Which linux is best for desktop?

Which linux is best for desktop?

Debian, Ubuntu (+ all flavors, + Mint), Fedora

Install Windows

If you want to build up the system yourself LFS, if you want something working right out of the box I'd recommend you Ubuntu or Fedora.


Is there a competition on Sup Forums based on writing the least specific linux questions?

Just curious, because this same exact thread without any mention of user needs gets posted hundreds of times with "my favorite distro" responses.

Arch for desktop, Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS/Slackware for homeserver. You can't prove me wrong

If you can give me a reason to use Arch over Gentoo I'll switch.

literally Arch or Gentoo

>#pacman -Syu gimp
>System updated to the latest and gimp is installed in a minute
>Do the equivalent in gentoo
>Come back when X finished recompiling

>I need to sit there and watch the entire installation process because it is all I do

>in order to compile gimp you need to recompile X
if you don't understand gentoo, you can't shitpost about gentoo

>#emerge gimp
>do something valuable with a few minutes of your time
>come back when gimp compiled
>you now have gimp compiled with exact support for everything you need and no support for shit nobody uses that they compiled into the Arch build that uses up more resources

And let's not forget that when you remove retarded and useless feature X to free up resources, you could very easily get rid of a few dependencies you didn't need too.

nt/ubuntu when?

Obviously gentoo once you have it set up

Fuck you moot and fuck your SJW Bot

delet dis

You can stop trying, pajeet. First and last (you) for you.


You do realised system update may compile a new Xorg don't you?

gentoo with:
no polkit
no dbus
no consolekit
no pam
no acls
window manager
openrc / runit

1 second boot time.

no initramfs
custom kernel with only your hardware enabled

>best for desktop


can wayland be compiled and stable on it yet? Looking to have as much of X gone as possible.

SMP Debian 4.6.3-1 (2016-07-04)

gnome is currently your best bet for this.

GNU/Linux is best. And I'm not even interjecting.

Xorg is not dependent on gimp and gimp does not introduce any new features to Xorg and you didn't necessarily change your make flags, so no it wouldn't.

It is relatively stable... About as stable as on other distros, which isn't saying much at all.

Still no good meme tiling window managers for it so I can't leave X


>implying gimp doesn't take a while to install anyway because it's so fucking big

>I forgot about this and that use flag
There is no way to trim gimp to the point where it is incapable of editing files.

Update M8, update. A system update. That may introduce a new X-org. #pacman -Syu gimp
1. Updates the whole system to the latest
2. Installs the latest patched gimp

Actually, no. Binary GIMP installs in less then a minute if you have a decent internet connection

>no acls
Does that mess with chown?

the nice thing about portage is that you can have multiple sessions of emerge going at once. can't do that with portage. if you start installing something and suddenly realize you want to get another package too, you have to either cancel the download and install or wait for it to finish

with emerge, you could just start updating in one terminal and install gimp in the other.
1. Updates the whole system to the latest
2. Installs latest gimp

Then, there is the small potential for recompiling Xorg, but that's only if there is a new version of Xorg. Did you have a point here or not?

*can't do that with pacman

You do realise you are not even disagreeing on the point "Gentoo is a timesink". don't you.

When did I say I was? Arch is called a timesink too.

I wouldn't call a distro timesink if it actually can install gimp within a minute. The only people who say that have never used pacman so they don't know pacman doesn't really reconfigure xorg.conf

>all I do is install gimp
Updates you do overnight, installs can be backgrounded and global USE flags rarely need modification. Where exactly is the timesink?
>muh installation
It's just a few more steps compared to arch.

Obviously they refer to Arch as a timesink because it is unstable and you have to fix things every other day because the Arch repos are notoriously shitty and hastily put together. Naturally there is the potential for problems in Gentoo every once in a while too (I haven't had an issue since I first installed it on my current machine though).

The speed with which one can install gimp is not the determiner for whether a distro is a timesink, and again, you don't need to sit there staring at the screen watching while your updates come through. Gentoo doesn't need to use any more of your time than any other distro, as long as you actually have something to do with your computer besides install new window managers, tweak config files, and download new CLI tools.

