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the fuck you on about cunt? elaborate!
Can't you see they're pushing that "BLM" movement?
This is fucking software, you don't add politics into it.
I don't see anything about BLM .
Are you autistic? There is nothing about BLM.
Come on, if you saw the video you'd hear the way she takes a jab at it.
Fuck off Sup Forums . Stop being racist.
what is BLM ?
Black Lives Matter
Domestic terrorist group in the USA.
>>Sup Forums
but she is white
>if you saw the video
Add a goddamn link then
Not OP but I found it
if anything she's making fun of blm idiot lmao
This is actually a VERY good change. CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE shouldn't be used that much, and it constantly triggers when your device is frequently reconnecting.
Delaying NEW_PICTURE and NEW_VIDEO is also a good choice. Your app doesn't need to know when you took a picture in the instant you took it, it can wait a little while.
I don't know what weird things you are doing with your code that this triggers you.
Fuck. It will be YEARS until most android users get Nougat.
And? This thing will be in the support library for sure.
fuck you berniecuck
>implying I won't get it a few days after it releases
>being a carrier cuckold
Look at him and laugh.
Is this what autism looks like?
>Living in the US
Most android phones don't update because there's no update for them, not that there's "carrier cuckolds"
Probably the tranny in the picture that is taking potshots at Republicans throughout the video.
>das raycis
Bureau of Land Management.
> she
Jesus are they kidding me with that notification UI? It looks like garbage. The material design meme is going way too far.
Hopefully somebody like Cyanogenmod or anybody else can fix it. And here I was about to root my LG G4 after sick of LGs shit UI
fuck, that chick is hot.
>not owning a nexus
everything else is shit.
Google are SJW cucks now, time to abandon the Google ship
that's not news
No way that's a tranny. The voice always gives it away instantly. Just a kind of fat and homely girl. I'd fuck her though.
Presumably all Western companies are going to be cucked until the Race War, so what does that leave us until then? Yandex and Baidu?
Where is it indexed? What number?
Glad I'm still with Microsoft, faggots.
Who is this fluid druid?
So when did "she" CONNECTIVITY her TITTY?
Take a hike, moosefucker.
>P-performance matters
Lmao java
>P-preferences matters!
Lmao jewgle
ART is fast
Why are you so triggered? Google doesn't give a shit about niggers or fags, they only care about money, if "supporting" a certain dumb ass movement that's large enough attracts more people to their company, then they will support it, no matter if it's niggers, femanazi, trannies, faggots or what have you.
I think it looks beautiful.
Who is this semen demon
Reminder that jewgle is the least SJW tech company of them all.
They are just pretending.
Are all those asians from India?
>performance matters
>Sup Forums autists think it's a reference to BLM
>applel is literally blacked
> it constantly triggers when your device
I don't see it. Does "Android N" stand for "Android Nigger" or something?
Black Mages
i actually think she meant it as a joke and trying to appeal to the millennials.
she didn't mean it in a bad way that pushes bml nonsense.
She's kind of cringy but a real cutie. Just my type
>just ignore it and it'll go away
Millennials everybody
>Project Svelte
They picked the wrong person to present this
If perfmattered you wouldn't use a shit language like java
ART is fast enough.
Those numbers are from before Google dropped the difficult interview process and went on a diversity hiring spree.
Blue Letter Media, he reviews mobile OS's on youtube
>asians, asians everywhere
Yeah, japs for example are ugly and beta, but they get shit done.
OH, i get it!
>she says "because perf-matters"
>doing a hashtag with her hands
I had to stare at this like a fucking dumbass for like a good 5 min, but I get it. Fuck you OP for making me have to decipher that, not everyone watches appOS shit
Surely that wouldnt be Android doing it, just this person
Unless Android Developers is an official google channel
Why do i care about n? I have a note 5 if i ever see android n on it ill eat my hat
>see something pushing politics where it doesnt belong
>make thread about it and draw even more attention to it
>trigger your job
>trigger jobs
SJWs pls
anything that is not a nexus is for cuckolds
>Getting charged extra for storage because no SD
>Being dropped like an ugly baby after 2 years
Damn, I didn't know Android Runtime complied ahead-of-time. A good code ran in ART should have similiar performance to C code then, shoudn't it? Why are there so many devices that contribute to "Lagdroid" reputation though? Is it because of bloat added by manufacturers combined with poorly written apps?
All true
You shitfat virgins are so delusional you can't even identify a woman anymore.
>multi racial is a thing now
fuck fuck fuck