Last update: 2016-01-28

>Last update: 2016-01-28
>Removed from Play Store: 2016-01-28

Is Clover dead?

Did Floens decide that not having the Play Store means that he has no reason to continue rolling out releases?

Will Clover be forked?

Other urls found in this thread:

Version 2.1.3 was released on 2016-01-31. Who cares tho? Latest app works great.

shit still works and the best chan app

Why do you need a update anyway?

>shit still works and the best chan app
only a nigger would say that. clover is why a bunch of newfags start out on Sup Forums.

Got any evidence to back up that claim?

not him, when clover returned to google play, its home board is Sup Forums

Ah that makes sense. Why Sup Forums though? We could've had the fags go to Sup Forums or Sup Forums instead of shitting up this board with more GPU wars

you're here, aren't you?

I still don't understand why there's people who use Clover when you have Dashchan

> clover not going to be supported in Nougat

>not browsing Sup Forums on a general browser

Sup Forums is NSFW and was why Clover got removed from the Play Store in the first place. It would've been the same story for Sup Forums.

Why fix what aint broke?

>still not on memeOS app store

are you serious?

Clover is prettier.

>not using dashchan


How do I set up dashchan? I've already downloaded the apk and installed.

My friend told me about Sup Forums. He said to download a app called Clover. That was about half a year ago.

You need Sup Forums specific apk too, install that and you are golden.
Busy now so cant be bothered to find it

I get banned all the time for posting semi lewds in Sup Forums. should never have went on playstore to begin with.

The apk is on github page, just scroll down

why would you not just use the browser it works just fine

> The apk is on github page, just scroll down
Worked, thx qt3.14
Liking it so far.

>tfw still 1.2.11

It just werks.

>banned for posting semi lewds on Sup Forums

Truly this website has fallen low.

I just need webm streaming and ability to load shit at once, instead just when you scroll to it.

I have a major issue with Clover.
I'm using the latest version, and for some reason I can't add boards like Sup Forums, or Sup Forums into my list.

Forgot to post image.

works for me


Have you tried to click 'done' after you write 'b, pol' etc?
The name doesn't appear in the dropdown, but you can add them
That's what I did

Good for you

That worked thanks a lot friend. I never taught about that lol.


Might be going closed source

Keeping you from containment boards is a feature

Dash is nice and all... Except that it has no notifications, side panel is kinda clusterfucky cash of "open tabs" and "favorites" being a separate thing, also webm rendering is fucked and blocky, and lags on loop.

It's abandonware now.

> Dash is nice and all... Except that it has no notifications, side panel is kinda clusterfucky cash of "open tabs" and "favorites" being a separate thing,
You can disable that in settings.
> also webm rendering is fucked and blocky, and lags on loop.
I never had this issues. Are you on a custom ROM?

Nougat isn't even out yet and who knows when it'll be. Don't lose hope.

Overchan is a best.
Isn't it on F-Droid anyway? Why would you download it from google?


Thread clearing

But it lacks in features
Overchan looks ugly.

Then change the theme or something. Clover looks like hiroshimoots april fools.

No I'm on stock. Every other chan browser works great, but can't stream though.
Maybe you just didn't notice? Try side by side loading a webm in dash and clover.

what? im on the N beta, it works just fucking fine

stop spreading FUD

Open preferences
Drawer headers orders

They both play fine on my device. No difference at all.

No clue then, dash just shits itself with webm rendering. Wouldn't be a problem to be honest, if only it had notifications.

I don't care about notification too much desu but I understand why some people use clover.

Well its kinda pointless without them innit? What am I supposed to constantly check my phone instead of just doing whatever more productive thing at the time, and having the app tell me that something is going on.

I lurk on other threads

>Sup Forums is NSFW

No it's not nigger. Mods get ban happy when someone defiles their Christian image board.

Yeah, if someone posts rule 34 of yotsuba, there is a near guaranteed chance of (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Yeah, it is dead. The 2.0 version is shit and it stopped getting updated anyway.

Dumbass, there is going to be an update soon and the old 1.0 version is buggy and outdated.

>there is going to be an update soon
They have been saying that since the last update, and it still hasn't happened.

It's dead, it's not on the play store anymore so no reason to update it.

Use something on the play store like Overchan.

>1.5 year old phone
>never go below 40%
>always charge USB only
>works as well as the day I got it

>gfs phone, 6 months
>constant 0 charges
>left plugged in a wall overnight
>can't hold a charge for shit, has to charge several times a day

I don't know user, it works for me and I don't care.

Webms don't work on dashchan

As they should, you faggot.

>posting lewd Azuma content

Yea they do.

I click play and it wants to start downloading with ADM Pro.

If it's not on the play store how can I download it? I don't to get it from the wrong place and get some shitty virus or something.

F-droid is where he officially uploads since play store ban.

Google won't allow this on the play store?

Again? Fuck you

Fdroid if you're really out of date.

yeah, since it links to porn

There is a bunch of chan apps on Play Store tho

They don't link to the NSFW boards, and if they do they haven't been caught yet

Floens is dumb

Yeah, it is still being updated on F-Droid. It was removed from the Play Store because it was categorized as "Adult".

>version 1 is buggy
So is v2. Try typing "?" as a filter, as soon as you enter a ? plus " it will crash. At least that's what happens to my app. I still have no idea why it happens.

N beta user. On DP4 on my Xperia z3. Clover works perfectly. Everything from Webm's to search to the board watcher.
Thanks floens.

As a user of Clover version 1.2.11, I heartily disagree that the latest version is any good at all. Catalog view is cucked.

Dashchan just updated to 2.8.0 :^)

>people reccomending dashchan
>Cant even view filenames

Great app

Thanks. Just updated my Dashchan. This is the best Sup Forums app. It's a little slower than Clover at loading some stuff, but it's worth it for the updates. I'm still getting used to not having the slide UI from Clover though.

But you can...

How? By clicking on the file?

I don't want to have to click every time I am curios of the filename. Allof the information should be available at a glance

Yeah. You have to click on the picture. I usually just tap and hold on the picture and it shows me a dialog box with the name of the attachment.

catalogs great what are you on about

I agree with you. There aren't any problems with the catalogs.

>download dashchan update
>webm is even more fucked
fuck this, I'll live without streaming.

How do i use the gallery mode?

Works fine you skinny bitches. You fucking skinny bitches. I'll eat you.

Only happens to you senpai

Just use Dashchan, it still gets updates.

Can someone post a link to the 2.1.3 debug version?

This please.

Here is a link from an older thread. You can do a search for it on the archive and find it if you don't trust me.

Clover Dev Apk:

Thanks! Works great senpai

How to download the previous version of dashchan?
The new one doesn't work on my old Android

I would have searched it myself but I was too lazy, thank you

Dev has to Fix this shit!!!

Got any more kurisu pics senpai?

Never mind senpai I didn't know there were new settings.


Now if it could have the pull out menu it'd be great.

>Check version of clover
>works near perfect, always good for shit posting
What happened anons, why does clover get such a bad rap? It seems to be fine for me.