Hey Sup Forums, what Android music players do you use? Currently debating between Shuttle+ and Phonograph.
Hey Sup Forums, what Android music players do you use? Currently debating between Shuttle+ and Phonograph
Poweramp, although I do want to get a new music player soon, my eyes got tired of its UI.
Just wanted to add: does anyone know an Android app that has lyrics support for weeb music (talking about full versions of anime OP/ED)
AIMP and Blackplayer
Phonograph, it's the prettiest.
Currently using Shuttle +, it's alright.
Pulsar is by far the best from what I've used. Worth a try.
Answered my own question; discovered MusixMatch, although it doesn't have SMB support.
Does anyone know of a music player that supports SMB? I know ES File Explorer does but that's an extremely basic player.
Neutron does.
Htc's stock music player.
If seems like shuttle+ is basicly the same but htc's is free, if you can find the port on xda
Check out my dubs.
Thanks user tho I'm not really a fan of the UI :/
Forgot the screenshot
>Thanks user tho I'm not really a fan of the UI :/
Sadly Neutron has a fucking awful UI but is the best player because of the plethora of features it has.
I'm a function over form guy anyway so i deal with it, plus you never see the UI with media controls.
May as well give it a try ten
>Android audio players can't easily access Album Artist tag because Google is fucking retarded
>'Artists' page is filled with features
>Google Play Music is one of the only players that magically supports it
wew lad
Gonemad and neutron can sort by album artist tag.
I think poweramp too.
>Album artist tag
Are you talking about the ID3 "Album Artist" tag? I seriously had to edit all of the songs' ID3 tags before importing them.
For your freedoms
>still using html4
How you know Neutron is shit.
Then everything else must be really shit if they don't even have a parametric eq or Opus replaygain support.
Vanilla. I used to use it because it was the least terrible out of the ones I tried, but with last few updates it has actually become fairly comfortable. Major UI improvements.
Step aside bitches best Android player coming through
BlackPlayer if you have a somewhat older phone, but don't want to use something really basic
Phonograph if you want something basic, and you have a phone that can handle it.
My nigger.
>anything but poweramp
epic xddddddd
Just mount the SMB share and use with any music player
Thanks user, will look into it :)
>ES File Explorer
enjoy your chinese botnet
got poweramp for a buck. FLAC playback and replaygain work.
I actually don't like it that much. they really need to support the back button already. and some stuff behaves weirdly, like the song queue working in order of latest first rather than in the order you queued your songs.
I use Poweramp.
Blackplayer is ok, too.
What player is this?
I think you fucked up this link.
Blackplayer have anything you can ask for, its my choice (and i even paid for it)
Need a name for this player.
Sony Music
Vanilla and Clean music
Poweramp Beta
It's pretty fun.
Shill me a paid music player
Only one worth buying is Poweramp and that's when its on sale for 99 cents.
Gonemad or Poweramp
Switched from Shuttle to Photograph and didn't look back.
Phonograph is still kinda buggy though. I prefer Poweramp.
Shuttle+ is very laggy. Phonograph is pretty but still laggy and I can't disable the cover art in the list, I hate it because it loads for every file when I scrool and I don't use cover arts. Pulsar is perfect and fast.
wait dafuq since when did poweramp look so dank?
Why'd you switch?
What bugs have you seen? Also, GET.
I'm using MusixMatch.
I liked Phonograph's UI more.
Ic. I'm currently using MusixMatch for local music and then Plex for remotely stored music + MusixMatch FloatingLyrics. Pretty decent setup although FloatingLyrics could be a bit more fluid. There's probably some settings I could change somewhere.
Everything else is shit feature-wise.
This, altho I'm not that much of an audiophile for Neutron to be of any use to me.
Neutron. I wish there was something better. If Amazon music had replay gain I'd drop neutron but yeah it's the only media player focused on music instead of art.
Looks like an Amarock rip off
You don't even need to be a placebophile for it.
Parametric EQ is better in every way to a Graphic EQ and the Normalization is great.
I'll give it another shot then.
Normalization : the cancer of music
How can you use that ?
Do you have shit in your ears ?
Muh niggas.
>mistakes normalization for compression(no, not in mp3 compression sense either)
Just move along, there's nothing for you here
currently using rocketplayer, seems pretty good so far. Not sure what one is more aesthetically pleasing than it, plus the colours of the ui change for album covers which is cool.
no u