The boyfriend of my wife's son wants a tech gift for his 7th birthday

The boyfriend of my wife's son wants a tech gift for his 7th birthday.

What should I buy him ?

iPad Pro

King James Bible audiobook.

Dragon Dildo, obviously. The whole family can share it

Arduino starter pack

raspberry pi

maybe a cockcage ages 7-12 version

How techy is he?
Knows how to send mail => iPad
Little bit above average => idk, hard drive or something
Knows how to program => Arduino, RPi or C.H.I.P.

An iPad for a 7 year old?

Get him an Amazon Fire. The cheapest one is only $50, and if OP is worth his salt, he'll be able to install whatever custom OS he wants.

You're getting a gift for a gay 7 year old?

Your wife's son has a 7 year old boyfriend. A visit from the party van is what he needs.

Should have replied to OP

Cuck starterpack

Good idea yo

and they say Sup Forums is the most autistic board

Holy shit, don't give him an iPad. Kids these days are enough spoiled. I'd go for a SNES or a Game Boy Advance instead.

Perhaps you can find an old computer that can run Linux at a flea market, that would be good.

>don't get him that multifunctional device
>get him a toy instead
At least the nigga can use the web and read with an iPad, mess around with making music and his own videos or whatever. All he can do with a SNES or GBA is to waste his time.

your wife's son has a boyfriend and he's only 7? what a player. get him some lube. gays always need more lube.

>Cavelliers 2:14
>"And doth the skies parted, as a second ring was found in the 7th day of battle"

A father

Lego Mindstorm? I wish I had them as a kid. Still never played with them, but they can do some pretty sweet stuff.

Hahaha man i'm out.

>not getting a gift for your wife's boyfriends' son's husband
what a cuck