Install Linux 16.04 because Sup Forums says Windows 10 is botnet

>install Linux 16.04 because Sup Forums says Windows 10 is botnet
>install steam, half of my games not compatible
>try to play some CS:GO
>terrible performance
>think maybe updating drivers will help
>newest ones not in the software repo, have to install them using the terminal
>after fucking around for an hour and a half I finally manage to get them installed
>reboot, no video output

this OS is so fucking garbage, why do you idiots subject yourselves to this when Windows just works?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Linux 16.04

>not using dual boot or vm to test it first

>Linux 16.04
>install steam, half of my games not compatible

Not even gonna comment on Linux 16.04, but no one said Linux is good for games, though stream made an effort to make it "games friendly". Stick with windows if you want games.
I don't play games so I will stick with my "Linux 14.04"

Unrealistic Expectations, the thread.

That's because you didn't install the following packages

if you need os for baby games get baby os

Post Ais.

>linux on desktop


will you cuck virgins stop with retraded asian girls


God I'm lonely as fuck

Wait, you don't enjoy making things unnecessary complicated?

tfw no qt Japanese gf

you're not the only one

Nice interlacing.

>>install Linux 16.04
What the fuck is Linux 16.04? The kernel is only at 4.7 or some shit. You some sort of time traveler?

You retarded?

I'm not going to lie, I just came here to watch these webms.

are you stupid?

Post more goddamnit.

last one stupid

>switching to linux (not even bothering with linux 16.04)
>"muh vidyaa"
get the fuck out to >>Sup Forums

>calling ubuntu as linux

Great webms, but blue board?

Who likes this boring shit?

Straight men.



they're all sfw

c-c-c-can i get a sauce on these webms?

>they dont show the nipples so they're safe for work
how is that retail job going? i say this because it is obvious you have never worked in a real professional setting.

Try /s/. She's got like a million generals going on there

I posted this thread from work so...

We share porn links at my multi million dollar startup

Yeah you're right, retail isn't professional. But neither is posting on le reddit full time. Get the fuck out of this board, cancer.

Race mixing is morally wrong user.

yes, i understand you are at work. but how is that retail job going? are you satisfied?

>But neither is posting on le reddit full time.
lul wat? are we implying again?

>getting mad because he isn't allowed to look at cute sfw videos at work

haha your a NEET XD

>I'm redditor and you should know it

>i'll say they are from reddit, that will show em!

reddit isnt that bad, desu senpai

よくやったね あんた

Even if you limited yourself to niche subreddits, it's still not that good either.

>posting unrelated women to get replies for your shitposting thread


ただの泣き虫のクズです ミオって

Only redditors post 3dpd anyways



ちなみに最低ですよね ledditってのは~


I hope this is bait

別にいいですよ 「にも」を使わなくても

>he managed to cripple the dumbest Linux distro
underage idiot


>have to install them using the terminal
The terminal is reserved for non-retarded people. This is where you fucked up.




Also, looks like you installed Ubuntu not "Linux 16.04". Steam games usually perform better on Windows anyway.

国語試験じゃないぞ これは

I can tell op is a faggot for reasons different to its sexuality but thanks for the cute asian grills.

[spoiler] end my life [/spoiler]


>Ubuntu 16.04
>Linux 16.04

>why do you idiots subject yourselves to this when Windows just works?
They think it makes them real "l33t hazxors" that are able to do the shit they see on tv. Really most people and busnesses these days use windows and active directory unless they have a specialized reason to use unix. Desktop users using linux is just a meme.

Do you know what really grinds my gears?
This fake naiveté of all these asian 'porn stars'.

They are always acting in such a forced naive way, it hurts to watch.
They even always pretend to be little stupid girls. They only want dick and cash for fucks sake. How stupid do they think I am?

Basic functionality has always been unrealistic expectation in Linux 16.04 and other linuxes

Ai Shinozaki


Just buy a new RX 480 and be a good consumer.

>tfw Win/AMD got their way again
>'lmao linux so shit it doesnt even works with my graphics cards'

I know this is just a joke, but for anybody who is thinking about switching to linux but is afraid to lose games, just replace games with anime. Get a torrent client and vlc, and boom, anime entertainment as much as you want. It is the true way of the wizard.


She made porn?

That's even more useless

Have you considered growing up?

she's too pure for that


>it can't play babbys first gambling machine so it's bad
grow up


we don't want your kind here

>Chinese Cartoons

Stop being so silly. If Chinese Cartoons are useless then I might as well be useless. I'm not useless, r-right Sup Forums?

Yes, you are.


Nah m8 I actually prefer futaba than 2ch

Oh, I think I have watched that one. At the end is gang rapped by the production staff, right?



>buy MS mouse
>MS firmware/software on the device is running on your desk
>no sw from them on your computer
>computer still on your desk


じゃあ さっきからのしたのは何?
ふたばに行ってみろよ 勉強になりますよ きっと

I could pass without the blood, though.

That grenade has a two step safety mechanism, the pin and the thing that looks like a handle but really isn't.

>mfw MS mouse includes it's own wifi adapter and is sending all your private data even if you're not using windows.

Oh I do hope this is some god damn low calorie bait.


You are fuckin retard?

>streaming anime