If you had a child which distro would you introduce them to in there early childhood years ?(2-11)

If you had a child which distro would you introduce them to in there early childhood years ?(2-11)

3-4 CentOS
5-7 gentoo
8-11 arch

2 year old - Mint, Cinnamon
3 - 8 Year Old - Ubuntu, Unty
9 - 11 year old - Fedora, Gnome

2-11 Gentoo

-1-99 gentoo


2-11 ponyOS

10 *buntu
Any other answer is retarded and could be classified as child abuse.

1 - Gentoo
3 - LFS
5 - TempleOS
7 - At this age I expect him to create his own operating system

2: Plan 9
3-4: Plan 9
5-7: Plan 9
8-11: Plan 9
18: Linux, and every computer will run linux until they move the fuck out

My 5 and 7 year old use Ubuntu.

Hell, I didn't even create a shortcut for minetest so the eldest launches it from a console.


That alone makes his 7 year old more competent than 75% of Sup Forums


I would introduce them to a beating.

#1 thing I'm going to do is present the threat of pain. I'll stop when they turn into teens though.

first a finger, then we'll see what else I can introduce to him.

pic related, this

Letting Windows 10 to spy on your kids is child abuse.

That because these operating systems are for babies? Literally leapfrop tier stuff.

>alienating them from their peers and handicapping their ability to use the computers in school
Its like you hate kids, user.

I would introduce them to football, OP.

any linux based os that has to be compiled from source.

if my children want a pc, i will only buy them the parts. they will have to assemble it themselves, if they break something during the process, they will have to do chores to earn a replacement part.

then they will have to compile and install their operating system. i will print out all the necessary man pages, but they won't get google or some shit.

after everything is up and running, i will teach them some C or python. once they're able to write small cli based programs, i will buy them a macbook or gaymen windows pc if they want. after that i won't give a shit what they do with their hardware, but i think it's important that they learn how things work before getting to the good stuff.

It's a good thing no women will ever want to have your shitty spawn

>ITT: How to turn your child into an autist

>trying to educate your children is a bad thing

Windows whateverthefuckisstandard Premium, with as much bloat and spyware as I can remove of course

Because I'm not an autist and I want my hypothetical children to grow up well-integrated with the world instead of forcing my obsessions onto them at an early age.

I work with children everyday. That is not how you successfully educate a child you autist.

How is frustrating a kid going to educate them? They won't even want to use a computer after you're done with them.

When was the last time you had any contact with an eight year old?

20 years ago, i'm not a pedo

>How is frustrating a kid going to educate them?
high school seems to work fine, at least in my country.

My daughter used My ubuntu rig to surf PBSKids and other such shit when she was 5.

Congratulations, you are not as smart as a five-year-old.

Now, three years later, that computer is dead. She has a little shitty ASUS we picked up for $250, with windows 8. She says it's fine, but she liked the last one better.

Whatever the latest windows is.

Leaving aside the fact that you shall have not a child...


Kill yourself.

1-6 Would still be win
8 - 10 Xubuntu
11 - 14 Antergos
15+ go bonkers my lad

I would just have my faggot year old piece of shit use Ubuntu.

>My daughter used My ubuntu rig to surf PBSKids and other such shit when she was 5.
This is no where near the same level of

>Congratulations, you are not as smart as a five-year-old.
Mainstream distros like that are literally Windows without .exe

2-11 Debian

I'd give them a BBC Micro and books with BASIC programming tutorials and program listings

Reported for child abuse

Linux and anime, the combination for brain damage

Parent of the century!


My kids aren't becoming filthy infidels

Just Slackware and only Slackware. That should really be enough to tide him over for life.

>Implying anyone on Sup Forums will ever have children

2-5: Chromebook?
6-8: Xubuntu
9-11: arch

>having kids
Sounds like OP didn't install Gentoo

I guess any distro is fine, but we'll never use a DE while they're in the room.

They can use the computer once they learn bash. They'll figure out how to get the DE working eventually or they'll give up and hate computers.

Haven't thought this through because having children doesn't seem like a possibility for me anyway.