>Google aims to train two million Indian developers on Android platform
Android Developers BTFO!
>poos taking over the world
Not even space is safe from their shit
I'd potty train them first DESU.
Google literally killed the Android platform.
Honest question: Who the hell needs two million Android developers?
Say you let them form teams of 20 developers (which is a huge teams size!). That would be 100.000 groups.
Now if each team makes just one app that's 100.000 apps.
Who the hell needs this, what the fuck?
Google literally killed the Android platform by doing this.
>Now if each team makes just one app that's 100.000 apps.
>Who the hell needs this, what the fuck?
Google recommends all news and e-commerce websites to make native Android apps.
BUUUMP in loo!
They're also strongly pushing progressive web apps now, which share many of the advantages of native applications.
I think PWAs are bait to make content providers develop APIs that are ideal for native apps.
The web platform is still awful. I can't blame people for wanting to make native apps with tools, languages and technologies instead.
Google is also baiting people to use Material design in all their PWAs with Angular Material and Polymer's paper and gold elements... Why wouldn't you? That way they can advertise to developers that PWAs that are added to the homescreen "look and behave the way users expect".... On Android.
When Apple is done procrastinating the introduction of Service workers and WebRTC out of fear for muh app store goldmine, their users will be greeted by dozens of foreign behaving and looking MD applications and google will give their developer relations staff lots of shekels.
The web is for documents. Maybe in 2030 the situation will have changed thanks to widespread support of Houdini, Web Components and some interface that allows using platform native widgets, but until then, we're merely misusing a document platform and tricking our users.
Looks like Google's going down the IBM path.
Google is really going all out on the war against white males.
android devs btfo keke
So google will finally go down the shitter?
Google ends up being bought out by Yahoo
>Now if each team makes just one app that's 100.000 apps.
But we need more flashlight apps, shitty angry bird shitgame clones.
They are also screaming for more female software engineers and CS graduates.
That's not a war you moron.
> programming is the new manual labor
> mfw I did not become a medical doctor
> mfw I did not become a lawyer
> mfw I did not become a business consultant
> mfw my one and only chance is becoming a programmer wrangler aka manager
True because the losing side is not even aware of the war.
>tfw you know nothing about android
>> mfw I did not become a lawyer
lawfag here. law is even worse than programming at this point job wise
>mfw tripdubtrips
atleast your job won't get outsourced to pajeet
>$flashlight_app wants access to your contacts, email, phone, internet, sms, camera, mic
Nice can't wait for flood of malware infested flashlight 'apps'.
They changed the interview process a while ago and have been hiring tons of retards that could have never made it in before. A lot of really talented people have left because of it and things are becoming way too politicized.
This. We should start a prowhite tech company. We'll make the best products because whites being the masterrace can do anything Indians do better.
If you're not a shitty programmer you can pick up another language/framework/whatever and apply for a new job user. The poo in loos can't take everything
I fucking hate these "liberal" companies, they ruin everything that was good, and bend over for the non evolved folks. Why not train the citizens of the country it's based in??? Why continue helping literal shit skins?
>implying a few whites will be able to stand against a billion fucking indians
Hitler lost the war to the Ruskies aswell senpai
Because they're cheap as fuck, do everything you want them to do, only shitty, but you couldn't care less about that because your primary objective is to make money, not deliver quality.
It doesn't harm anybody to spread trade knowledge. This is why public and commercial schools exist today.
Daily reminder that iphone is made for whites by whites. It's the phone of choice if you're not a poorfag.
Programming can be easily picked up through the Internet so "spreading knowledge" wasn't Google's intentions at all. Their intention is to have a huge shitskin labor force that will work for cheap
Apple engineers are mostly Asians which include south Asians.
We could nuke the Indians and there's nothing they could do to stop us. You can't win a war with 1,000,000,000 lemmings when your opponent controls the air and the oceans and sits comfortably 13,000 kilometres away.
The US is the only power in the world that has both bases everywhere and missiles that can reach anywhere.
Math can be easily picked up through the Internet and yet, there are still private math tutoring services for school children today. The fact that Google has this initiative means nothing.
>The fact that Google has this initiative means nothing.
You blind little fool. I suppose Google is simply doing this out of the goodness of their heart? Fuck off
A reasons to love America, they can blow up any degenerate place anytime. A reason to hate them is the simple fact that they haven't yet done so...
No they aren't. The Cupertino campus is roughly 76% white and 20% Asian. SJWs have been attacking Apple for years on this but they don't give a shit. Apple basically doesn't hire Pajeets or blacks.
There is nobody in power in America who is willing to launch the first nuke to India. Not even the jews in power in America lobby for the government to do this.
Not yet at least.
all those minority and womyn outreach programs seem to work perfectly
I don't make up stories about things that cannot be confirmed by a first party. I don't subscribe to conspiracies and hearsay, only first hand eyewitness testimony.
Google is a big company with big pockets. Does Google have an ulterior motive for sponsoring the Google summer of code? What direct profit can Google possibly get for awarding students money to write code for open source projects? The answer is none: there is no direct profit to be made. Google likes open source and they sponsor their own open source initiative. It's as simple as that.
>implying the jews dislike the current shituation
That doesn't make sense
>implying that advertisement and putting yourself in a good light aren't forms of profit
kill yourself.
If there is any place in the world that America is most willing to nuke, it's Isis-land. Isis is a far more pressing threat to everybody than India are and nobody dares to suggest that America nuke that land. India is meaningless compared to the threat of Isis.
I didn't realize advertising was profit. The world statistics of failed businesses would not have failed if they only started an advertising profit venture.
Isis isn't a legitimate threat to anyone outside of a few shitskins in the middle east.