"Best" is fairly subjective, however I prefer Arch and Ubuntu myself. Ubuntu is nice because it just werks, however, Arch has the AUR which is nice, and it's a lot easier to set up a lightweight system on Arch if desired. Arch takes a bit longer to set up, but once it's running, it'll run forever.

No, I'd be done with Gimp, uninstall it way before portage actually starts compiling it

Sorry, right. If the way you work is that you install a program, use it to edit a le funny maymay for two minutes, then uninstall it, Arch is for you.

AUR is literally just an insecure git wrapper.

That sounds like salty denial hahaha

Server: Ubuntu
Desktop: Widows 7
Laptop: OSX
Any other choice is retarded t.b.h

Believe it or not, you can use portage to compile insecure software as well.

Good post. Nice argument. 35/10.

The point stands that if you install gimp just to edit one picture, then uninstall it, you're retarded.

At least the portage tree is maintained. The only maintained AUR packages are the ones for tiling window managers 3 people use.

>This mad
Are you going to keep trying to win a debate you already lost?

You can get binary packages on gentoo if you like installing and uninstalling things over and over

portage is so great it has an antivirus built into it

>Uses Gentoo
>Installs binary anyway
You fell for the Gentoo meme

>At least the portage tree is maintained.
No shit. So is pacman.
>The only maintained AUR packages are the ones for tiling window managers 3 people use.
Factually wrong.

is sway still being developed?

Debian-testing for all the packages, Archlinux for the bleeding-edge/ease of use "keep it simple, stupid", Qubes OS for security, and Solus Project which aims to be a desktop OS, but hasn't got enough packages in eopkg (LaTeX, for the record).

You may also have a look at BSDs.

Not the guy you respond to, but I actually do build binary packages of everything I compile so that I can distribute it to other machines. Using binaries this way is pretty common.

Fedora or Ubuntu

If you want to waste your life use Arch and if you do that show up a shovel into your ass you pathetic mess.


I more triggered at the fucking jew'ed res then that fucking piece of shit.

My screen is not a problem to me, and arguing about this fucking piece of shit has nothing to do with answering to OP's question.

Mint. Arch if you enjoy pretending to be a hacker and posting your desktop to Sup Forums.



arch. Easy to get the config you want, different schedulers/kernels, etc.

Why does Linus use Fedora and not Arch? Cause it is unproductive piece of shit.

The answer to Op's question is the following:

*buntu for getting used to Linux and when you realise that Canonical is a group of jews but in a good way then you can switch to Fedora or openSUSE.

No REAL dev would use arch, gentoo etc.

I love you man, but stop trying to argue for Gentoo on Sup Forums. If you manage to convince Archcucks to come over, the Gentoo community will become autistic and cancerous like Arch's is.

If you have to argue against Arch, argue for some other distro so maybe they'll go and destroy the reputations of other distros so people come over to Gentoo.

Gentoo is pretty much great for anything

That's why there's the noreplace feature. Also why you you just blindly update?

no, it slows things down

I don't know, I don't use it because it isn't modular.

The wayland compositor has to provide:
the window manager
the hotkey daemon
the compositing effects
the windowing server
screen reading tools
screen casting
magnifying glass tools
global dictionary tools

>/thread'ing to his own reply?
This is a new kind of low even for windows shills

OpenSUSE, *buntu, Mint, Korora, Deepin.

i am using xubuntu
it really whips the llama's ass.

Elementary OS

>Why does Linus use Fedora and not Arch? Cause it is unproductive piece of shit.
Linus doesn't have very demanding needs for his systems, and RHEL is the most important for enterprise distros.

