Beaten by Nvidia in the high end

>beaten by Nvidia in the high end
>suffer from poor driver optimisations and overhead in the lower end

Is any AMD product worth buying?

Other urls found in this thread:

AMD belongs in the trash.



Pretty much this

>comparing 4 year old cards
For what purpose?

>driver overhead
AMD really is trash

>driver overhead
lel like someone is giving a shit for dx11 nowdays


Quit making new shitposting threads Nvidiots.

>Is any AMD product worth buying?


>bringing light to real issues a company is trying to hide
>hurr durr stop shitposting

Fuck off AMDrone.

they are getting paid by posts

Yeah it's all just some big conspiracy...

Or maybe people genuinely hate AMD for making shitty products.

if you dont know that both companies use inactive accounts on forums to spread shill and shitposting then you dont really have place to anywhere...

go to ocn on the review thread and see how many of those shitposted while was inactive for 3-4 years and literally having 3-4 posts anandtech banned almost 40 of those accounts ocn i dont know but more than 10 i guess

Or maybe a lot of people hate AMD for scamming and making low quality shit that kills your motherboard.

Bought my HD6870 in late 2013 on sale.

Meanwhile, my old GTX260 still gets driver updates...

Kill yourself

It's sad that this has been true since fermi and AMD just doesn't give a shit about it's customers.

In 2014 they only had one driver update...

Really a shame since they release some genuinely good hardware.

>amd scams
thats nice

what you say about rotr and total warhammer dropping support for maxwell 1.5 of their release?

or the fact that nvidia still cant do async on neither vulkan or dx12? despite their constant lying
or the 3.5gb
of the literall housefires gtx 480/590
or that they put a 2 years old card into legacy mode
or or or or or or or or or or or or
literally even 3dfx would be ashamed of what nvidia has been which is ironic since its nvidia

its sad that people thinks its a driver problem
literally being this dumb on a technical board..

Nvidia supports software async compute, that's not a lie or scam.

Gtx970 has no problems accessing and using all 4GB of vram and performs exactly as it should at that price point between the 980 amd 960.

>2 year old cards into legacy mode
Except they didn't, ffs even cards older than AMDs legacy shit like the 2012 HD6000 series are still getting updates.

ofc it is and vulkan is the proof of it since it supports too async on software level BUT the problem is vulkan use the cpu for it not the OS and that became laughably clear with the latest doom update lol

actually it has thats its have been proven a lot of times on beyond3d..

they didnt?
hmmm having support and having an active development is two different things you know
amd has support for 9700 pro that doesnt mean they are actively giving it perf boosts lol
i wonder how a gtx titan/black user feels to have his card no longer on active support after paying irresponsible amounts of money

Funny because fermi is still getting drivers for new games while AMD simply gave up on anything not GCN, which includes a chunk of HD7000 series cards which got rebranded, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the r5 230 too.

>literall housefires gtx 480/590
someone say house fire 590s?
Bitch dont know about my space heaters

moving goalposts again

no card below maxwell 2.0 is getting any perf boost anymore having support and being developed to it its different things

My gtx680 says otherwise.

Not the guy you're replying to, but getting "support" as in the card still working is way more important than some minor/non-existent performance boosts.

oh you are the shill from yesterday that said it was playing everything on ultra?
please give me an improvements chart on how your card gained perf over time

Nigga the fuck you on about?

No fucking way my 680 can handle everything on ultra, not anymore.
Still runs everything great on high though and gets monthly driver updates.

Ultra is for plebs who don't do anything better with their lives, I'll upgrade when my 680 can't handle medium.

FYI, it's the 4gb model. And any improvements you think GCN is getting is from them testing on newer, stronger, CPUs like i7 6700k, which aren't affected nearly as much by driver overhead as older processors like 2500k or 3770k.

>no card below maxwell 2.0 is getting any perf boost anymore having support and being developed to it its different things

the 780ti and 970 actually gained quite a bit of perf in the last few months, in feburary they were both outperformed by the 390x in gta5 and now they're both considerably ahead of the rebranded 390x.

really hard to believe it

Open Source BSD Support.

cherry picking benches wont help really

Like I said earlier, driver overhead is less severe with newer stronger CPUs used in benchmarking newer games.

