>he doesn't use BSD
He doesn't use BSD
I'm using OS X. That counts?
>He uses an OS with a cuckold license
Busty Slave Dicksuckers?
That counts, user
Linux forces you to share everything thats yours, BSD gives you a choice.
>implying cuckoldry isn't 100% GPL
>yes big corporation, please take my code. You don't have to give back improvements if you don't want to. Fuck my wife- I mean code well.
>He isn't retarded enough to use a time sink os designed for NEETs by NEETs
>Linux forces you to share everything thats yours, BSD gives you a choice.
No it doesn't. GPL only stipulates that if you distribute the program, you also have to share the sourcecode. No-one FORCES you to distribute the program with the changes you've made.
I wish
Corporations deserve freedom just like anybody else.
You do not have the freedom to enslave somebody else. The master might be free, but the slave sure isn't.
Buttfucking Sexy Daemons
forgot to attach a pic
>implying I don't
OpenBSD-tan is my favorite
is there something like ubuntu on BSD? something like you know that I could install vs code and chromimum and do something with it?
>VS Code
what? you mean like visual studio?
but yes most BSDs have a chromium package
FreeBSD has the largest community and the most software available to it. Open/Net/Dragonfly aren't that far behind, but newbies are recommended to use FreeBSD as their first BSD.
>you also have to share
>No-one FORCES you
GNU Cucks actually believe this.
If you're asking for a sort of blend, yes there's UbuntuBSD. If you want the Ubuntu OF BSD, go for PC-BSD
i'd say newbies are better off with openbsd as a first choice because it actually comes with X in base, and the design's just simpler overall
that's just my opinion, though
will look onto that, thank u
i don't think even linux has VS
in any case, if you're developing on UNIX-likes you should REALLY learn how to use GCC and Makefiles
i actually prefer them to the VS project shit
+1 for VS Code fampai
VS Code is teh future.
ouch, i bet it's not very portable to even other distros
ah sorry I meant visual studio CODE.
I mean, now that I think about it I should be able to compile it myself though kinda wish it would be as easy as sudo apt-get.
>For instance in 2008 the California Western School of Law characterized the GPL as: "The GPL license is ‘viral,’ meaning any derivative work you create containing even the smallest portion of the previously GPL licensed software must also be licensed under the GPL license".[155]
The wikipedia of the gpl license.
What are the repositories like compared to Ubuntu?
Well, the source code is on github.
If you somehow get it to build, make sure to submit a port and help out others looking for it.
I wonder how far this viral license can be pushed.
>You used the same variable name than this other gnu software. You have to obey the GNU/GPL and share ALL your code for free. For your freedom.
Most BSDs make use of what we call ports.
Basically it's this infrastructure of Makefiles that automates the downloading of the source code for a program and its dependencies, builds them, and installs them. The devs use these to build binary packages which are stored on a FTP mirror. The OpenBSD devs recommend the binary packages since the ports are mostly for the devs.
I still don't understand what BSD is and how it's different from lunix
He's smart.
>emblybing bsd is trash://
A quick read of Wikpedia could explain it for you.
It's a family of direct UNIX descendants. I use it out of preference, because I hate how shit most Linux distros are at isolating third party programs from the base system.
Nobody uses bsd.
GNU/GPL+Linux/copyleft has left it on the trash-heap of history.
>Nobody uses bsd
Keep telling yourself that.
still doing this huh
pic related, it's you when people use operating systems you don't like
Why tell myself what I already know?
I'm satisfied that you been told.
>you have been told xD
see i knew it was you already
KEK. I bet your really hoping the evil empire succeeds at something for a change.
>nobody uses BSD!
>gets proven wrong
lol you're such a fucking child, my pic really WAS related
I've actually tried bsd for myself you know.
It's utter garbage.
Where the fuck do you shills come from?
Is applecorps paying you?
Nobody in their right mind would actually recommend this garbage. Fuck off pls.
literally the barneyfag of Sup Forums
you're really like him, you get triggered over the most trivial shit and when people shit on you, you always think they're shills
Don't forget playstation. Another ringing endorsement. lol.
Sure you have
don't respond seriously to someone who's always moving goalposts, it leads nowhere
Seriously. What the actually fuck would you recommend as a legit purpose of bsd for the common Sup Forumstard ???
It is, I repeat worthless trash . you obvious shill.
>I've actually tried bsd for myself you know.
I don't think so, Tim.
