Sup Forums and games

Let's face it. A large number of Sup Forumsoys are actually Sup Forumsamers, or - to a certain extent - play games on occassional basis.

Would I be correct if I said Sup Forums prefers JRPG's, Visual Novels, Shmups (primarily Touhou), and the occasional fighter? Not to project my tastes, but those are the only genres I touch these days. Shooters have been infested with underage children for more than a decade, and Jew-produced "Triple A" video games are nothing more than the hallways and cutscenes.

Halo CE and PC.

Dota 2



Don't know if underaged or Poo in the Loo.

Smash 4 and SFV. Also fighting games in general (from Skullgirls to KoF and back to Darkstalkers) and Nintendo in general.

Sven Co-op


I only play dota 2, my 770 barely runs it at 60fps maxed out
Fucking nvidia gimping old cards

why even have a computer if not to occasionally simulate reality for fun?

nexuiz classic
absolute drift

Next time someone sends me to Sup Forums I'm going to link them to this thread.

I don't even play games.

I use my main computer with a GTX 980 SLI to play 3D Frog Frenzy.

Fight me.

>Sup Forumsoys are actually Sup Forumsamers

No shit. What do you think they use their current-gen GPUs for.

I play a lot of TF2 and Madden.

Overwatch is pretty good and EU IV

The majority of Sup Forums are gamers.

Why do you think there are constant AMD/Nvidia threads going? Literally no one spends $700 on a high powered GPU for their home workstation (outside of fagcoin mining or buying a Titan or Firepro to crunch data) when whatever shitbox IGP that was slapped onto their CPU works absolutely fine for text editing/web browsing/Netflix.

No one buys a 980ti or a Fury to fuck around on facebook.



Jesus only recently til Summer happened and everyone got out of school then all the retarded gaming kids came over to Sup Forums and make it a GPU gaming consumerist trash board for the whole summer until it's over, then it goes back to regular Linux shitposting and other interesting topics, sure there were cancerous generals on Sup Forums that you would avoid but it wasnt literally Sup Forums. Most of the real Sup Forums is not summer children like the ones in summer, the summer Sup Forums children is what we call neo-Sup Forums and it needs to fucking stop.

OP not really. People would give no shits about GPUs if that was what they wanted. A 6850HD still can play most of those, heck, I think even SFV runs ok there.

But here you see hourly threads about the 480 or the 1060. Reason being, people want to play FPS and strategy shit. Or at least use them as benchmarks.

I use a 280x currently and I'm playing Link's Awakening. On hackintosh.

Let me tell you another secret: the majority of Sup Forums is weebs


Not representative or anything, but I stick to RPGs, RTS/TBS, and dorf fort. Sometimes fighters.

I only play artsy fartsy indie crap, nes/gbc roms, toribash and tf2.

i love that game

I play games less than 1h30 a day because being a gamer is retarded. You are guarandeed to have retarded memer friends who will push you to waste money on overpriced chink hardware and shitty games you are not interested in. Also, Russians.

>i play games
>i'm not a gamer

>Would I be correct if I said Sup Forums prefers JRPG's, Visual Novels, Shmups (primarily Touhou), and the occasional fighter?

I'm a /vr/ trooper myself, and my favourite genres are fighting games, twin stick shooters, and roguelikes. The newest game I've played and enjoyed is Shadowrun Hong Kong plus Dota 2 with the lads.
Modern gaming just bores me so much.

Is that you witheld?

Literally Sup Forums

>visual novels
fucking WEEB FAGGOT leave please

Sup Forums doesn't have a single taste in games, various people, various vidya.

I play Tekken, Watch_Dogs, Crash Bandicoot, S;G. Not much recently, because I do other things. The thing that I'd like to mention is even though I like hardware, I never really think about gamer hardware, I'm not interested in video card threads etc. Programming and software threads are more interesting for me. So don't think that Sup Forums are mostly people that enjoy high specs PC to play vidya, we do more than that.

Weebs pls go back to your containment board. You're universally hated as much as brownies and your shitposting is not welcome.

Replace shumps with occasional shooter(cs,quake,overwatch) and path of exile.

Aaaand civ.