So this is how the free Internet dies

So this is how the free Internet dies...

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Use freenet, problem solved.

This is how the free runet gets a little less free.
Buy a VPS for less than what you pay for the VPN and host your own. You can even write a script generating amusing fake logs if you want.

u gived me a sad

>this is the authoritarian future the alt-right love to jerk to

No. The alt right wants less government intervention in our personal lives, and this includes our access to the Internet

>using an US based VPN

Yeah, that's why they're jizzing their pants whenever Putin is mentioned. Fucking spoiled edgy brats.

>Sup Forums is one person

The law is not enforced yet.
However, servers couls be seized by FSB due to suspicious activity.

The alt-right is retarded, but they're not the freedom hating authoritarians you think they are.

I'm certain 8/pol/ would be jacking off to this if they get the chance to fuck a minority over.

Fuck this country.

it's been that way in Germany for years.

"We need to spy on everyone because muh terrorists"

No you need to stop letting them in in the first place.

Just checked, Russian server would be at the top of my list and they've suddenly disappeared.

RIP Russia.

>implying libtards dont want the same for different reasons
its literally always "well we gotta stop da pedos and da piratez!" with these guys

Honestly, anyone who used a shitty VPN like PIA had it coming anyway.
Doesn't mean it's a good thing, but you should know better than that.

Lolbertarianism isn't alt-right.

Why would you even choose to host servers in Russia for your VPN in the first place? To take a bite of our retarded censorship laws and feed the FSB your data which could be easily done through SORM (Russian PRISM) all companies forced to install on their networks? Might as well offer China or Saudi Arabia.

>Honestly, anyone who used a shitty VPN like PIA had it coming anyway.
Are you retarded? They risked their asses so you could have a private internet connection. Those cheeki breekis could get the PIA owners in a ton of legal trouble for this.

they should rename it to "pedonet"

>We aren't one person
>The liberal-SJW-racecucks we despise are though

>conveniently cutting out the next few parts and only leaving the SPOOKY SCARY HEADLINE

OP there are easier ways to get (You)s.

I can't wait till tor and freenet is illegal.

No, they didn't. It's a marketing ruse.

>i can't wait until the government takes away more of my freedom


>No, they didn't. It's a marketing ruse.
I dunno man, a lot of weird shit has been happening in Slav land. A lot of government red tape and hush-hush from journalists in Russia. I'm tempted to believe PIA.


Those two fat autists that went to stand in front of the FED with their nuggets?

The hard left are every bit as bad when it comes to removal of personal freedoms and censorship. The only sane political stance is a broadly centrist one, which probably explains why extremists are gaining so much traction lately. People are fucking retarded.


> Users may also not post from proxies, VPNs, or Tor exit nodes.


Australia put in mandatory metadata retention laws that log over 2 years of activity and no-one but me seemed to give a shit. Fuck this country.

but he's right, you edgelord twat

SJWs and alt-right are cancerous idiots who'd rather tear the world apart than sit down and work on the compromise

>strongest new encryption algorithms

Same for Sweden.

>tfw Russia enters the cyberpunk age before us
It's just not fair.

Nice try SJW shill

Based fucking PIA

What's wrong with those algorithms? What are the viable/better alternatives? Serious question.


Any good North Korean VPNs?

lmao! peasants on suicide watch

why is she attempting to break his neck?

>wants less government
>wants to build giant walls
>wants mass deportations
>wants inter-governmental trade wars
>wants total tax and immigration reform

>What is a hug?

I always thought PIA seemed pretty good compared to most VPN on the market, I've been with them for a while.
What alternatives would you recommend?

I'm not doing anything too sketchy, just torrenting movies and music and shit.

>outting yourself as a terrorist on the web

You should watch your mouth.

I did it. It was me. I did them all.

In the ass?


This. Who the hell would want that. Fucking retards.

>Free internet

Nice joke, the internet was never "free" or "libre" for that matter.

Actually it's always been the oposite specially since PRISM was implemented.

Will this be affecting rutracker then?

Seriously though, what alternatives would you guys recommend?

What do you use?

I'm stupid, so how is that enforced? How do servers distinguish a proxy from a non-proxy?

He's using his VPN to go fap to kids on mastermeme and she caught him

I'm no expert but I think the most common way is to just keep a constantly updating list of IP addresses that are associated with VPN services and Tor exit nodes and block those addresses.

Obviously it doesn't work very well if new IP's are being added all the time.

He didn't remember the basics of CQC.

Then why do I see just the opposite from Sup Forums

pirates and pedos for the alt-right
MUH FEELINGZ for the left

is that the face from the jokers in rummikub

Use 0net or similar networks. Problem solved.

