country is garbage and always wants to rule over people, it all depends on how much you let the government fuck you in the ass.

>virginity test
How would that even work.

This. OP is late to the party.

Everyone is on their list already.

Maybe if they spent less time spying on nerds, they could just check fagbook to see who has posted about how much they love Isis and Osama bin Laden's uncut cock. Seems like they've missed those at least twice now.

>search for 'tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System' along with 'linux', ' USB ',' CD ', 'secure desktop', ' IRC ', 'truecrypt' or ' tor '
>along with
All the terms from 'linux' to 'tor' only alerts the algorithm if it appears after 'tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System'. It makes sense when you search for those terms because you're basically looking for places where you can find the former two.

This desu


>leftists are SJW
>right wing are closet fags and superstitious

Sorry I'm not retarded like you

Well you know what?
I flag NSA as extremists, and put them on MY list!
Take that, NSA!

Just IRC, really? Tons of non privacy minded people must use IRC.

Whatever you say pedo

>Hmph. This doesn't look like Windows or Mac. Excuse me, sir. I'm going to have to get my supervisor to come here.

To think that my 3rd world country home is more free than the land of the "free"
>We the Corps
>home of the brave
Yeah, you gotta be brave to torrent just a fucking Taylor Swift song


>All these pedos and terrorists defending terrorist and pedo software

Actually the right is not.
The right is for freedom of information and privacy.

The right is against ideological freedom and degenerate behavior. So as long as you are not a communist ideological fanatic you're free to do as you please.

Communist countries are historically most totalitarian and Germany in the 1930s had way way more freedom than you have now. Even the gun ownership was encouraged, opposed to the the tightening gun control in modern liberal shitholes.

>nothing to hide nothing to fear
>yet governments and government officials like to keep their privacy

You have nothing to worry about nerds.
Your records are never reviewed by employees for lulz. Only when you are being investigated after doing a shooting/terror plot etc. to find your motives.

it would be extremley painful

>because of muh terror

I just googled all those terms, but i changed my mind
how do i unsubscribe from NSA mailing list?

>not all linux users
>not all Sup Forums users

are they even trying?

they check the hymen in your ass

You're a big guy, aren't you?

>Yeah, you gotta be brave to torrent just a fucking Taylor Swift song

Fuck your corrupt organization.

whats tails and amnesiac incognito live system?

Is there any non-amnesic tails-like distro?
I just want a normal distro with a built-in tor tunnel.

Or are there any guides on setting up similar tunneling on, say, debian?
I know how to do it using a second machine as an isolating proxy, but how to force all non-tor traffic on a machine to go through tor installed on the same machine?

plot twist: it's a reminder by them to use it

Tails is an operative system used for both, freedom fighters and people who should go to hell. With it you can be on the internet without being caught, it keeps you anonymous (or sort of).

It's over.
The Nazi's won.
Sorry gramps, it's too late to call off the d-day landings. RIP.

What's the big deal with Linux Journal? It's just a computer mag like Dr. Dobbs Journal and other technical ones like that.

Use Whonix with the distro of your choice.

linux users are extremist spergs but theyre not dangerous

What the fuck?

dude it's been 2 years lmao

Whonix runs inside a separate virtual machine, I was asking for a single-machine solution.

How does tails do it?

>Whonix runs inside a separate virtual machine, I was asking for a single-machine solution.
>How does tails do it?

you can just install tor (vidalia/etc) on any linux distro and configure it as a proxy which is used by your applications.

Tails is deliberately modified so that you are less likely to leak information over Tor, and Tor is installed for you. That's all.

I frequently go months or weeks without sending/receiving a single text or phone call, and even then only to my parents.

I sometimes go up to a week without receiving a single email (not even spam) because I'm of no importance to anyone and not subscribed to anything.

I have no social media accounts and only use Sup Forums.

I haven't socialized in years. I only leave my home for work or groceries.

I wonder what the NSA thinks of me.


>I kinda hope trump wins the election just so the SJW's have an autistic temper tantrum on the internet.

Without "statists", there would be no such thing as rights. It'd all be law of the jungle.

Vladimir Lenin had a father. I have a father. Therefore I am Vladimir Lenin.

>Fucking why? All these are words might very well be frequently searched terms of a power computer user, or someone curious to know more.
Read the OP again. Those are only considered suspicious if combined with certain other, less common search terms. Though why those other terms on their own aren't enough to be a red flag I don't know.

You mean like they do anyways?

"Degenerate behavior" includes more than just Communism. It's generally considered to be anything that goes against "acceptable" social norms.

And from a Constitutional point of view, the freedom to spread Communist propaganda is more important than say the freedom to watch porn. Yes, a ban on porn would affect many more people's lives, but it's politically neutral. And as we live in a democracy, we could vote to change the ban on porn. But if we ban political movements such as Communism, that can very easily become a slippery slope to banning any political opposition, and thus losing our political power.

>Communist countries are historically most totalitarian and Germany in the 1930s had way way more freedom than you have now.
Unless you were an "undesirable". Conditional freedom is not true freedom. "Undesirables" were likely to lose their homes, their families, perhaps even their lives.

>Even the gun ownership was encouraged
Again, that didn't apply to the "undesirables". Or tell me again about all those times the armed Jews managed to fight off the Nazi soldiers trying to haul them off to the concentration camps?

install gentoo