The Dial-up days
i'm actually going back to dial-up in a few days. wish me luck
>He didn't use the "free" version of Opera
>He didn't browse with images disabled
>not using download accelerator plus to manage and improve the speed of your image downloads
wtf nigga
thank god I never experienced that.
underage b&
It was always worth the wait.
user the earliest home broadband connections started cropping up in the mid 90's. About 20 years ago.
I'm 18
I have 3Mbs and loading 2-3MB images feels like this.
dang dude you must have a super computer to render that pic
2010 was the year I got off of dial-up.
Never again.
>visit porn site
>find a BJ "scene" of Charlie (Garcia)
>scene is split into 10 clips
>each clip ~5 sec long
>takes forever to download
>the anticipation is killing me
>Windows media player doesn't support playlists
>open 10 separate instances of media player
>one instance per clip
>hit play on all the instances
>commence self-gratification
First online purchase was $15 for lifetime Platinum.
This video is so comfy
Waiting for 3 minutes for an image to buffer and just as the interesting part comes, somehow the connection used to get interrupted and then it's another 5 minutes trying to connect to internet.
Also that sweet dialup comm sounds.
broad band didn't get 'affordable' till the 2000's and most people who used it/had it back then had a need for it, not the dick around on the internet need we have now.
The one with gay dating site ads?
Literal underage b& please go
This is a thread for adults
I remember back when we didn't have an internet connection my brother and me used a fax machine to call some game magazine that offered cheat codes. The fax machine then gave us some dank cheat codes. We were heroes among our friends man.
i would have to call my brother, have him log on, write the codes and call me back to tell them to me. ahh..... those were kind of alright times...
Does that even work?
I got 50 KB/s cable modem connection in 1996
Are you retarded? I live in fucking Alabama and I had broadband in the early 2000s
The same thing still happens with DSL.
the same thing still happens on Sup Forums with my 50/50 mbit fiber connection
are you guys talking about my netscape pic? 4chins does that to me also on 30/6 mb. 2016 and the internet is still shit lmao
Fuck, thinking about dial-up gives me the shivers. I remember having to leave web pages open while I did other things so they could load properly. It took me weeks to get through the information I look at now in an hour or two. I remember the first time I used cable internet, I fucking nearly came and called mediaone to get my own installed immediately. It's funny thinking back on that how spoiled I've gotten. Now I get pissed off if one site in hundreds of tabs takes a second or two too long to load up.
I recall her. She looks so slutty and hot hnngg
>Charlie Garcia
My nigga.
What I used to do was wget entire websites for offline reading when we had free or off peak calls at the weekend.
My life was so much better when I didn't have 24/7 access, I got so much more done.
damn, this reminds me there was a time when it was cooler to spend your friday on your PC than with your friends
>not using emacs and a wget script
Aww man I waited over a minute for that 354KB to load and it was all tease.
Still gonna save though since I paid for that bandwidth.
every porn jpg I downloaded in the dialup days was a holy artifact to be treasured, whether it turned me on or not
I recently found a backup CD-R I burnt in 2000 with a hidden stash of pron that I completely forgot about. Have fun.
could you guys please stop posting pictures? This site already takes forever to load.
Is this a joke? The internet was nothing like that.
>Game suddenly starts lagging out
>Connection lost icon appears
>"user get off the Internet right now! I need to make a phone call!"
Dial up was the fucking worst
>tfw you barely used dialup because you had a fulfilling childhood spent outside with friends
So it's not because you're 17?
>fulfilling childhood spent outside with friends
that doesn't even make sense
does it count as "outside" if you went out to a lan cafe to play counterstrike with strangers?
Back in the BBS days we knew this older kid that ran a porn BBS. Got access. Downloaded porn at 2500bps. You could see each pixel download. It would take 10 minutes for a full image, like 640x480. That anticipation when the first nipple pixels started showing up.
it's literally a video of a guy using the internet in 1998, I'm not sure what you find objectionable here
Please send me more links to Aryan Women In Wheat Fields, please.
[email protected]
I got the first broadband home connection in 2007. 2GB cap running at 512Kb/s.
Finally upgraded in 2011 to 5GB cap, then to... Idk, 60GB cap in 2014 at 2Mb/s. Such is life in South Africa.
I came
Are you retarded? Of course they work.
>when I faped on free6 with my 56k and saw a shemale for te 1st time of my life
>implying being outside is more fulfilling than using the internet
I still kinda miss that terrible sound modems made when dialing to the ISP
Probably because every time I heard it, fun times were to come.
What chat rooms did you oldfags use?
I used to go to MTV chat and Yahoo!
yeah and AOL chatrooms with punters
I used to be on some AOL porn mailing list. each video was like a 5 minute clip and would take a nice hour to download
runescape. Planet Hotwheels.
Those were the days.
I can still hear his voice.
Look at this richfag with his 1600x1200 Princeton Graphics CRT while the rest of us scrubs sand our eyeballs with mere 1280x1024.
kekkled m80
total bro/10
>dumbass thinks IRC is "the internet" in that video
back to plebbit, scrub
I had forgotten the people actually used to say this in forum threads all.the.time.
>implying that you didn't use dialup because you were still an infant
Underage ban here, mods.
Yahoo Games. I was pretty badass at Pool.
i frequent a forum where users still put "56k warning!" in their thread titles when using images/videos
I played the fuck out of Towers
Once I learned to master the X combo I felt like a god
Which forum?
>aol h4x0ring
>star tool
>winsock and formmail.cgi spammers
>making password crackers in vb
>harvesting a few hundo screennames from lobby chats, loading up a password list with "abc123" "123456" "password" "iloveu" and "nsync" and getting 300+ stolen accounts per day
>getting the family blacklisted from aol
>phishing overhead and HOST accounts for unlimited chat scrolling and permagagging
>idling in pr VB with all the spammers and crackers chatsending
>getting weed money from adult revenue service because you made an activex page that auto-installs a dialer program
>obsessively aquiring leet and 3chr screennames
I miss being a 13 year old shitlord on AOL
{s drop
id rather not expose them to the taint of Sup Forums
i consider the users there like some lost tribe that hasnt been in contact with the rest of humanity for centuries, they must be protected
Haha I see what you mean, thanks for sharing!
remember the hun's list?
And pic related.
>Spend all night downloading Wing Commander II demo over a 2400baud modem
>no gameplay, just cinematics with awful voice acting
let me just install some internet
>mfw we used to measure internet usage in "hours"
>tfw you accidentally dial to a long distance server and your 90 minute connection costs your parents $300 in long distance phone charges.
I was born in 1984 and didn't get a computer until windows XP came out
Unless hes dad was a high ranking engineer or developer, there's no way he would have had broadband or anything related in the mid 90's.
>should I buy a voodoo2?
the comfiest
this thread makes me cry and makes me realize how the internet turned into total garbage
Thanks, I still have a few porn CD's what came with image browsers for DOS/Win.
I got mine with windows 2000
Wish I had saved the case...;_;
>first pc had win98
>used that until xp
>used xp until win 10
I love how they still kept it up all these years.
>>mfw we used to measure internet usage in "hours"
One hour at a time. Usually because the "ISP" was a kid with a PC in his bedroom and 2 phone lines. You can't get tech support until he comes home from school.
Thank god within a few months of me having dial-up, we had a local provider.
Best name for a company ever too, "Modem Madness".
One thing to be grateful for I guess, dialers no longer are prominent.
>AOL was a kid in hes bedroom