Yes, dammit. I saw a post like this too. But this has happened to me too.
>be me
>be 9
>at toilet
>call mama
>older sister comes
>literal naked
>i like the look
>search for naked
>learn about porn
>literally search for cp
i hope i'm not in the list anymore. really, how much those lists track you down for?
I literally made myself enter NSA list at the age of 9
don't you know how this works?
17 year old + 19 year old = pedo
17 year old + 5 year old = no problemo
I don't think that this is how it works. At least not in Poland. It doesn't say that you can't fuck anyone under 15 if you are above 15, it just says that you can't fuck anyone below 15 peroid.
If you are under the age of consent than a 14yo can have sexy time with a 5yo
Romania here, same thing. Except we also allow oral sex with 13-year-olds for some reason.
I can't find anything stating that having CP is illegal here. Could it be that it isn't? Interesting.
In Romania? It's definitely illegal.
you're not on any lists you paranoid fuck.
also if you're applying for any jobs that require you to disclose something like that they usually only want stuff after you turned 18.
This. Underage are raping each other technically.
Portugal here
Actually 16+18 = A-OK
16 is literally the age of consent here but hum... people (an by that I mean parents) are not the most consenting types ...
burn in hell you sick fuck
Apparently in Poland lolicon and shotacon is illegal to produce, share, present, and store.
CP the same + you can't "import" and "have" it.
So I guess just browsing loli/shota with cache disabled is fine? Weird law.
You're still importing it and temporarily storing it just by browsing, even with cache disabled.
Russia is banning 3D schoolgirl porn saying it is CP. Injustice.
Everyone posting on this thread is now on a list.
add "gaining access" to the cp list.
Importing is not illegal when it comes to loli/shota.
I don't thing that loading a page is "storing" in law terms.
That's not true, though.
>Whoever publicly propages or approves acts of pedophilic character,
>is a subject of a fine, pentality of restriction of liberty, or imprisonment up to 2 years.
Guys this is fucked up
So I can do it privately?
How does someone know the person searching is 9 years old when all they have is an ip address to go on? OP didn't land on a list. The person's name attached to that ip address did.
It is still loaded, and therefore stored somewhere in the computer.