Moot posts the stallman sticky as a joke at the expense of freetards

>moot posts the stallman sticky as a joke at the expense of freetards

>people on Sup Forums ironically joke about how great Linux is and post copypasta

>redditors see this and think Sup Forums is a pro gnu slash linux board

"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."

Except we are pro GNU/linux.
The only thing that was ironic was the stallman worship.
Go back to where you came from.

Oh you.

Finally someone not braindead
Retards actually got tricked into installing that shit and Stockholm'd into thinking they like it

There is no "we"


>There is no "we"

Sorry I meant "us with more than two braincells"

Especially since the NSA shit, where basically stallman was revealed to be right all along. Losing control over your software is bad news, like losing control over who watches you when you sleep

>"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."

Sadly this is Sup Forums in a nutshell for some time now.

>There is no "we"
The "we" of Sup Forums is the group of weird tech support losers, code monkeys, and NEETs clutching their ancient Thinkpads, wearing cargo pants and terrorist watches, and constantly picking at red spots on their faces. The "we" of any board is the worst of it. See .

Remember when pretended to like MLP ironically, and then bronies became a thing?

Nobody here agrees with Stallman, we all use proprietary software here

That was Sup Forums you retard. It all started as a joke on Sup Forums.

Stallman is right

Not sure if I should feel bad/good about not knowing the whole story.

we are pro GNU/linux

That feel when you realize this is you... literally everything you said

>why yes, I do use free (as in freedom lol) software

>Anonymous#Mod is moot
>/fglt/ is mere shitposting
>Redditards are not the GC gaymen kiddies
2/10 made me reply.

i agree with stallman. fuck off

>>moot posts the stallman sticky as a joke at the expense of freetards
Moot was never in charge of the sticky, newfag. Board-specific moderators do that.

>>people on Sup Forums ironically joke about how great Linux is and post copypasta
>>redditors see this and think Sup Forums is a pro gnu slash linux board
Either you're a retarded winfag or this is bait. I'm going with bait.

Stallman did nothing wrong


Sup Forums is not your gaymen tech support board, underage faggot. Fuck off

haha , you are a victim of a joke and you now prescribe your life to it.

Man, it i must suck to be so far down a hole you realize you can never escape it so you just try to act like the hole is where you always planned on ending up. Nice.

>OP posts a greentext story

>alongside with a gay avatar from some shitty disney movie

>OP sprinkles in some controversy and then introduces reddit into the equation

"guaranteed replies"


>Sup Forums is technology board
>autists think anything but
>posts don't belong here
>get butt blasted when
>Steve Jobs
>Bill Gates
>Linus Torvalds
>don't make the sticky

One word.
>anything i don't like is reddit xD
posters need to die in a fire.
Uncle /bin/'s instant sageroni

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