Most people who want a desktop OS care about more than writing and debugging code.

i i spent some time trying to install a wm on arch and i failed countless times becuse of too many dependencies needed an aur wrapper then needed packages that should've already been installed with the os(in my opinion)... long story short i gave up... one thing though i learned more about linux in a week trying to install arch than in a whole year messing with *buntu and debian... im installing gentoo right now, gotta say their tutorials are very good and detailed

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>i use arch on my desktop

No REAL dev actually uses the term "REAL dev"

yeah like who the fuck uses kde

Ubuntu unless you're an autistic NEET, then in that case take Arch/Gentoo

Alternatively, if actually want to use computer for anything other than shitposting on Sup Forums then mac OS/Windows is your best bet.

I'm terribly sorry for interjecting another moment, but what I just told you is GNU/Linux is, in fact, just Linux, or as I've just now taken to calling it, Just Linux. Linux apparently does happen to be a whole operating system unto itself and comprises a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Most computer users who run the entire Linux system every day already realize it. Through a peculiar turn of events, I was misled into calling the system "GNU/Linux", and until now, I was unaware that it is basically the Linux system, developed by the Linux project.

There really isn't a GNU/Linux, and I really wasn't using it; it is an extraneous misrepresentation of the system that's being used. Linux is the operating system: the entire system made useful by its included corelibs, shell utilities, and other vital system components. The kernel is already an integral part of the Linux operating system, never confined useless by itself; it functions coherently within the context of the complete Linux operating system. Linux is never used in combination with GNU accessories: the whole system is basically Linux without any GNU added, or Just Linux. All the so-called "GNU/Linux" distributions are really distributions of Linux.


Tesla is open source. The picture really shows how much knowledge you have, tech illiterate low IQ winkid

I recommend Linux 4.4
The latest Linux LTS kernel

If you want something more bleeding edge you can get the the latest stable kernel, currently being 4.6

Note to gentoo fanbois.
When you tell lies about arch, why should I believe what you say about gentoo?
I've used arch lots, so I know about it.
Gentoo, I still don't know anything about, and am pretty skeptical about what i read on Sup Forums because of [return to start of comment]

Gentoo is better because:
optimizations (its like 1% faster)
use flags (lowers memory usage of applications, smaller binaries. use flags basically disable compile time support for things you don't use. example: i have no samba shares. with gentoo I can compile mpv without support for samba, so I don't have to install samba, as I don't have an use for it. On arch because mpv was compiled with samba support, I would have to install samba.

no systemd by default
allows you to get a polkit, consolekit, and dbus, systemd, and pulseaudio free system

4.7 nigga

>Which linux is best for desktop?
Fedora breaks too much. Arch is great if you want bleeding edge

Ikr, I only need to wait a few hours more and I can use my desktop again. Shit got updated and it's recompling but you know, muh use flags, muh single digit % placebo optimization.

>HARD dep samba
You didnt even try

Come back to me when you're finished compiling what ever chrome/firefox derivitive you want to use.
>it will be 3 days.

>implying this isnt simply to see what is on your EXT4 drives.
Dual booting is no longer safe.

Use windows in Mint and get on with living and getting things done with the occasional indulgent techy immersion for entertainment.

Install windows alone and feel completely fucked with.

This is Sup Forums, where a desktop computer doesn't exist if it's not used for video games and multimedia garbage.

So, none, because linux is shit for video games and multimedia garbage.


It will run without samba, it's just that samba-shit won't work. It won't crash or anything, it'll just throw an error if you try and do something that only works with samba.

This is more of a problem with the way arch linux does packaging, compared to the more sophisticated system of debian, than with mpv or non-gentoo linux.

So you dont want samba, but you then go and do something samba is needed for.
It isnt a goblin hiding behid the scenes eating away at your ressources and cheetos.
If you use samba options, you need samba.

You genfags should undestand this

Samba is a daemon (smbd), so yeah, it is eating your resources and doritos, and adding attack surface to your system depending on whatever shit configuration your distro ships (or maybe it just is because it's poetteringware and has a nasty bug that lets anyone if it's running). But, get this, if you don't want samba, you can still compile mpv with samba support! Then you can put samba on this list of "recommended" packages. Magical.

Ubuntu GNOME
or Kubuntu, either or are really nice.

If you dont have samba installed how can you run its daemon

Default package does not compile samba support.

I'm using 4.6 right now; It's pretty good