It's fun arguing with him though, after a few minutes of going back and forth he goes full retard and it's hilarious
>What the actually fuck would you recommend as a legit purpose of bsd for the common Sup Forumstard ???
Same thing you use Linux for
Who doesn't? Who are you replying to? Did you mean to create a whole new thread?
I can clearly remember installing the windows firefox download in wine so I could have working browser plugins. As was recommended when I googled wtf was up.
so you do agree that there are people who use BSD then, you goalpost moving retard?
do you seriously expect me to seriously answer your question when you'll just answer "but the cuck license xD" or some other stupid shit
or my favorite one, the one where you find really fucking irrelevant closed source software that doesn't run on BSD and use that as a reason for saying it's shit, despite you being a massive GNUtard apparently?
and how do i shill something that's literally free lmao
Who uses plugins? When was this? 2002?
Anybody who hasn't tried bsd SHOULD try it for themselves.
If you took everything a windows fanboy who has never even seen a linux desktop irl memes what is wrong with linux on this board, and put it in an actual OS, you'd have bsd.
Try it for yourself if you need to know what complete crap complete crap can be.
>people still subjecting themselves to the systemd virus, garbage tier package managers and the cucking that is GPLv3
if you're using gentoo then ports is one step toward enlightenment but you'll never be there without installing BSD, you'll forever remain a tech illiterate babbie ricing his Arch desktop for threads on Sup Forums
Linux memes really do apply better to BSD at this point. If you don't own a ThinkPad or MacBook it may be more trouble than it's worth. Only saving grace is it doesn't have a ticking timebomb license
gentoo is pretty alright, it's where i feel the most at home if i can't use BSD for whatever reason
alpine would be great too, in fact they even use what looks like a modified openbsd installer, the problem is it somehow has no software
>If you took everything a windows fanboy who has never even seen a linux desktop irl memes what is wrong with linux on this board, and put it in an actual OS, you'd have bsd.
Yeah okay kid
>Try it for yourself if you need to know what complete crap complete crap can be
Why are you telling me to try something I use daily?
bsd license does make sense sometimes.
When you're trying to develop something that interfaces with proprietary.
But as a everyday desktop? You must be joking. Or a lying shill. Or troll.
drivers mostly -- last time I went to install freebsd (did it on a shitty laptop I didn't really use much anymore), at no point was I able to get a screen res above 800x600 and enabling wifi had a 1/3 chance of rebooting the machine immediately (had to use wrapped drivers because lolbroadcom)
>But as a everyday desktop? You must be joking. Or a lying shill. Or troll.
this sums up how i feel about linux users
>ticking time bomb
Jesus H. fucking Christ get real.
except we're not talking about the license here, i'm talking of the operating system and how i feel about it as an end-user
it's good as a desktop OS, except for freebsd
Yes. I kind of bad sentence grammered that comment.
I meant the license can make sense in certain conditions, but the bsd desktop experience is horrible.
>I meant the license can make sense in certain conditions, but the bsd desktop experience is horrible.
so is the linux one depending on what you're actually doing with it
i have no problems with cwm, which comes with openbsd
BSD works great on a desktop though. You can't just assume things and pretend they're facts, user.
Anyway. I've had enough of you idiots.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your shill thread.
I know you're just doing your job.
again, picture in this post is you right now, child
No it's not great. It's not even close to acceptable.
Now I am leaving.
Be sure to get your last lie in.
im surprised you didn't stay to argue in this thread like the little autist you are for 6 hours again though
Yes it is great
>Be sure to get your last lie in
I haven't lied once itt though.
remember when an user was here and claimed openbsd had more drivers for his laptop than linux did and the shitposter was like "DELETE THIS"
good times
Here's the deal: If the BSD license wasn't so cucked then Apple, Sony and all the others would have been forced to contribute to the BSD projects that they use.
You would have a Unix with a top tier UI and a huge potential for games but no, you have 3 garbage OSs with only openBSD being remotely useful.
Fuck off. The rest of the cucks at r/bsd are inviting a bull tonight and I bet you faggots don't wanna miss it.
>remember when an user was here and claimed openbsd had more drivers for his laptop than linux did
kek of course I do, that was me
i thought you were leaving ;^)
You repeat worthless trash? Why would you even worthless trash the first time for? Are you some sort of sexual prevert? You get your rocks off by worthless trash, over and over again? You fucking degenerate dick freckle scumbag!