Are you retarded?

that's a no-name reviewer and they used setups completely different from the original results.

honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were being paid to peddle bullshit like this, amd is desperate to sell more of those 290x rebrands now that the 480 has flopped massively.

>driver overhead
literally being this stupid not realising that is a uarch native problem since gcn 1.0....
being this into damage control

>reposting the same shitty irrelevant link twice

used a better setup since 2013 to bench on 2016
>no name reviewer
its literally the only site that actually does this since 2007.....
but you probably didnt even knew that lol


>used a better setup since 2013 to bench on 2016

which pretty much invalidates the results. almost every game they listed was released in 2014 or 2015 and the CPU they're using was released in 2014. my guess is that the original benchmarks were done on a really old CPU like nehalem era or sandy bridge era.

>its literally the only site that actually does this since 2007.....

you mean it's the only reviewer being paid to do this. it's pretty much rule 1 of reviewing to do like for like comparisons (not changing the test system, comparing reference gpu vs reference gpu, etc).

>i7 6700k suffers less from driver overhead than an i5 2500k
No shit.

using a better system for both cards invalidates results

that has to be the most stupid comment i saw on 2016 so far

being this stupid that doesnt realise that a massive paraller gpu will always have a "driver" overhead simply because its not desing to run on a serial api..

6 weeks of lurking Sup Forums and i'm still no closer to deciding on what card i want to put in my new build that i've been running integrated graphics on for the last 3 months

i just want, for the first time in my life, to own a card that can play any game i throw at it nicely and won't set me back an extra $800

are you retarded? they're comparing old results to new results, using an identical test setup for stuff like this is basic and is the 'standard' for reviewing.

this reviewer is also the definition of shady. they have a very clear agenda, just taking a look at some of the newer reviews they've published shows a clear attempt at selling specific versions of nvidia and amd gpus:

depicts the 970 exoc destroying amd across the board

yet one review below that one:

completely different results, 480 and 390 actually beat the 970 exoc in some of the results instead of straight up losing across the board

The point of a gpu benchmark is to test gpu performance.
Swapping out other components makes the comparison invalid since of course a fucking i7 5960x will destroy an i7 920 in every single benchmark.

It's not a gpu benchmark if the gpu isn't the only thing that changes.

Yeah? How about pre GCN cards that suffer from the same issue

If you have an overclocked i5 6600k or better, then get AMD, otherwise always get Nvidia.

holy shit a better setup actually helps the cards potential?
who would have knew !
being this into damage control

>holy shit a better setup actually helps the cards potential?

explain how the 'better setup' helps one brand's performance in one review yet harms it in another one by this shady as fuck reviewer then

thanks m80

will a 390 handle something like GTAV? is a 390x a better option?

390 is the better value option, but the rx480 overclocks better and beats it for the most part while usually costing less.

Also has half the power consumption and heat output, so aftermarket cards should run cool

thanks brah

Here's what you can accomplish if you use anything but the reference cooler, and cards from saphire or gigabyte will be even better because they'll have an 8 pin instead of a 6 pin.

you moron this shows that nvidia DOESNT actively boost their older cards like amd does
this is called planned obsolescence

except AMD performance didn't improve, they're comparing AMD performance on newer systems to NVIDIA's performance from their 2013 system.

the only thing it shows is that the reviewer isn't impartial and can be bought, he has plenty of other obvious nvidia and amd shill articles that have strange performance discrepancies depending on what's being shilled.

HD6870 sure has gotten much faster in the past 2 years compared to gtx570

Fresh OC.

here's a (You).

Hold on.
That 1070 list is weird. I have a FE card and it clocks to 1898. What's the dealio?

The Founders Edition will clock up to nearly 1900mhz on it's own but only if the card is below 65c.

If you want to game on that, you need a custom fan curve.

you must be some dense mofo lol

are you that blind that you cant see they benched on 2013 drivers and 2016 drivers?
are you THAT DENSE?
this is some next level of shitposting lol

Get a 1070. AMD cards are all too weak to handle anything like that.

you are illiterate or shilling, maybe both.

they compared a stock 780ti review from 2013 to overclocked 290x (390x) benchmarks from this year.

