Linux split

Give Linuxfags their own board already. Is it not clear that they view this board as their personal Linux forum, so why not give them just that?

It's in the best interest of the entire board, so give me one good reason why this shouldn't happen.

Other urls found in this thread:

But it's funny to watch them be salty they have no games.

Says the one who thinks this board is all about Windows

Kids, lol

what an insightful projection you've given us. ha, have a (you), friend.

Did you expect a meaningful conversation if all this thread is "Linux users are stupid"?

Because then you should think again.

take it to /qa/ dumbass

i want my macfag and winshit hater, freedom lover Sup Forums back.normies and Sup Forums ruined this board.

without Linux this board would just be Sup Forums children arguing about MUH GRAFFICKS CARDZ

meta threads aren't not allowed, you dip. hiro literally said /board/ problems should be discussed on /board/.

if you want a board for just linux then make a board for just winshit and machfag too.and then the only thing you will see on Sup Forums is video cardzzzzz and "daily im a sysadmin cuck" threads

>meta threads aren't allowed.
ok kid. Look at /qa/ and all the fucking garbage it has.

This is a GNU/Linux board, Proprietary-cuck.

If you want to talk about your shit OS, we have a Windows board >>Sup Forums
and a Mac board >>/lgbt/

oh, look at this guy and his "good" reading comprehension, lol. stay in school, son.

>this is what lincucks actually believe

this is what this board been before you faggots came over here from /lgbt/

wtf i hate windows now

GNU is technology. Windows and Macs are normie shit, they don't belong here.

I don't play gayms bitch

>sour grapes

how could you? you're on linux.