Why do normies hate Loonix so much?

Why do normies hate Loonix so much?

Desktop is literally the last user base using le windose. Android rules mobile, Linux rules servers.

>inb4 android is linux too


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They don't hate it because they don't even know what it is.


This. I've never met a normie that had an opinion on Linux. Some of them recognize the name, but almost none of them can tell you what it is.

because muh gamez

Most people just want a OS that works out of the box, windows is the only choice.
Also people don't want to remember a load of commands just to install programs and such.

It's not that normies hates linux, to increase windows marketshare the only thing is needed is for any person to acquire a computer, that's it. For increasing linux marketshare you need for a person to research what is linux and learn to use it. In short windows is an opt-out and linux is a voluntary opt-in.

As you said you can see this trend reversed where linux is an opt-out. Most phones comes bundled with android, so people just use that. Chromebooks seems to be selling well too.

In my own experience i have recommended linux to a lot of people who doesn't know anything about computers and most of them are happy with it. Those people who would hardly choose to use linux are those who already have a very well defined workflow with windows or has a hard dependency on at least one windows-only program.

My normie friend used to constantly come to me for reformatting her lappie every month or so. One day I just asked her what she does with her lappie and she answered Facebook, movie and music. I reformatted her PC and installed elementary OS with chromium and told her not to fuck around with settings.

Never again she had any problem with her lappie. I miss her now.

That's not how friendship works.


>be an average computer user
>let's check this linux thing
>google "linux"
>over 9000 distributions
>google "easy linux to start with"
>get over 9000 linux forum threads flooded with unwarranted self importance and general arguing
>i will not sleep enough before work if i don't stop now
>just one more try
>finally get a linux distro
>"would you like to render your partitions unusable by anthing else than this linux"
>i don't even... ok
>ok, that's a fresh install, how do i get aps here, i want to listen to music
>no drivers, no player
>over 9000 threads filled with unwarranted self importance
>find sudo apt-get
>there's an error
>it fucks over 9000 system functions
>go to my distro forum, explaining my problem in great detail
>get called a faggot for not using search function
>i use search function
>over 9000 threads with "use search function faggot" replies
>google it, same results
>someone finally replies
>just man apt-get faggot
>i don't have 10 years to become a linux wizard, got a life to live
>try to fix it myself
>manage to crash my entire system with 2 clicks
>it's now 9 am
>i started at 5 pm yesterday
>i'm late for work
>get fired

>mfw I'm using windows

Im a sysadmin, use linux daily. But for home use I use Windows because I need to play games, and I'm to lazy for wine.

sounds like you installed dedian.

whatever you like

dedian, the *buntus

>juzt werks:
fedora, in most cases opensuse

Because normies are computer illiterate. Windows targets dumbest of the dumb computer users

> her

Normies are tired, they want their computers to just work.

They simply buy them and use them, like plug-n-play, and Windows is preinstalled on them because of partnerships with Microsoft.

One must be experienced user of Windows, to get an idea of different operating system on his computer.

And that kind of experienced user gets often disappointed really easy, when he find out that he don't even understand how basic unix system work, and when he see that all the know-how for the Windows ecosystem is unusable there.

>"just works" after the whole dnf fiasco
I guarantee you their next big step will be shoving that half-developed Wayland crap down our throats

How does the market share get measured?

I mean, Windows sends telemetry data and whatnot so they could measure Windows usage from that, but what about Linux?

This is the most correct answer. Pretty common sense IMO.



yeah i hate f*cking normies too XD

i prefer reading archaic 15 year old bbs text forums where someone fixes their problem after 10 cli commands, and then since they are on .1.4.514 and you are on .1.4.520 it doesnt work for you

With the current trend of dumbing down everything, using a PC with a mouse and keyboard is already hard for normies as it is.
Just don't expect anything to changes

She stopped asking you for help because you broke her normie computer with linux.

nobody hates linux, wtf is wrong with you? they don't use it, but that doesn't mean they hate it.

>Implying we should stick to X

not really this honestly
had a friend who asked me if I used it and I said no, so he gave me a rundown on linux oses i should know. got me to open a vm and try em all out

it's been 7 years and i haven't used windows once since

"Linux on the desktop" (tm) was kill when they changed to Unity.
I saw Ubuntu adoption in the wild before that happened.
As if going Windows to Linux isn't hard enough without a fucked up UI.

>inb4 hurr durr you can install anything you want

just no. normies don't do that shit