What adblocker should I use on Chromium now?

What adblocker should I use on Chromium now?

uBlock Origin

This, plus a .hosts adblocking list

I hate that bitch but for some reason I want to go balls deep in her pussy

Do you recommend any specific filters with it?




Adblock Plus. It actually blocks ads instead of just hiding them like uBlock Origin promoted by gorshills.

>Do you recommend any specific filters with it?
The more the better.

Unlike ABP etc., uBlock Origin handles large amounts of filters/filterlists exceptionally well.
So just add more until you feel the web becomes too broken.

Shit, no kidding?

There's a damn watermark on the picture, why don't you look it up?


Except the ads that have bribed ABP


so last year

Who is this Qt3.14?



Propaganda troll

If you're a pleb, uBlock Origin.

If you're master race, uMatrix.

>it's a clickbait thread

everything by Disconnect in addition to the defaults. Fanboy's social list as well if you don't use facebook or other social media

A lot of people claim Anju is secretly male, but there's no proof for it at all.