Right when windows 8 was released, Microsoft did a similar thing by holding a competition to set Guinness book of world record for most apps developed in a week in Bangalore India which is the source to like 90%of apps in Windows store.
And people still use that shit
The stated goal of isis is to establish a worldwide caliphate. What point is there to starting a worldwide caliphate when you don't even control your neighboring states? If Isis ever succeed in subjugating the adjacent states, they're not going to stop at that milestone.
>Pajeets making the same app for the nth time
Have Indians ever developed an app that non-shitskins actually use? There have been so many app store get rich stories but I've never seen one with a Pajeet.
>shilling india
pajeet wtf shouldn't you be trying to hack someone's pc? or making shoes and stuff?
>not a controlled enemy created by the usa and the uk and france
India is a much larger threat to America and Europe as long as we allow our jobs to get exported to them.
>no jobs
>economy dies
>hunger ensues
>everyone dies
>pajeet still doesn't know how to use a toilet
>got our country fucked over by people who do not even know what a toilet is
For a big company like Google, advertising ups its image, allowing for more control over its customer base than if their image was worse. It's not direct profit in terms of money, but for such a corporation, the price is easily offset by the boost in image and the potential new customers. Don't compare small businesses with large corporations, they're not equal and you know it.
>they're not going to stop at that milestone
They don't have anywhere near the capability to take over any of the countries that matter.
>no jobs
>economy dies
>hunger ensues
>everyone dies
I hear stories of Walmart "destroying towns" and yet, the towns still exist today and people are still living there, buying goods with money earned from somewhere.
I'm massively skeptical that India's subpar software industry could adequately support the business processes demanded in America. If it's anything like I've heard, they don't last for any period longer than three or four years if they even make it that far.
Insurgent tactics work when you're not interested in fighting according to standard war conventions.
Time will tell, but is it truly smart to wait for Time?
not against multiple nations, not when you need to fight dozens of other countries, not when you're trying to establish some sort of new empire
Dey takin er jerbs!!
I'm not worried about India because India as a society is far more corrupt and chaotic than America is at this moment. With this kind of chaotic foundation for intellectual and business success, I'm not betting for the overall society in India to reach America's level of public trustworthiness for at least four generations of people.
Insurgent tactics only work because pussies in the west are far too scared to kill civilians. The Nazis had the right idea. They kill 1 of ours we indiscriminately kill 10,000 of them and double it every time.
If genocide is the answer, then there is no point in being a member of international war conventions. Wake me up when America formally exits as a signatory to these conventions.
>signing a jew contract
god this is why the west is doomed to fail
>Google aims to train two million Indian developers on Android platform
Where was you when Android kill?
ew, gross
That's why they chose Java in the first place. It's the perfect Pajeet language.
Real question. I've been a professional Android Dev for about 3 years now (Consulting/Freelancing mostly). What should I transition to if Android/Java salaries hit rock bottom? I know some C#/Python/Javascript and have had some fun in the past working backend (Django for API + PostgreSQL). I don't want to develop for iPhone. Should I become a comfy backend coder or is there a better niche to transition to?
I've worked on a shitload of apps (including some that are making multi-million dollar revenues). Most non "big player" apps (i.e. not Google owned, not Facebook owned) outsource a lot of dev tasks to Indians. Not everything, mind you, since they still want to have a quality app in the end, but hiring Indian codemonkey shit is real and passing it off as a western developed app is not a meme.
Can someone please just erase Google? Please? They are the cancer of the "tech world".
>mfw i posting from chromium
Fuck this. Software engineering student reporting in. Main languages are Java and C. What do I learn to set me apart from pajeet?
Learn mathematics. But since you are in SE you probably can't do that so you are fucked.
Soft skills. I'm serious. Spend time learning how best to estimate; how to communicate with people; how to plan out project requirements and meet deadlines. Stuff that companies will never be able to get from an offshore worker (at least not one from India)
Good thing I chose to become an Apple developer instead =^]
Drop Java entirely. The language was thought from the ground up for pajeets.
>So google will finally go down the shitter?
No, Google will wind up going into the streets, like every other shit that an average Indian takes.
I want to, but my school is basically a Java school, so I'm going to be using it as my main whether I like it or not for at least the next year. and I'm too deep into the OOP paradigm. and I really don't want to go anywhere near C++.
the Paradigm of OOP (POOP for intimates) is found in many other languages.
learn something else on your free time. being a java drone was already a sure way to kill your career.
>Good goyim! Learn "functional" "programming"! Learn (((Haskell)))! Learn (((Lisp)))!
>Oy vey, where are all the American programmers? We must import Indians!
Transition to iOS and Web.
>Good goyim! Learn "functional" "programming"! Learn (((Haskell)))! Learn (((Lisp)))!
This is true. Tons of Jews involved in the false career-ending promises of functional programming.
Most low level law jobs will be replaced by deep learning systems in the coming decade.
Genius google, more shitty inefficient and insecure fart apps.
Are they even trying anymore? Do they want Apple to win?
They won't replace anyone. They thing that will change is the maximum salary that lawyers can demand.
I'm glad I'm moving away from functional programming. Imperative just gets the job done.
>Who the hell needs this, what the fuck?
Google does need this.
Imagine 90% of apps out there are made by Google-funded Pajeets and includes a botnet backdoor by default.
Do you know how overpaid most app developers are? We really do need more programmers out there.
Google doesn't need this at all.
I either have no headphone jack or i have my software developed by street shitters
Without the "street shitters" your apps would be considerably more expensive to make and buy.
they could look at other brics too
specially brazil
It's easy to teach third worlders how to program if they already speak english. Otherwise it is too costly to justify.
I'd pay more for apps if i knew i wasnt supporting india
i know
just wanted to become a programmer ez pz on rails and with google's name on the resume
Fuck off m8, don't be jelly.