780ti user here

The gimping meme is real.

>defending and denying 3.5gb

My boyfriend's daughter enjoys the latest Nvidia(tm) card every year, it puts a smile on her face and she thanks me for being her most fun father yet.

Holy shit you're autistic

You don't update drivers, do you?

where the hell did you saw an overclocking 290x?

And yet somehow AMD is all the way at the very top in the very chart OP posted....

>480 now rivalling 1070 performance in doom

meanwhile 1070

It's always the same. Benchmarks show 480RX being ahead of 970 gtx by 5-10 frames until fanboys realize those benches were performed on a $400 CPU and their 5 years old i3/i5/8350 suddenly are 15 fps behind 970 cuz of overhead. AMD drivers are so bad that this issue shows even in dx12 where GPU/CPU utilization is better.

maximum damage control

thats why nvidia cards even without async are behind
guess having a paraller gpu that works perfectly with a paraller api suddenly has overhead

>AMD shills actually believe this

Hey fellow AMD shill. I'm sorry to inform you that DX12 won't fix terrible overhead issues AMD still has. Here is a benchmark showing Hitman in DX12 in a GPU intense scene - As you can see 480RX shows its claws and fully supports async computing in Hitman blowing 970 gtx away.

AMD finally released something that can compete with the gtx 970?

It's about time

>ze germans showing an 8350 and nano going from 36fps to just over 50fps at 4k

While the gains from DX12 have been impressive in doom vulkan is absolutely unleashing GCN. On anything other than the mightiest i7 the performance increase seems to be at least 40% for a lot of systems (rough guess based on user results posted on the likes of OCN and anandtech).

AMD's own published results for the 480 (showing a 27% increase at best) were because the 480 was paired with a 5960x.

The screenshot shows the 480 getting 153fps correct? What is the 1070 getting in this chart?

However the overhead STILL shows up the moment you have a weaker i5 or an i3 CPU which suddenly makes 480RX barely better than 2 years old card in "Best Implementation Of DX12 Async Compute Yet" game.

Glad I could help you out, hopefully you feel bad for selling this garbage to poorfags with $500 budget rigs.


That bench btw was made on Sapienza map which is very CPU intense. So yes - Your cpu will bottleneck an AMD card way sooner than a Nvidia card unless you have a $200+ CPU - Somehow I don't think that's the case for most AMD owners.

wait wait this must be some kind of a joke right?

you are this depserate that you brought a dual core cpu into discussion for an api that benefits greatly from quad core and above?

is that some kind of next level nvidia stupidity?
whats next? pentium 3? amd k7?

I guess 4460 is dual core too right shill? 4460 is above 2500/3570 which still are most popular CPUs out there. Your GPU overheads mid range CPUs, deal with it shill.

>mfw r7 270x + i3 4160
dx12 will be better, right?

you cant really be this stupid now can you

kys. Stop shilling and face facts - Your AMD card is a meme card and every poorfag who buys it expecting excellent performance in dx12 will be doped unless he has a $250 cpu.


kek trying to justify nvidia poor perf

Wut? The joy of DX12 is that it reduces CPU overhead.
You're confusing your dumb memes

That's why AMD is forcing devs to rush dx12. They're going to refuse to sponsor any game that's still dx11

its not only amd thankfully..
its ms
its sony
its ibm too
its quallcomm
its nintendo
its samsung
and most of the devs already

literally nvidia will just stick with indie dx11 devs

There are plenty of DX12 games out and coming that aren't backed by AMD.

And how are they "forcing to rush"? Like they'd have even close to the leverage Nvidia has over devs.

i dont see any dx12 game that isnt backed by amd at this moment..
literally they all are
amd even snatched evolved from novidia

>tomb raider

well it took 7 patches to become a dx12 title pretty sure no one really counts it
unless 15 games are benchmarks and 1 is not

Haven't you heard? If Nvidia doesn't win in a game its because either 1) its just a benchmark or 2) nobody plays the game.

As of right 10th july nobody plays tomb raider and as of the 11th july nobody polays doom.

this is getting so hilarious by the day...

Lets be fair here, Nvidia is winning in 50% of all vulkan games.

Battlefield hardline is dx11 or 12?


what is this new overhead meme
