From day one this phone has been laggy, buggy, unresponsive. Apps close by themself, keyboard works only if its in the mood and a lot of more problem, why ?
From day one this phone has been laggy, buggy, unresponsive. Apps close by themself...
May be defective unit. RMA it or factory reset your phone.
Also please post this on /wsr/ next time. This is like the 200th tech support thread on Sup Forums today.
Oh shiet my bad I forgot about /wsr
>doesn't buy flagships
>complains when it lags
Don't call it a grave nugga
shit has only 1gb ram, what did you expect
Fucking this
1gb ram is retarded don't care how low budget u are
Gteb at least 2GB git gud
this is literally a $40 phone now. so it's not going to be great.
i'm replacing this, with the intention of using the new phone only for android auto. Which is more important - ram or processor?
Install CM and solve your problems
You bought a meme phone with hardware worse than some 2013 phones had. This unironically shitty phone. The only remedy are custom ROMs
desu senpai i've been using my moto g first gen since 2013 and it's been fine
Same pham. My 1st gen is still doing just fine. The RAM is indeed not enough these days, and I can'te reallt have too much shit open at a time, but it doesn't really lag at all, and works just fine. It was a pretty good purchase.
Prolly a defective unit. I have a 3rd gen and it works fine.
>implying redmeme doesn't put flagships to shame
>laggy, buggy, unresponsive
The average Android phone then?
I'll tell you this OP after learning the hard way myself. Just bite the bullet and buy a non shit phone. $400 is a perfect price point where phones start becoming really good. Motorola moto X pure, the various Zenfones, Nexus line has a few offerings there, etc.
I've had numerous garbage and cancer phones that were dirt cheap. Each one had problems. Said fuck it and just bought the Motorola moto X pure, 32GB model, black textured back. Threw in a 128GB microSD card, and haven't looked back. Expensive now? Yes. Worth it compared to buying 3-4 sub $100 phones? Without a doubt.
I still have the 1st gen Moto Sup Forums and it works great. I even fixed the apps closing by just getting a custom rom with a custom kernel.
seems to me that Nexus is the best choice if you just want the phone to work properly all the time, I would imagine google maps and chrome works much better on those too
>$400 for a fucking cell phone
are you fucking shitting me user
Of course they do.
$300-$400 is mid range user. Most flagships start at $500.
Moto X Pure is only a flagship because Motorola is a meme company now that know they can't compete with the big boys. Nobody is ever going to spend $500+ on a motorola.
It saves time and money, and every year android is becoming less willing to play nice with shitty phones.
well maybe that's true. I use a crappy cell phone and the fucker lags and crashes on me every fucking time and I NEED it to locate myself, search and communicate. but 400 foking dollaridoos...
how long do you have it and do you have any issues with it?
This is poorer than poorfag level.
Yes, good phones cost money. Shocking. Work for like a week or 4 to get the extra money together.
>implying you worked for that phone
>implying you didn't ask mom to pay it for you
fucking neets I swear to god
Don't start talking shit man you'll get fucked up right here.
my memerola meme Sup Forums first gen still werks though, and still my daily use.
I have a moto e and its fine. Of course I only use it to text/call and clover, I have a desktop to do things on.
are you going to hack my facebook?
Same here. I run the Identity Crisis rom on my Moto Sup Forums 1st gen and it runs perfectly. I am waiting for it to break before I buy another phone and the new one will also be $200 max.
The Apple iPhone 6S Plus doesn't have this problem.
My first gen Moto G is still fast as fuck, just get a normal rom.
>this is literally a $40 phone now. so it's not going to be great.
ZTE ZMax 2 is $60. 16GB 2GB , micro SD, removable battery, band 12 support, 5.5" screen, and quick charge 2.0. Temp root so far so you can uninstall any bloatware. Motorola hasn't been relevant since 2014 especially the G line. The Moto X Pure has only recently been somewhat palatable because it came down in price on one of the worst chipsets ever (808/810).
Once you get a job you will realize that a $400 purchase which will last you 5 years or more is 1)Cheap 2)A good investment
I just bought a $700 watch the other day and my job is nothing fancy
I buy my phones outright cash money so I own it. I do the same with my vehicles too but I guess I'm some fkin NEET.
I have a moto g gen1 and have no problems at all but i'm considering getting a gen4. I mean the gen4 is still cheap as fuck isn't it?
OP, could you elaborate whats laggy, unresponsive about it and other problems?
How much money are you working with and what carrier if in USA?
my 1st gens wifi died the other day
RIP in pieces cm13 on 1st gen with 4G
gen 4 is fuckhuge though
and no fucking community support.
It doesn't.
No community support is a given considering the initial impression is that has problems as OP described.
There was a moment where my gen1 would turn off and on by itself. Suddenly that stopped and I have no complaints. That's why i wanted to know what OP is actually experiencing.
The gen1 is done getting official updates from Lenovo, but there's plenty of 6.0 custom roms that fix all the issues the gen1 had..
Motorola should pay Sup Forums the amount of peopl who bought that phone because of Sup Forums. Too bad all Sup Forums only shills chink shit these days.
> (OP)
>this is literally a $40 phone now. so it's not going to be great.
Zte zmax 2 is 60 bucks. 1650gb 250gb micro as removable batt band 12 for two and quick charge 2.0. Oh and you can root and uninstall any bloat. No to g has been garbage for going on tw
Nexus line hasn't been good since nexus 4. One plus has taken that broke nowadays along with better community.
I've had my 2nd Gen for almost 2 years now and I haven't had an issue. The battery is still great and everything works well on Marshmallow.
>he fell for the moto Sup Forums meme
>Zte zmax 2 is 60 bucks
Great phone.
Americans talk about buying S7's for $500 when over here they cost $1200
What are exchange rates?
Aussie Dollarydoos