Buy android HTC phone

>buy android HTC phone
>live in uk
>download pokemon go even though it hasn't been released yet
>select squirtle right at the start
>find phone doesn't have a gyroscope
>can only see squirtle in the fake environment, not my house


Fucking hell, non apple SHIT fucks someone over... again! This is what happens when you're a poorfag who buys anything less than the best.

>Bought a shit phone with no gyroscope
>Get mad because you've only now realises it's a shit phone with no gyroscope

I hope you are not involved in any family purchases

This has nothing to do with apple. You just bought a shit phone. No one's fault but your own

>buy $10 phone
>it has no features

Even the Galaxy S3 from 2012 had a fucking gyro. Stop blaming other people for you being fucking retarded and poor.

You don't even know what model phone you bought. Are you from Liverpool you inbred?

>buy Redmi note 3 pro for less than $200
>has gyroscope, 4000mah battery that outlasts every other flagship, snapdragon 650 and 1080p screen
>can easily play pokemon go
>mfw I see ishitters and samshits buying power banks at stores because "pokemon go uses so much power!"

It was a £100 HTC Desire 320

literally your own fault, see you paid less than the chinkmeme phone

you could have grabbed a refurbished 5s for 50 more

Should've saved another 100 and got the new moto Sup Forums

>British person makes a retarded decision
Well that's a surprise you muppet. As always, you've made your bed now lie in it.


I heard this game kills your battery. So I'm getting a second phone just dedicated to catching Pokémons.

mine doesn't have a gyro either. idc. still fun to play.

spotted the krautnigger

there is a battery saver mode (in addition to your phones built-in one). it's really not terrible. using the camera w/ gyro will drain it faster than not.

Instead of getting a big ass power bank for way less?

I never charge my phone while it's turned on.

>not having a 23500mah phone

Get on my level.

Not German, I'm from the country that provides almost half your oil. You're making an idiotic decision and we're going to profit from it.

fuck that, the 4g has no community support, and its fuckhuge

getting a moto g 3rd gen today just because fuck lenovo keeps fucking up, the 3rd gen sadly misses notification light, but ill live.

Or, you could have bought a Nexus.

Or, you could have just grown past the age of 12.