What's happening here Sup Forums? Do I not control this software?
What's going on here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>He thinks he can escape the botnet
>using windows
You are being cucked like a typical wincuckold.
Neat hacker screen, do you wear a yellow cape at work?
>implying you have control when you use windows 10
Nuh uh nigger
>he uses proprietary software
>he complains that he doesn't control it
didn't windows stop honoring hosts in 8 because only malware used it?
>Implying I have a job
It's wincuck 7
Not complaining, asking questions
Just use uBlock Origin.
>What's happening here Sup Forums? Do I not control this software?
Windows domain lookups are hardcoded into the OS to prevent things like...exactly the thing you did...from infecting the update or consistency check systems with malware from a foreign host masquerading as microsoft.
You have essentially prevented the system from using DNS system to find microsoft.com but indeed Windows is smarter than that and knows the IP address of microsoft.com ahead of time.
sorry its not "hardcoded", that was a bad term.
Think of it this way:
your computer downloads windows updates (using DNS to find the update server)
it either:
stores the address of this "known trusted" update server in a system file, or the update itself writes that data to your system to be used in future updates.
That's.. just..
you have to reboot dumbfuck
oh is that why i successfully blocked windows updates and is that why im not on the same version as all the other windows 10 users?
wow you do know what you are talking about
lets see:
>1. if you dont reboot it doesnt take into effect
>2. if you do reboot it does take into effect
what do you even want? try rebooting then and youll see
what should i rather believe? some stupid article some faggot send me on Sup Forums, or hard FACTS that prove everything you say and the article you posted wrong?
And stop my youtube dubstep and vidya games? Nigger you went full retard.
you can actually restart them
No I'll your opinion over a KNOWN FACT that currysoft bypasses the hostfile, dumb low IQ Sup Forums cuck
>No I'll your opinion over a KNOWN FACT
You mixed those two up, sorry. your so called "known fact" is in reality just a bad Sup Forums meme, and you fell for it. what im saying is not a opinion, as ive stated before, its a fact. I can prove it, scientifically.
>currysoft bypasses the hostfile, dumb low IQ Sup Forums cuck
i have no idea what that sentence is supposed to mean sorry
>Using hosts
Always block shit on the router level.
> not a driver virus
I'm amazed what Windows virus writers can get away with.
Also, verify that it's not related to Steam. I've read that Steam does some DNS thing to combat cheaters.