Almost every out-proxy on tor is available from a public list somewhere. Just ban those and you're good to go unless someone manages to get ahold of a non-banned bridge.

hmm this is confusing

Sup Forums fag is all for putin and based russia

russia proceeds to ban Sup Forums


Most VPNs and proxies actually add a header that informs servers they're a proxy or VPN (sometimes they even give out the originating IP with XFF). It's not a very reliable method to identify them, though, so yes, an IP list is the most common approach.

You should be aware that there's more it than the nutjob section of both sides

because Sup Forums isn't one person faggot

>trusting "no log VPN provider"

may as well send a report of your daily activity to the FBI before you sleep

It's the overwhelming opinion

Imagine if I said Sup Forums is anti Linux or Sup Forums loves naruto

I think a good amount of Sup Forums would be for this if it meant it would hurt liberals/support a Nationalist government.

I also know a good amount of liberals would be for this if it meant it would hurt the alt-right/support a "tolerant open-border" government.

The only viable political ideology, IE: Globalism, is centerist.

>Create trade deals with other countries to strengthen geopolitical power, create future markets, and prevent wars with economic dependency
>Use government intervention when necessary for stability, cut unnecessary programs
>Set up a strong welfare system to keep the poor people from revolting
>Send in the military to bust up terrorists and prevent global oil panics

The current system has worked for a long time, and has worked better than most people want to admit. Now that Sanders cucks and Trump retards want to throw away everything that made my country the world's sole superpower. There will always be problems in any country, and these spoiled brats need to realize we have less issues than most other countries. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is the first step into seeing America become an irrelevant shithole like Russia.

>Muh privacy
The internet is a public place, nothing you do on it should be private. The solution is to be smart about how you use your identity, or stop breaking the fucking law.

""""free"""" Internet

You win the most retarded post on Sup Forums award!

I dont want to wait 3 months to download a 1mb file

Sending blocks of encrypted data, is in no way traceable or illegal. If it is, then SSL and https will become illegal

A French politician wants to forbid bitcoin because a French far-right tabloid told them one can buy drugs on the darknet.

Can't wait until they forbid bitcoin so I can't buy drugs through TOR, I'm gonna grab popcorn and watch. (I don't consume drugs anyway)

Sup Forums never says anything. Either they are all terrorist(stallmanist) and are hiding services from people. Or they are liberals and dont think they have any thing ot hide

>implying that internet has ever been free

>implying that internet hasn't been hands in of private (telecommunication) and government interests since its genesis.

Fucking. Retarded.

China's literally going to rule the next 500 years and you think things are fucking working?

This was in the making since America declared "independence" in the name of faggy values.

You don't understand, the incompetence has literally permeated every level of government. This is a sick fucking beast that needs to die and decay for something that is actually viable, whatever that may be.

Your ideal hyperpower is being destroyed by the incompetency of its elites. Therefore new elites will arise pretty soon.

Less than 100 years isn't a long time, Marxist retard.

This. You control the logs.

>ITT discussing politics on a technology board

Based retards.

The ISP where the VPS/dedicated server is hosted on can still sniff your traffic

Even by generating fake logs by running a script on the VPS, it'd be pretty trivial to tell which requests were generated by a legitimate VPN client and which ones weren't

Or you know, the physical server owner.

Yep, I used the term to include hosting service providers, although one doesn't necessarily imply the other.


so rather than block russia, they now log?
that doesn't sound like a way to keep customers

No, they dropped their Russia server. Here's the full e-mail

The only reason to use a VPN to is bypass bans or make your self seem foreign and edgy.

oh i scrolled too fast and missed that
i use torguard anyway, but that's neat for them

With the exception of bridge relays (which only operate as the first hop into the network) all relays and exit nodes are publicly available.

IPs all have an owner. If you wish to block VPNs, you simply block IP clusters belonging to server operators.

>whatever that may be.

Yes, let's destroy the goverments and not even know what to replace them with, sure that will work out great :^)

It's Russia. Russia is one of the shittiest countries with the most self-entitled government out there. Why do you care if they're taking away a few of the fucktons of servers pia has? Let them be assholes. They get off on it.


Retards forget all your data is hoarded by a corrupt agency if you use anything from United States.

There aren't any, user was just trolling and/or shilling. Nothing is both new enough to be strong and old enough to be tested enough to offer significant advantages over those algorithms.

A government for the people is destroyed by the incompetence of those people.

Governments destroy themselves by being fucking retarded. This "state of things" is fucking retarded and will implode.

Implosion happens regardless of intentionality. So how do you deal with the decline?